Twin Paradox Articles

Tag Archive for: twin paradox

Twins Paradox

Learning the Twin Paradox for Freely-falling Observers

The "twin paradox" is often discussed in the introductory treatment of special relativity. Under "twin paradox" we understand the fact that if two twins…

Learn About Relativity on Rotated Graph Paper

This Insight is a follow-up to my earlier tutorial Insight (Spacetime Diagrams of Light Clocks). I gave it a different name because I am placing more…

Learn About Spacetime Diagrams of Light Clocks

We demonstrate a method for constructing spacetime diagrams for special relativity on graph paper that has been rotated by 45 degrees. Many quantitative…

A Geometrical View of Time Dilation and the Twin Paradox

Based on the number of questions we receive on the topic at Physics Forums, there is a lot of confusion in the general public about how time dilation works…