Why all my girlfriends turned out to be psychos

  • Thread starter BobG
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the potential correlation between finding attractive partners who may also have mental illness, the appeal of dating "crazy" individuals, and the potential for these relationships to influence one's own sanity. Various humorous and lighthearted anecdotes are shared, including a quiz used by one individual to gauge a potential partner's level of "craziness". The conversation also touches on the use of inanimate objects as conversation partners and the potential dangers of dating someone with a potentially violent or unstable nature.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
Does it seem like everyone you find attractrive turns out to be suffering from mental illness? Maybe it's because you're sexually attracted to the schizophrenics. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051207/hl_nm/creativity_tied_sexual_success_dc_2

On the other hand, ever wonder why so many of the opposite sex find you attractive? :frown:
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  • #2
Yet again, I regret being sane.
  • #3
BobG said:
Maybe it's because you're sexually attracted to the schizophrenics.
Damn right, it's the nearest some of us can get to a threesome.
  • #4
In my 20's I dated only musicians and artists. All my boyfriends were "creative types".
  • #5
Crazy women are freakin' wild in bed. Later, when they cook your pet rabbit, it's not so much fun.
  • #6
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  • #7
franznietzsche said:
They also tend to rub off on you...
Yeah, I dated a leper once too. We broke up. Well... she did.
  • #8
El Hombre Invisible said:
Yeah, I dated a leper once too. We broke up. Well... she did.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

I'm a horrible person, I really did lol at that.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #9
franznietzsche said:
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
I'm a horrible person, I really did lol at that.
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Don't judge yourself, man. I'm laughing at my own joke, so think how I feel!
  • #10
zoobyshoe said:
Crazy women are freakin' wild in bed. Later, when they cook your pet rabbit, it's not so much fun.

except when the gravy is really flavorful...damn...'Buttons' tastes even better the next day.
  • #11
BobG said:
Does it seem like everyone you find attractrive turns out to be suffering from mental illness?
You said "turns out to be suffering...". Have you considered that this leaves open the possibility that they weren't necessarily all "suffering" before they met you?
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  • #12
El, you've destroyed my ability to take anything seriously for the rest of the day! I'll be laughing my guts out every time I think of that. :smile:
  • #13
DocToxyn said:
except when the gravy is really flavorful...damn...'Buttons' tastes even better the next day.
I try to give this quiz to potential girlfriends:

Which of the two actors listed played the protagonist in the following movies:

Play Misty For Me
A.) Sondra Lock
B.) Clint Eastwoob

A.) James Caan
B.) Kathy Bates

Fatal Attraction
A.)Glenn Close
B.)Michael Douglas
  • #14
It's true, crazy girls are hot. I won't date anyone that hasn't had at least one lengthy conversation with a lamp or seat cushion.
  • #15
SpaceTiger said:
It's true, crazy girls are hot. I won't date anyone that hasn't had at least one lengthy conversation with a lamp or seat cushion.
Someday you'll get sick of waking up and finding them sitting in a chair staring at you holding a knife, though.
  • #16
zoobyshoe said:
Someday you'll get sick of waking up and finding them sitting in a chair staring at you holding a knife, though.

I very much doubt it.
  • #17
Yeah, knives are classic, but flame throwers are so much more entertaining. :-p
  • #18
SpaceTiger said:
It's true, crazy girls are hot. I won't date anyone that hasn't had at least one lengthy conversation with a lamp or seat cushion.

Well I would date someone who hasn't, but all of the ones I've dated certainly have had such conversations.
  • #19
honestrosewater said:
Yeah, knives are classic, but flame throwers are so much more entertaining. :-p

Yup. The screams, oh the screams. And the acrid smell of burning hair and flesh. Mmmm. I'm kinda hungry. What's for lunch?
  • #20
zoobyshoe said:
Someday you'll get sick of waking up and finding them sitting in a chair staring at you holding a knife, though.

But post-knife-fight sex is the best!
  • #21
matthyaouw said:
But post-knife-fight sex is the best!

Not quite as good as post-throwing-radiactive-materials-at-each-other-fight-sex. Something about that alpha radiation just leaves you with so much energy.
  • #22
franznietzsche said:
Not quite as good as post-throwing-radiactive-materials-at-each-other-fight-sex. Something about that alpha radiation just leaves you with so much energy.

The added bonus being, with all that radiation, you needn't worry about protection!
  • #23
SpaceTiger said:
It's true, crazy girls are hot. I won't date anyone that hasn't had at least one lengthy conversation with a lamp or seat cushion.
Does it have to be a lamp or seat cushion? Does it count if we talk to the computer or printer or try to talk an assay into behaving and giving us the right results?
  • #24
Moonbear said:
Does it have to be a lamp or seat cushion? Does it count if we talk to the computer or printer or try to talk an assay into behaving and giving us the right results?

I think I would require some extra convincing in this circumstance. Computers and printers aren't completely inanimate, so the conversation wouldn't be as one-sided. Perhaps if they were turned off at the time...
  • #25
Moonbear said:
Does it have to be a lamp or seat cushion? Does it count if we talk to the computer or printer or try to talk an assay into behaving and giving us the right results?

My printer curses back at me, so yeah.

Really, it prints censored profanity. Scary as %@#!.
  • #26
Glad you all think this is funny. You do understand what all this means right? A person would have to be crazy to find you attractive.
  • #27
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Oh, NO YOU DIDN'T! Trib just shut up everyone in this thread!
  • #28
SpaceTiger said:
I think I would require some extra convincing in this circumstance. Computers and printers aren't completely inanimate, so the conversation wouldn't be as one-sided. Perhaps if they were turned off at the time...
Does shouting at the bed count when it sticks out a post to stub my toe in the middle of the night?
  • #29
Are you sure that was a bed-post? Might just have been a stalker who fell asleep thinking about you.
  • #30
I try to give this quiz to potential girlfriends:

Which of the two actors listed played the protagonist in the following movies:

Have you managed to convert any potential girlfriends to actual girlfriends using your quiz, or do they tend to look at you in a weird way and then run away?
  • #31
tribdog said:
Glad you all think this is funny. You do understand what all this means right? A person would have to be crazy to find you attractive.

I think it means that I have some catching up to do. My fellow crazies seem to be a getting a lot more action!
  • #32
SpaceTiger said:
I think it means that I have some catching up to do. My fellow crazies seem to be a getting a lot more action!
That's not because of craziness. they are, after all, quite a bit more attractive. no offense. I'm not saying you are ugly, but you are. Beauty is only skin deep, but yours doesn't even reach that depth. lol I'm just screwing around. I'm not kidding with you.
  • #33
tribdog said:
That's not because of craziness. they are, after all, quite a bit more attractive. no offense. I'm not saying you are ugly, but you are. Beauty is only skin deep, but yours doesn't even reach that depth. lol I'm just screwing around. I'm not kidding with you.

And me without a bag to put over my head. I heard Celine Dion is into that sort of thing.
  • #34
tribdog said:
Glad you all think this is funny. You do understand what all this means right? A person would have to be crazy to find you attractive.
  • #35
No, that wasn't Celine Dion. It was, yep, you guessed it: Frank Stallone.