Tag Archive for: quantum theory
How Quantum Information Theory Solves “the only mystery” of Quantum Mechanics
In Chapter 37 of "The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volume 1," Richard Feynman famously wrote that the mystery of wave-particle duality in the double-slit…
Quantum Physics via Quantum Tomography: A New Approach to Quantum Mechanics
This Insight article presents the main features of a conceptual foundation of quantum physics with the same characteristic features as classical physics…
The Quantum Mystery of Wigner’s Friend
In this Insight I will introduce the quantum mystery called ``Wigner's friend'' using Healey's version [1] of Frauchiger and Renner's (FR's) version [2]…
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Popescu-Rohrlich Correlations
In this Insight, I will show how the Popescu-Rohrlich (superquantum) correlations provide an unreasonable advantage in a particular "quantum guessing game''…
Spectral Standard Model and String Compactifications
The Connes-Lott-Chamseddine-Barrett model is the observation that the standard model of particle physics -- as a classical action functional,…
Tools to Enrich our Quantum Mechanics Interpretations Discourse
IntroductionMany times, we encounter ourselves tangled in some Quantum Mechanics (QM) interpretations debates. Unfortunately, the standard…
Examples of Prequantum Field Theories III: Chern-Simons-type Theories
After having constructed gauge fields and higher gauge fields in the previous article by systems of ##L_\infty##-algebroid-valued…
Does the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Imply Energy Nonconservation?
The short answer is: no, there's no violation.The longer answer can be this: Given the probabilistic aspect of quantum theory, what do we mean now,…
Some Useful Integrals In Quantum Field Theory
In my paper on renormalisation I mentioned what most who have studied calculations in Quantum Field Theory find, it's rather complicated and mind-numbing.…
Explore Some Sins in Physics Didactics
There are many sins in physics didactics. Usually, they occur, because teachers, professors, textbook or popular-science-book writers, etc.…