Digital Camera Articles

Tag Archive for: digital camera

Camera Lens Physics

How to Evaluate a Camera Lens for Performance

I've done plenty of imaging performance testing on a variety of systems, from millimeter wave through UV. Until very recently, such testing required expensive…

Lenses and Pinholes: What Does “In Focus” Mean?

In introductory physics, the optics unit often teaches about virtual and real images, focal lengths, indexes of refraction, etc. Some questions that are…

Learn About New High Performance Ultra-wide Angle Camera Lenses

Note, unless otherwise specified, all focal lengths are in terms of the 35mm image format.Recently, there has been a flurry of new high-performance…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Tripods

 A tripod holds a camera still while the shutter is open, preventing motion blur.  The tripod must be able to maintain this stability in…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: DSLR

 I'm ready for a DSLR!A: These cameras were originally designed for professionals.  Users of these cameras are expected to already understand…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Bridge Cameras

This article is geared towards:I've never owned a camera, but I want to get a 'real' camera (that doesn't cost too much). I've owned an entry-level…

Ultimate Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Compacts, DSLR and Tripods

Introduction First, congratulations! Camera technology has advanced to the point where a complete novice, using an entry-level camera right out of the…

Digital Camera Buyer’s Guide: Introduction

 First, congratulations! Camera technology has advanced to the point where a complete novice, using an entry-level camera right out of the…