Science and Math Guides

Here contains guides for all the sciences and maths. Guides are broad self help for non technical topics usually dealing with academia or career advice.

digital audio guide

Digital Filtering and Exact Reconstruction of Digital Audio

Introduction This elaborates some of the claims in my insights article on digital audio. The Sinc Function The first link in my insights article has…
digital audio intro

Introduction to Modern Digital Audio Concepts

IntroductionFirst, we need some background in Digital Signals. This can be mathematically quite advanced, but since I would like this…

Why ChatGPT AI Is Not Reliable

I'll start with the simple fact: ChatGPT is not a reliable answerer to questions.To try to explain why from scratch would be a heavy lift, but fortunately,…

What Are Infinitesimals – Simple Version

Introduction When I learned calculus, the intuitive idea of infinitesimal was used. These are real numbers so small that, for all practical purposes (say…
teaching physics

A Lesson In Teaching Physics: You Can’t Give It Away

A central principle of Physics Forums regarding homework help is not to provide solutions on demand but to guide students along a path to the answer.  The…

Programming an ATmega8A using Arduino

If you are interested in programming and electronics, you probably do not need an introduction to Arduino. If you want to make your Arduino projects permanent,…
quantum computers 101

Quantum Computing for Beginners

This article provides an accessible introduction to quantum computing, a cutting-edge technology that processes certain types of information much faster…
LCEVC 8k tv

The LCEVC Coding Standard and 8K Television

Introduction First, for background, here is an overview of the most common video compression standard in use today, H264:…
Physics Olympiad Corrections

Corrections to the Australian Physics Olympiad Questions and Solutions

ref: Classification of issues: [1*] Quibble regarding the solution. [2*] Clearer problem…
android ringtone

Create an Android Ringtone Picker with Ringtonemanager Class

In this article, I will show you how to create a ringtone picker using the RingtoneManager class in Android. You will be able to get the list of tones,…
artificial intelligence

AI and Learning: How It Impact Our Future

We asked our PF Advisors “How do you see the rise in AI affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry, and or in everyday society?”. We got so many…
artificial intelligence

How AI Will Revolutionize STEM and Society

We asked our PF Advisors "How do you see the rise in AI affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry, and or in everyday society?". We got so many great…
android rooting

An Intro to the Systemless Interface of Rooting Android Phones

What you can learn from this article:What is meant by rooting an Android phone Steps to take before proceeding to root your phone Google’s…
bloatware android phones

Clearing Misconceptions and Some Tips on Debloating Android Phones

What is bloatware? When you unbox your new phone, it comes with Android which is pre-installed by the manufacturer. This is termed “stock firmware”.…
what if physics questions

How to Avoid Breaking Physics With Your “What If” Question

We get a lot of "what if" questions here on Physics Forums. This article will explore three different types and then some suggestions for students who…
Camera Lens Physics

How to Evaluate a Camera Lens for Performance

I've done plenty of imaging performance testing on a variety of systems, from millimeter wave to UV. Until very recently, such testing required expensive…
20 year tech predictions

What Discovery Will Be the Revolutionary Within 20 Years?

We asked our Physics Forums Science advisors "What technology or scientific discovery will be the most revolutionary within the next 20 years?" Here are…
science major advice

Aiming High and Managing Distractions as Keys to Success for Science Majors

Over the years, I've noticed some distinct trends among the physics and chemistry majors I've mentored and worked with.Those with GPAs in the 3.8-4.0…
Simple Harmonic Oscillator Laboratory

An Accurate Simple Harmonic Oscillator Laboratory

Learning Objectives * Execute a specific experimental procedure to test a specific hypothesis. * Use the Tracker video analysis software for a simple…
Telescope Buying Guide

Guide to Buying Your First Telescope

We often have questions about what telescope an aspiring amateur astronomer should buy. The "correct" answer can be elusive and is highly dependent on…
physics blogs

What Are Your Favorite Science or Math Blogs?

We asked our PF Advisors to tell us what their favorite science or math blog is (other than PF Insights).We also have a physics blog list here.Here…

What Academic Advice Would You Tell Your 18 Year Old Self?

We asked our PF Advisors to tell us what academic advice would you tell your 18 year old self. Here are their responses…Thanks to all the PF…

What’s Your Most Memorable Textbook?

We asked our PF Advisors to tell us their most memorable or influential textbook and why. Here are their responses...Thanks to all the PF Advisors…

Learn 3 Tips For Cooling Off Hot Debates and Win The Argument

 Civil discussion and debate are critical to Physics Forums. But it is also important in everyday life. When arguments get overheated, people…

The Birth of a Physics Textbook: An Author’s Journey

 It is said that you should accomplish three things in life:Plant a tree. Have a child. Write a book.Out of the three, I have…

10 Math Tips to Save Time and Avoid Mistakes

Exam situations are always situations of stress. It comes with our endeavor to be as good as possible together with our fear of failure. Some students…

Getting Started with Solar System Imaging

Some of the most visible objects in the sky are objects within our solar system: including the Sun, moon, and planets. These objects are generally much…

An Introduction to Computer Programming Languages

In this Insights Guide, the focus is entirely on types of languages, how they relate to what computers do, and how they are used by people. It is a general…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Tripods

 A tripod holds a camera still while the shutter is open, preventing motion blur.  The tripod must be able to maintain this stability in…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: DSLR

  I'm ready for a DSLR! A: These cameras were originally designed for professionals.  Users of these cameras are expected to already understand…

Learn Advanced Astrophotography Tips

 "I’ve tried astrophotography and want to know how to improve."Here’s where I assume you are contemplating the purchase of a tracking…

Learn Intermediate Astrophotography Tips

  Level 2: I know how to use a camera, what do I need to know for astrophotography? Image processing methods used to reduce background and noise…

Introduction to Astrophotography for Beginners

 For this Insight series (3 total), I assume that either you are using a camera (with an attached lens) or you already know how to attach…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Bridge Cameras

This article is geared towards:I've never owned a camera, but I want to get a 'real' camera (that doesn't cost too much). I've owned an entry-level…

Ultimate Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Compacts, DSLR and Tripods

Introduction First, congratulations! Camera technology has advanced to the point where a complete novice, using an entry-level camera right out of the…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Introduction

 First, congratulations! Camera technology has advanced to the point where a complete novice, using an entry-level camera right out of the…

So I Am Your Intro Physics Instructor

I posted this elsewhere (on my blog), and someone mentioned that maybe it might also be useful here on PF. So I'm reproducing the entire entry here in…

Reflections on Technology Product Quality

On Hardware Quality It is impossible to test quality into a product. Quality must be designed into the product.The hardware designer is always responsible…

How to Self Study Abstract Algebra

There are three big parts of mathematics: geometry, analysis, and algebra. In this insight, I will try to give a roadmap towards learning basic abstract…

5 Problems with Students Self Studying Mathematics

For several years already I have been trying to help students who have been self-studying math. I did this completely free with no compensation for me.…

Resources for High School Physics at Home

A year-long high school Physics course is important preparation for all college majors in science, engineering, and medicine because students in these…

How to Self Study Intermediate Analysis Math

If you wish to follow this guide, then you should know how to do analysis on ##\mathbb{R}## and ##\mathbb{R}^n##. See my previous insight if you wish to…

How to Self Study Linear Algebra for Students

In this insight, I will give a roadmap to learn the basics of linear algebra for students. Aside from calculus, linear algebra is one of the most applicable…

Resources for High School Math at Home

The popularity of homeschooling and failures of the public schools often present the need for parents to teach or supplement college preparatory math courses…

Am I Cut Out for Mathematics or Sciences?

We often get threads from new members asking whether they are cut out for mathematics/physics/engineering/whatever. For some reason, they have become discouraged…

In High School and Want to Do Advanced Mathematics?

This insight is written for high school students who don't feel very challenged by their high school courses. Or maybe those high school students who want…

Learn the Secrets of Successful Science Projects

Abstract Over the past few years, the author and his wife have served as teachers, qualified scientists, mentors, and/or parents on dozens of science…

How to Self Study Geometry for Students

Geometry is one of the oldest parts of mathematics. It has been studied and advanced by the greatest minds humankind has to offer. It has been described…

How to Self Study Analysis: Intro to Analysis

This is a sequel to my posts on self-studying mathematics. I have already given a very detailed road map on how to study high school mathematics and calculus.…

A Guide to Going Back to School For Math or Science

Motivations for creating the series I came to Physics Forums originally to read ZapperZ’s thread about becoming a physicist back in 2013. It was one…

A Guide to Self Study Calculus

  We often get questions here from people self-studying mathematics. One of those questions is what mathematics should I study and in what order.…

Dealing with Doubt as a Science Student

Doubt, as odd as this may sound, can be essential to our living.  We all make decisions and later have questions on whether we made the right choice or…

The Best Methods to Deal with Procrastination

It's 6:30 in the morning. You've just woken up and you feel so sleepy you think to yourself "A few more minutes can't hurt." And so you drift on to sleep…
physics course

Your Curriculum Vitae As a Physics Graduate

  I am going to backtrack a little bit and talk about writing your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and what you should focus on in search of…
physics doctoral

How to Get a Postdoctoral Physics Position

  If you intend to pursue an academic/research career, chances are, you will need postdoctoral experience. This is typically a 2…
physics jobs

How to Get a Physics Job

  In the previous chapter, we have reached the point where you have finished with your thesis defense, and also thesis submission…
thesis defense

Your Physics Thesis Defense Guide

  At this point, you have completed writing your thesis, your adviser has approved it, and you have distributed it to all the members…
doctoral thesis

How to Write Your Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation As a Physics Major

  At this stage, you have performed your doctoral research work, maybe even have published (or about to publish) a paper or two,…
oral presentation2

Oral Presentations – Addendum | Physics Career

I'll try not to make a habit out of this, but I believe there's something to add to this chapter of the series.In Part XIV, I mentioned the APS Meetings…
physics journals2

How to Publish in a Physics Journal (Addendum)

 When I first wrote this part of the series, I wasn't quite sure if I should include this. for most people submitting to most of the physics journals,…
oral presentation

How to Succeed at Oral Presentations As a Physics Major

  I mentioned earlier that there are two ways for physicists to communicate their work. The first is via publications in peer-reviewed…

How to Write a Master Degree Thesis As a Physics Major

Your First Scientific Paper Ought to be good! Structure and Contents of a Master's Degree Thesis This guide was written some years ago as a guideline…
physics journals

How to Publish in a Physics Journal As a Physics Major

  At this stage, you are well into your Ph.D. research work, and depending on what area of physics you are in, you may already start…
lab work

Research Work and The Lab Book As a Physics Major

  Now, where were we? Oh yes! You have now started with your actual research work. You and your adviser have agreed on at least the…
advisor research

Choosing a Research Area and an Advisor As a Physics Major

  In the previous part, I described the trials and tribulations of going through the qualifying exam that almost all graduate physics…
grad exam

First years of Graduate School from Being a TA to the Graduate Exams

 You are now entering your first year of graduate school. In terms of the academic aspect, you will have a set of required courses that you…
other majors

How to Enter Physics Graduate School From Another Major

  I have decided to tackle this issue because it has become a very common question in many physics forums. Can someone, without a…
publishing in journals

Guide to Publishing in Peer Reviewed Journals

From Concept to Manuscript You've done the science.  You had an idea, performed an extensive literature review, designed an experiment, ran the experiment,…
alternative careers

Alternative Careers for a Physics Graduate

  We are still discussing the final year of your undergraduate education. So far, we have covered what you need to consider if you…
physics blogs

Physics Blogs You Need to Be Reading

These are some of the best physics blogs, updated regularly, written by some of the top minds. The feeds are updated on page refresh, so bookmark this…
physics career

The US Graduate School System For Physics Majors

  We are still stuck in the discussion of your fourth and final year of college. This time, I feel that a clear explanation of the…
matlab errors

5 Common MATLAB Error Messages and How to Fix Them

In this Insight, I'll go over 5 common MATLAB error messages, what they mean, and how to fix them. Hopefully, after reading this post you'll find yourself…
before grad school

What Physics Majors Should Expect from Graduate School

 We are still discussing the final year of your undergraduate program where you are applying to graduate schools. In Part 5, I mentioned the…
physics grad school

How to Apply for Physics Graduate School

 We have now reached the final year of your undergraduate program. By now, you would have gone through courses in the fundamental pillars…
physics major

Explaining the Life of a Physics Major

 So far, I have covered what I believe a student needs to the end of the 2nd year of studies. In most schools in the US, an undergraduate…
medical physics

How to Become a Medical Physicist in 3653 Easy Steps

For many physics students, Medical Physics is that branch of the discipline that seems to hover in the no-man's land between academia and "industry." …
math preparations

Mathematical Preparations For a Physics Major

  Part III: Mathematical Preparations In most universities in the US, a student must have a declared major by the end of his or her second…
surviving college

How to Survive the First Year of College As a Physics Major

Part II: Surviving the First Year of College This part covers the survival tips of the first two undergraduate years. So now you’re in college,…
Early Physics Education in High schools

Early Physics Education in High Schools For Physics Majors

So You Want to Be a Physicist: A 22 Part Guide  Introduction: The motivation for creating the series One of the most frequent questions…
ADHD studying

Overcoming Learning Challenges Faced Studying Science

Introduction For the past few days, during my summer break, I have been intensively self-studying mathematics (namely number theory) for several hours…

A Layman’s Guide to Detecting Pseudoscience

It seems nowadays that we are getting swamped with science. But not the science of the valid kind. Science is where people follow scientific methods based…

Learn Solar Eclipse Viewing Basics

Eclipse Viewing Key PointsNEVER view the sun with the naked eye for any length of time, as doing so may cause irreversible eye damage or blindness. …

The Science Crackpot Index and Bingo Game

Discussing science online can often be a frustrating experience if no quality controls are in place, which is often the case. As part useful reference…

Studio in a Box: Learn About Digital Modeling Amplifiers

Digital Modeling Key Points Digital Signal Processing (DSP) was introduced in the mid-seventies, allowing musicians to simulate the acoustic properties…