Fluid Mechanics Articles

Tag Archive for: fluid mechanics

flight simulator

Introduction to Pitot-Static Systems in Gliders

Like many others, I have been seeking new and fun things to do during a pandemic.   I decided on the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, but the Condor…
strings waves

Intro to Physically Reasonable Waves on a String

Introduction Physics teachers who are either writing physics questions that deal with waves on a string or setting up equipment for a class lab or demo…
fluid dynamics experiment

Accurate Fluid Dynamics By Video Analysis

IntroductionProviding accurate fluid dynamics experiments for undergraduate laboratories is challenging in several ways, including reproducibility,…
Bernoulli's equation

Demystifying the Often Misunderstood Bernoulli’s Equation

Introduction Bernoulli's equation is one of the most useful equations in the field of fluid mechanics, owing to its simplicity and broad applicability.…

Understanding Buoyancy: The Limits of Archimedes

It’s a principle as old as science itself, and remarkably, remains essentially unchanged in the light of revolution after revolution in our understanding…

How Does an Airplane Wing Work? A Primer on Lift

Many people ask how an airplane wing works, and several answers are commonly given. You might have even seen vigorous arguments between proponents…