Quantum Entanglement Articles

Tag Archive for: Quantum entanglement

mermin device quantum entanglement

Superdeterminism and the Mermin Device

Superdeterminism as a way to resolve the mystery of quantum entanglement is generally not taken seriously in the foundations community, as explained in…
quantum entanglement

Answering Mermin’s Challenge with the Relativity Principle

Note: This Insight was previously titled, "Answering Mermin's Challenge with Wilczek's Challenge." While that version of this Insight did not involve any…

How the EPR Paradox Fits Between Entanglement and Nonlocality

If we violate a Bell inequality, we know we have quantum entanglement, and it used to be thought that these two notions were one and the same.At least,…

Can You Measure Quantum Entanglement?

Though any pair of particles, given their history, might happen to be entangled, some pairs are more entangled than others.Since at least the 1990s,…