Tag Archive for: PhD
False Physics Major Dichotomy: Theorist or Experimentalist?
Many physics majors believe that pursuing a Ph.D. in physics requires them to choose between theory and experiment. Due to my weaknesses in math, I…
How to Get a Postdoctoral Physics Position
If you intend to pursue an academic/research career, chances are, you will need postdoctoral experience. This is typically a 2…
How to Get a Physics Job
In the previous chapter, we have reached the point where you have finished with your thesis defense, and also thesis submission…
Your Physics Thesis Defense Guide
At this point, you have completed writing your thesis, your adviser has approved it, and you have distributed it to all the members…
How to Write Your Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation As a Physics Major
At this stage, you have performed your doctoral research work, maybe even have published (or about to publish) a paper or two,…
How to Publish in a Physics Journal (Addendum)
When I first wrote this part of the series, I wasn't quite sure if I should include this. for most people submitting to most of the physics journals,…
How to Succeed at Oral Presentations As a Physics Major
I mentioned earlier that there are two ways for physicists to communicate their work. The first is via publications in peer-reviewed…
How to Publish in a Physics Journal As a Physics Major
At this stage, you are well into your Ph.D. research work, and depending on what area of physics you are in, you may already start…
Research Work and The Lab Book As a Physics Major
Now, where were we? Oh yes! You have now started with your actual research work. You and your adviser have agreed on at least the…
How to Initiate Research Work As a Physics Major
It has been a while since the last installment of this series, so let’s recap on where you are right now. You should already…