complex numbers views

Views On Complex Numbers

Estimated Read Time: 13 minute(s)
Common Topics: complex, numbers, polynomial, algebraic, theorem


Why do we need yet another article about complex numbers? This is a valid question and I have asked it myself. I could mention that I wanted to gather the many different views that can be found elsewhere – Euler’s and Gauß’s perspectives, i.e. various historical views in the light of the traditionally parallel development of mathematics and physics, e.g. the use of complex coordinates in kinematics, the analytical or topological views, e.g. the Radish or the mysterious Liouville’s theorem about bounded entire functions that are already constant, or the algebraic view that led to the many non-algebraic proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra. The complex numbers have so many faces and appear in so many contexts that I could as well have written a list of bookmarks. All of that is true to some extent. The real reason is, that I want to break the automatism of the association of complex numbers with, and the factual reduction to points in the Gaußian plane
\mathbb{C}=\{a+i b\,|\,(a,b)\in \mathbb{R}^2\}\neq \mathbb{R}^2.
We need two dimensions to visualize complex numbers but that doesn’t make them two-dimensional. They are a one-dimensional field in the first place, i.e. a single set of certain elements that obey the same axiomatic arithmetic rules as the rational numbers do. They are one set that is not just a plane! The reason they exist and bar us from visual access is finally a tiny positive distance we can see.

one-dimensional field


The Algebraic View

Let ##\mathbb{F}## be a field of characteristic zero with an Archimedean ordering. This is algebra talk. A field means that we can add, subtract, multiply, and divide the way we are used to. Characteristic zero means, that
1+1+ \ldots + 1 \neq 0
no matter how many ones we add. Don’t laugh, you are – right now – using a device that has ##1+1=0## as its most fundamental law! An Archimedean ordering only means

\forall \;a\in \mathbb{F} \;\exists \; n \in \mathbb{N}\, : \,n>a.
And once again, don’t laugh, there are fields that contain the rational numbers and are not Archimedean. For the sake of simplicity, imagine ##\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{Q}## or ##\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{R}.## The following algebraic constructions work with rational numbers, too, i.e. the algebraic perspective does not require real numbers. We can have the algebraic closure first and the topological closure next, or vice versa.
&\nearrow_{alg.} && \searrow^{top.} &\\
\mathbb{Q}&&&&\mathbb{C} \\
&\searrow^{top.} && \nearrow_{alg.} &\\
The central observation is that the polynomial ring ##\mathbb{F}[x]## is an integral domain and a principal ideal domain, i.e. any ideal in ##\mathbb{F}[x]## is already generated by a single polynomial. The reason for this is that ##\mathbb{F}[x]## is an Euclidean ring where we can perform a long division with the polynomial degree as the quantity that decreases in the process. It is the size of the remainder that decreases in the usual process of the Euclidean algorithm. The size of polynomials is their degree.

The availability of the Euclidean algorithm, however, has far-reaching consequences. The possibility of dividing polynomials allows the distinction between polynomials that have factors and those which do not. The latter are called irreducible polynomials. The tiny distance ##d\in \mathbb{F}_{>0}## with the red arrow in the image above guarantees that
is an irreducible polynomial over ##\mathbb{F}.## We cannot write it as a product of polynomials of degree one. A typical algebraic scheme of proof would be:

Assume ##x^2+d=(x+a)(x+b)=x^2+(a+b)x+ab.## Then ##a+b=0## and ##ab=-a^2=d.## Therefore ##x^2+d=x^2-a^2=(x-a)(x+a).## This polynomial has two zeros at ##x=a## and ##x=-a,## or one zero in case ##a=0.## But the image shows that ##x^2+d## does not cross the line ##y=0,## i.e. the polynomial has no zeros. This contradiction means that ##x^2+d## is indeed irreducible.

Since ##\mathbb{F}[x]## is a principal ideal domain, the irreducible polynomial ##x^2+d## is automatically a prime element, and it generates a prime ideal ##\bigl\langle x^2+d \bigr\rangle ## that is automatically a maximal ideal, so that the factor ring

\mathbb{F}[x]/\bigl\langle x^2+d \bigr\rangle = \mathbb{F}\left[ \sqrt{-d}\right]

is automatically a field. Now that ##x^2+d## is made zero, we can identify ##x## with ##\sqrt{-d}## and
x^2+d=\left(x-\sqrt{-d}\right)\cdot \left(x+\sqrt{-d}\right)\equiv 0
has two new zeros ##\pm \sqrt{-d}##, however, outside of ##\mathbb{F}.## If ##d=1## and ##\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{R}## then we call this field the complex numbers
\mathbb{R}[x]/\bigl\langle x^2+1 \bigr\rangle =\mathbb{R}\left[ \sqrt{-1}\right]=\mathbb{C}.

The Arithmetic Rules

When I said that complex numbers and rational numbers obey the same axiomatic rules, I referred to the fact that both have an additive and a multiplicative group connected by the distributive laws as in any field. Derived rules, abbreviations, or interpretations are no longer automatically true, simply because ##z^2\geqq 0## is no longer true. This has consequences. The most prominent example is
-1=\sqrt{-1}\cdot \sqrt{-1} \neq \sqrt{(-1)\cdot (-1)}=\sqrt{1}=1.
The derived rule ##\sqrt{a\cdot b}=\sqrt{a}\cdot \sqrt{b}## for real numbers does not hold anymore. But how can we know which ones still hold and which ones do not without searching for a proof in every single case? Well, we could learn what is written in this article (Things Which Can Go Wrong with Complex Numbers) or use the definition we just learned. This means that we identify ##i=\sqrt{-1}## with the indeterminate ##x## of the real polynomial ring ##\mathbb{R}[x]## and establish the law ##x^2+1 \equiv 0.## The equation above becomes
x\cdot x \equiv -1 \neq 1=\sqrt{1}=\sqrt{(-1)^2}
We can write the equations on the right because ##(-1)^2\geqq 0## for real numbers, however, ##x^2\ngeqq 0## in ##\mathbb{R}[x]/\bigl\langle x^2+1 \bigr\rangle ,## and ##\sqrt{x^2}## isn’t even defined in ##\mathbb{R}[x]/\bigl\langle x^2+1 \bigr\rangle .## Hence, the algebraic view on complex numbers can prevent us from making arithmetic mistakes. All we have is a field of scalars of characteristic zero. Any functions like square roots, logarithms, etc. have to be reconsidered. ##\mathbb{C}## doesn’t even have an Archimedean ordering any longer.

Reconsidered Analysis

As much as the algebraic view can help to avoid arithmetic mistakes, as much does it have a significant disadvantage if we want to perform analysis on ##\mathbb{R}[x]/\bigl\langle x^2+1 \bigr\rangle .## It is inconvenient and ambiguous since we will need polynomials in their analytical meaning as functions, too. Hence even if I may not like the point of view as points in the Gaußian plane, we have to consider the complex numbers as real vectors, too. I’m not too fond of it because it supports the impression that complex numbers are only real vectors. They are not, they are scalars, and especially complex analysis is full of examples where this fact is important. Nevertheless, we need help in the form of visualization and we can only see the real world.

The Real Vector Space

\mathbb{C}&=\mathbb{R}[x]/\bigl\langle x^2+1 \bigr\rangle = \{p(x)=a+bx\,|\,(a,b)\in \mathbb{R}^2 \wedge x^2+1\equiv 0\}  \\[12pt]
\mathbb{C}& =\{z=a+i b\,|\,(a,b)\in \mathbb{R}^2\}=\mathbb{R} \oplus i\cdot \mathbb{R}
are both representations of the complex numbers as primarily a two-dimensional real vector space with the – in my opinion a bit hidden – additional property ##x^2=-1,## resp. ##i^2=-1.## The two components ##(a,b)## of a complex number ##z## are called
a&=\mathfrak{Re}(z)\text{, real part of }z\text{ and}\\[6pt]
b&=\mathfrak{Im}(z)\text{, imaginary part of }z.
They are the Cartesian coordinates in the Gaußian plane. The corresponding polar coordinates $$z=r\cdot e^{i \varphi }=r\cdot (\cos \varphi +i \sin \varphi )$$ which are very important in physics but often a bit neglected in mathematics are called
r&=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}\text{, the absolute value of }z\text{ and}\\[6pt]
\varphi &= \sphericalangle (a,b)\text{, the argument of }z.
The absolute value is the Euclidean distance from the origin of the Gaußian plane, and the argument is the direction to ##(a,b)## measured as an angle from the positive real axis. However, the additional arithmetic law

(i\cdot \mathbb{R})\cdot (i\cdot \mathbb{R}) \subseteq \mathbb{R}
other than in an ordinary real Euclidean vector space makes a crucial difference and should not be forgotten. I think the connection between real and complex numbers can best be memorized by a formula many mathematicians consider the most beautiful equation of all
e^{i\cdot\pi}+1=0 .

The Radish

The formula ##(i\cdot \mathbb{R})^2 \subseteq \mathbb{R} ## should better be written as

( i \cdot \mathbb{R})^{2n} \subseteq \mathbb{R}\, ,\,( i \cdot \mathbb{R})^{2n+1} \subseteq i \cdot \mathbb{R}\, , \,n \in \mathbb{Z}
to note that we could switch as often as we want between the two dimensions by a simple multiplication. It reflects the more general case of multiplication which becomes obvious in polar coordinates
\left(r\cdot e^{i \varphi }\right)\cdot \left(s\cdot e^{i \psi }\right) = (rs)\cdot e^{i(\varphi + \psi )}.
Multiplication is a rotation of directions and we can all of a sudden count how often we pass the gauge line, the positive real axis. We have a radish.


This picture is particularly important for the complex logarithm function since
\log z = \log \left(re^{i \varphi }\right)= (\log r) + i \varphi
does not tell us on which slice ##n ## of the radish we are. We only know it up to full rotations
\varphi = \varphi_0 + 2n\pi .
The range ##\varphi_0 \in (-\pi,\pi]## is called the principal value, and the corresponding slice of the radish ##n=0## is called the principal branch. The radish is cut along the negative real axis and the origin is called branch point. Mathematicians prefer to speak of branches instead of radish slices but the picture helps to understand what is going on. An official picture of the radish would be

mathematical radish

The Functions

Complex function theory goes far beyond our subject of complex numbers. We have just seen in the example of the complex logarithm that winding numbers and poles play a central role. Note that ##\log (0)## is a pole and no value can be attached to it. One could call complex function theory Cauchy’s winding and residue calculus because of the residue theorem, a generalization of Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula,
\oint_\gamma f(z)\,dz=2\pi i\cdot \sum_{\substack{\text{poles}\\[2pt]p_k}} \underbrace{\operatorname{Ind}_\gamma (p_k)}_{\substack{\text{windings }\\[3pt] \text{around }p_k\text{ of} \\[3pt] \text{integration path }\gamma }}\cdot \underbrace{\operatorname{Res}_{p_k}(f)}_{\substack{\text{coefficient }-1\text{st}\\[3pt] \text{ in the Laurent }\\[3pt] \text{series of }f\text{ at }p_k}}.
But this isn’t the only property of complex functions we are not used to from real calculus. Any complex function that is complex differentiable is already smooth, i.e. it is infinitely often complex differentiable. And if it is in addition bounded, then it is already constant (Liouville’s theorem):
\left|f'(z)\right|&=\left|\dfrac{1}{2\pi i}\oint_{\partial U_r(z)}\dfrac{f(\zeta)}{(\zeta-z)^2}d\zeta\right|\leqq \dfrac{1}{2\pi}\cdot 2 \pi r \cdot \dfrac{C}{r^2}\stackrel{r\to \infty }{\longrightarrow }0.
We can write every complex function as
=u(a,b)+i\cdot v(a,b)
with two real functions ##u,v\, : \,\mathbb{R}^2\rightarrow \mathbb{R}.## I have learned that the complex function ##f## is differentiable if the real functions ##u,v## are differentiable and the Cauchy-Riemann equations hold
\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial a}=\dfrac{\partial v}{\partial b}
\ ,\ \dfrac{\partial u}{\partial b}=-\dfrac{\partial v}{\partial a}.
As true as it is, it is in my mind an insufficient perspective. I like Weierstraß’s decomposition formula
f(z)=f(a) + D_a(f) \cdot (z-a) +o(z-a)
to define differentiability. It displays all necessary aspects and puts the limit where it belongs, into the remainder term ##o(z-a).## Differentiability at a point ##a\in \mathbb{C}## – a local property(!) – is then the existence of the ##\mathbb{C}##-linear function ##f'(a)=D_a(f),## the derivative in ##a##. The emphasis on ##\mathbb{C}##-linearity is crucial here. After all, it is the reason behind the Cauchy-Riemann equations and why I prefer to consider complex numbers as a field of scalars rather than a real vector space with extras. The clumsy definition by real differentia-
bility plus Cauchy-Riemann equations is all contained in the simple requirement that ##D_a(f)## is ##\mathbb{C}##-linear, see [3].

FTA And The Two Closures

The fundamental theorem of algebra (FTA), that every complex polynomial ##f(z)## of degree at least one has at least one zero, can be proven quite elegantly with the help of Liouville’s theorem. Since
\lim_{n \to \infty}\inf_{|z|=n}|f(z)|=\infty
there is a real number ##r## such that ##|f(0)|\leqq |f(z)|## for all ##z\in \{z\in \mathbb{C}\,|\,|z|>r\}##. Since ##f## and in addition to that ##|f|## is continuous, it takes a minimum, say at ##z_0,## in the compact disc ##D=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\,|\,|z|\leqq r\}## according to Weierstraß’s theorem about the minimum and maximum. This means that
0\leqq C:=|f(z_0)|\leqq |f(z)|\;\text{ for all }z\in D.
This value is already a global minimum per construction. If ##C>0## then
f^{-1}\, : \,z\longmapsto \dfrac{1}{f(z)} \leqq \dfrac{1}{C}
would be a holomorph, bounded function defined on ##\mathbb{C}.## Liouville’s theorem now says that ##f^{-1}## has to be constant, i.e. ##f## is also constant, contradicting our choice of the polynomial ##f## of at least degree one. Thus ##C=0=f(z_0)## and we have found a zero ##z_0## of ##f.\; \square ##

Note that we used pure analytical tools to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra. We also needed both closures of ##\mathbb{C}.## What does that mean? A sequence ##(a_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}## is called a Cauchy sequence if
\displaystyle{\lim_{n,m \to \infty}|a_n-a_m|=0}.
Unfortunately, this does not mean that ##\displaystyle{\lim_{n \to \infty}a_n}## exists. If we define for instance
a_1=2\;\text{ and }\; a_{n+1}=\dfrac12 \left(a_n+\dfrac{2}{a_n}\right)\text{ for }n\in \mathbb{N}
we get a decreasing Cauchy sequence of rational numbers converging to ##\sqrt2.## But this limit does not exist in ##\mathbb{Q}.## To make all limits available, we topologically complete the rational numbers by adding all possible limits of Cauchy sequences obtaining the real numbers. The existence of ##z_0,## i.e. the existence of a Cauchy limit ##z_0## in the proof above has been provided by a topological argument about real numbers hidden in Weierstraß’s theorem.


The topological closure is not the only closure that we need. If we think about our first example ##f(x)=x^2+d \;(d>0),## then we have a parabola – a polynomial of degree two – that does not have a real zero. It does not cross the real axis. Completion of the square
0=x^2+px+q=\left(x+\dfrac{p}{2}+\sqrt{\dfrac{p^2}{4}-q}\right)\cdot \left(x+\dfrac{p}{2}-\sqrt{\dfrac{p^2}{4}-q}\right)
is a standard method to find the zeros of quadratic polynomials. This means for our original example
0=x^2+d=\left(x+\sqrt{-d}\right)\left(x-\sqrt{-d}\right)=\left(x+i \cdot \sqrt{d}\right)\left(x-i \cdot \sqrt{d}\right)
that we have two complex roots ##\pm i\cdot \sqrt{d}.## In general, we have the situation that
\dfrac{1}{2}\sqrt{p^2-4q} \in \mathbb{R}&\text{ if }p^2>4q\\[6pt]
\quad \quad \quad 0&\text{ if }p^2=4q\\[6pt]
\dfrac{i}{2}\sqrt{4q-p^2}\in i\mathbb{R}&\text{ if }p^2<4q\\[6pt]
decides whether we have two real, one real, or two complex solutions. The term ##\Delta=p^2-4q## is called the discriminant of ##x^2+px+q.## If we have a real, monic (highest coefficient is one) polynomial ##f(x)## of degree ##2n+1## then
\lim_{x \to -\infty}f(x)=-\infty \;\text{ and }\;\lim_{x \to +\infty}f(x)=+\infty
and by topological completeness of ##\mathbb{R}## we have a real zero ##x_0\in \mathbb{R}## and may write
f(x)=g(x)(x-x_0) \;\text{ with }\;\deg g(x)=2n.
It can be proven now that the zeros of polynomials of even degree always appear as conjugates
\left(-\dfrac{p}{2}\right) + \left(\dfrac{\sqrt{\Delta}}{2}\right) \;\text{ and }\;\left(-\dfrac{p}{2}\right) – \left(\dfrac{\sqrt{\Delta}}{2}\right).
This means that the example with the parabola is a typical one, and we only have to attach ##\pm i\cdot\sqrt{d}## to the real numbers to decompose any polynomial into linear factors. Since ##\sqrt{d}\in \mathbb{R},## it is sufficient to attach ## i ## as the formal solution to the quadratic polynomial equation ##x^2+1=0.## This formal symbol is the reason why we first considered
\mathbb{C}=\mathbb{R}[x]/\bigl\langle x^2+1 \bigr\rangle =\mathbb{R}[i].
The field extension ##\mathbb{R}\subseteq \mathbb{R}[ i ]## is called the algebraic closure of ##\mathbb{R}.## Which closure comes first and which one next doesn’t matter as long as we arrive at the field of complex numbers. The algebraic closure necessary to find all polynomial zeros is even better hidden in the above proof of the FTA than the topological closure. It is ultimately hidden in Cauchy’s integral formula that is used to prove Liouville’s theorem. For those who prefer an axiomatic description of the complex numbers, see [5] which cites Spivak’s calculus book. For a formal algebraic construction of real and complex numbers, I recommend van der Waerden’s book on Algebra [7].


[1] Image Source:
Attribution: Leonid 2, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons



[4] Jean Dieudonné, Geschichte der Mathematik 1700-1900, Vieweg Verlag 1985



[7] B.L. van der Waerden, Algebra Vol.1, 8-th ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1971

19 replies
  1. FactChecker says:
    You can ignore the geometric aspects of complex analysis in two dimensions, but IMO that misses a lot of the beauty of the subject. I might be biased because my field within complex analysis was geometric function theory.
  2. fresh_42 says:

    martinbn said

    That is not what meant. I meant the Krull dimension of a ring, then any field has dimension 0.

    Added to the list. It's hard to find a dimension without ideals.

    I have meanwhile 21 keywords. And I haven't even looked up the history which should be exciting, too, especially topology and fractals, let alone …

    Klystron said

    … some linked papers that do exhibit confusion.

    And Greg said that he does not like articles split into parts.

  3. martinbn says:

    fresh_42 said

    Just a remark on the Krull dimension. I haven't done the math but Wiki says that ##\dim_K(\mathbb{C},\text{Hausdorff})=0## and ##\dim_K(\mathbb{C},\text{Zariski})=1.##

    That projected article about dimensions gets longer the closer I look at it.

    Which wiki page is that?

  4. fresh_42 says:

    martinbn said

    This is not an argument. I am not trying to prove anything. This is just another way to look at things.

    Just a remark on the Krull dimension. I haven't done the math but Wiki says that ##\dim_K(\mathbb{C},\text{Hausdorff})=0## and ##\dim_K(\mathbb{C},\text{Zariski})=1.##

    That projected article about dimensions gets longer the closer I look at it.

  5. martinbn says:

    fresh_42 said

    This argument is circular. You start with a real Riemann plane and conclude that it is two-dimensional.

    This is not an argument. I am not trying to prove anything. This is just another way to look at things.

  6. fresh_42 says:

    martinbn said

    A topological manifold is a topological space, which is locally homwomorphic to ##\mathbb R^n##. This ##n## is the dimenssion of the topological manifold. As such, ##\mathbb C## is two dimenssional.

    This argument is circular. You start with a real Riemann plane and conclude that it is two-dimensional.

  7. martinbn says:

    fresh_42 said

    Could you elaborate on what you meant @martinbn in post #7?

    A topological manifold is a topological space, which is locally homwomorphic to ##\mathbb R^n##. This ##n## is the dimenssion of the topological manifold. As such, ##\mathbb C## is two dimenssional.

  8. bhobba says:
    Apart from Euler's relation, which IMHO is one of the greatest formulas in all of math, the thing I find interesting about complex numbers is the remarkable theorems of complex analysis.

    My favourite is Analytic Continuation and its use is summing divergent or otherwise meaningless sums. It may seem a pure math pastime, but Borel Summation (which is justified by analytic continuation – reversing the sum and integral can only be done on a region, but by analytic continuation can be extended to the whole complex plane) is very useful in differential equations:

    For this reason, Borel Summation is included in many Engineering Mathematics textbooks such as Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Lopez and Benders Lectures on Mathematical Physics (a treasure trove of all sorts of interesting stuff). But, naughty, naughty, they do not explain why you can reverse the sum and integral.


  9. fresh_42 says:

    Haborix said

    As to your initial question, not really. But inspired by some of the discussion in this thread, it could be interesting to survey the different way dimension is used in mathematics and/or how the same object, e.g., complex numbers, have many different dimensions depending on how you look at them. It doesn't have to be exhaustive or advocate a point of view. The latter is probably what usually invites the most nitpicking (well, more nitpicking than I already expect from mathematicians :wink:).

    Dimension is indeed an interesting topic! There came at least half a dozen keywords to my mind without doing any research (17 so far). And it is not as trivial as it sounds! Let me take the chance and make a little survey here:

    a) Does any of the participants, critics, or readers here want to write that article instead of me?

    b) Would you mind giving me some keywords I should not forget to mention?

    I have already read Krull, and topology. However, the latter was a bit unprecise and I'm not sure I know what had been meant in post #7, i.e. which objects and topologies had been meant. I mean, since zero wasn't excluded, it sounded like the comparison of additive groups, but that is guesswork from my side. Could you elaborate on what you meant @martinbn in post #7?

  10. martinbn says:

    Haborix said

    Perhaps the next insight article should be about the not-so-trivial dimensions of mathematical objects.

    The Krull dimenssion of any field is zero. From that point of view the field of complex numbers is a point.

  11. fresh_42 says:

    Haborix said

    Perhaps the next insight article should be about the not-so-trivial dimensions of mathematical objects.

    Do you have some specific objects in mind? I'd prefer a topic that isn't in the category of "religion" like arithmetic rules or complex numbers. Those topics are of the kind that literally everybody has to say something about, everybody has a different view and complains if you don't hit their perspective, everybody knows it better, but none of those critics wrote it down before. It is tedious.

    How about history? I have a rather thick book about the history of mathematics between 1700 and 1900. It is a bit biased towards French mathematicians since it is by a French author, but not as much as the Britannica is biased towards British people.

  12. fresh_42 says:

    martinbn said

    One has to keep in mind that the set of complex numbers is not just a field. It is also a topological space and as such is homeomorphic to the plane and in this context dimension two is the correct one.

    I haven't said that this is an incorrect view, except if it is reduced to ##\mathbb{R}^2##. I think, it just shouldn't be the first view. But, hey, let's consider it as vector space over the rationals.

  13. martinbn says:
    One has to keep in mind that the set of complex numbers is not just a field. It is also a topological space and as such is homeomorphic to the plane and in this context dimension two is the correct one.
  14. fresh_42 says:
    It makes a difference whether you first associate ##z## or ##a+i b## with a complex number. And it makes a difference if your view guides you or you guide your views. I prefer the latter, but this may mean cutting old braids. If people are used to all possible ways to look at complex numbers then there is nothing to learn here, except perhaps a nice proof of the FTA. The perspective of a two-dimensional real vector space is narrowing the situation. It hides that complex numbers are a field, an algebra, a ring. All those perspectives are lost if we concentrate on ##\mathbb{R}^2=\{(a,b)\}## instead of ##\mathbb{C}=\{z\}.##

    It is written for students who aren't trained to accept only one view. It was written to keep in mind that ##\mathbb{C}## is a field in the first place, not a vector space and even less a plane. Cauchy's work is the real achievement in calculus, neither Newton's nor Leibniz's. And Cauchy's theorems are not linear algebra.

  15. fresh_42 says:

    Hornbein said

    Complex numbers contain two independent quantities so they are two-dimensional. An Excel spreadsheet with a hundred columns can be one-hundred dimensional. And so forth.

    Sorry, but this is wrong, and why I wrote that article. Complex numbers are scalars (one quantity) and as such one-dimensional. Every field is a one-dimensional vector space over itself. Please read the article and its purpose before you spread misinformation. They can be viewed as a two-dimensional real vector space, but this is a reduction. A reduction that doesn't allow complex analysis. Moreover, the complex numbers are an infinite-dimensional rational vector space. So claiming they are two-dimensional is as right and wrong as it is to claim they are infinite-dimensional. Both perspectives are insufficient to perform analysis and physics.

    A spreadsheet in Excel is two-dimensional, no matter how many columns it has. You can make an Excel file three-dimensional by adding more sheets to the same file, but that's it.

  16. Hornbein says:
    Complex numbers contain two independent quantities so they are two-dimensional. An Excel spreadsheet with a hundred columns can be one-hundred dimensional. And so forth.

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