Suppose the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law……

In summary, according to Tremaine, the gravitational force between objects is weak and is not governed by the inverse square law. If the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law!our solar system became unstable? If so ,how long people on the Earth can notice it?
  • #1
If the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law!our solar system became unstable? If so ,how long people on the Earth can notice it?

Thank you in advance!
Physics news on
  • #2
Good question for the relativity section...a discussion under the thread DARK MATTER QUESTION discusses this issue.

Gravity is relatively weak so its tough to test in lab environments...

In some spiral galaxies, there appears to be a significant deviation from Newtonian mechanics beyond radius c^2/R (where R is the scale of the observable universe) ...the deviation results in constant velocities of orbiting stars and was originally discovered experimentally and verified by Vera Rubin...the variation is hypothesized to be caused by dark matter,,,but nobody really knows...

At the other end of the distance spectrum tests are being doing to see if gravity "leaks" into other dimensions at sub millimeter far the inverse square law appears to hold..
  • #3
Hi, magnetar!

I will divide your question into three:
If the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law
Many physicists are involved into theoretical and experimental considerations of this issue.
There are basically two lanes along which experementalists can take:
1. Fundamental breakdown of inverse-square law at tiny distances
This is by no means IM-possible that such a breakdown occurs, but with high-precision torque measurements, it has been established that the breakdown does not occur at distances in excess of 60 micro-meters, or so. (See referenced article from physicsworld)
2. Breakdown at astronomical distances.
As yet, high-precision measurements of the Moon's precession have not identified any such deviation within the exceeding the limits of experimental accuracy, so also here, the inverse-square law is not yet debunked (that would be cool, wouldn't it?)

3. Theoretical justifications for possible deviations:
The main thrust behind the idea that the inverse square law might be wrong, is that it does not take into account the quite possibly existing "hidden, curled-up dimensions" theoreticians postulate.
You might read the following article from physicsworld, which go into some detail:
!our solar system became unstable?
It is true that we may deduce from simplified equations (say, a two-body problem) that only the inverse square law provides for stability (unless my memory is false on this issue).
However, by possibly new features of gravitation, or other "complications", stability might well hold, even though the (then falsified) inverse square law could not any longer be the explanatory mechanism behind that stability.
If so ,how long people on the Earth can notice it?
That would be wholly dependent upon how strong the instability actually is (if there is one at all!), so any figure would be mere guesswork.
  • #4
Thank you for your answer! arildno and Naty1
  • #5
The stability of the solar system is unknown.

Scott Tremaine's Lecture 1:
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FAQ: Suppose the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law……

What is the inverse square law?

The inverse square law is a principle in physics that states that the force of gravitational attraction between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the distance between two objects increases, the force of gravity between them decreases.

What is meant by a "deviation" from the inverse square law?

A deviation from the inverse square law refers to a slight variation or departure from the principle that the force of gravity between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This could mean that the force of gravity is slightly stronger or weaker than expected, or that the distance between the objects is not exactly squared.

How small can a deviation from the inverse square law be?

The exact amount of deviation that is possible from the inverse square law is not known, but it is believed that any deviation would be extremely small. Scientists have not observed any significant deviation from this principle in their experiments and observations.

What would cause a deviation from the inverse square law?

There could be several potential causes for a deviation from the inverse square law. One possibility is the existence of additional dimensions in our universe that affect the strength of gravity. Another possibility is the presence of large, dense objects that can warp the fabric of space-time and alter the strength of gravity.

What would be the implications of a deviation from the inverse square law?

If a deviation from the inverse square law were discovered, it would have significant implications for our understanding of gravity and the laws of physics. It could potentially lead to new theories and explanations for the behavior of objects in the universe. It could also have practical applications, such as helping us better understand and predict the movements of celestial bodies.

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