Entries by Andy Resnick

How to Evaluate a Camera Lens for Performance

I’ve done plenty of imaging performance testing on a variety of systems, from millimeter wave to UV. Until very recently, such testing required expensive and specialized equipment. Now, with digital imaging (at least in the visible), you can perform the same type of characterization on your camera for free. All you need is an LCD….

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Tripods

  A tripod holds a camera still while the shutter is open, preventing motion blur.  The tripod must be able to maintain this stability in the presence of uneven ground, wind, ground vibrations, etc. Generally, tripods are most easily characterized in terms of their size (weight and height) and the maximum load they can support. …

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: DSLR

  I’m ready for a DSLR! A: These cameras were originally designed for professionals.  Users of these cameras are expected to already understand basic digital photography techniques, and the in-camera electronic imaging processing should be viewed as enhancing good technique, not compensating for poor technique. One key distinction between a DSLR and a bridge camera…

Learn Advanced Astrophotography Tips

  “I’ve tried astrophotography and want to know how to improve.” Here’s where I assume you are contemplating the purchase of a tracking mount- a motorized tripod. Far from being an afterthought, “A mount must relate to the telescope tube like a clockwork to the hand on the clock.” Purchasing a tracking mount represents a…

Learn Intermediate Astrophotography Tips

  Level 2: I know how to use a camera, what do I need to know for astrophotography? Image processing methods used to reduce background and noise become much more important. Also, it helps if you understand some basic optics: f-number, Seidel and chromatic aberrations, angular field of view, airy disc; and have some familiarity…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Bridge Cameras

This article is geared towards: I’ve never owned a camera, but I want to get a ‘real’ camera (that doesn’t cost too much). I’ve owned an entry-level camera already and I want to take the next step. A: Usually called ‘bridge cameras’, ‘prosumer cameras’, or ‘micro cameras’, these cameras will allow you to have manual…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Introduction

  First, congratulations! Camera technology has advanced to the point where a complete novice, using an entry-level camera right out of the box, can take photos that (under certain circumstances) appear identical to professional photos. Regardless if you only use your camera in the ‘automatic’ setting or if you explore the art of photography, the…