Earth's formation & Late Heavy Bombardment

  • Thread starter Widdekind
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In summary, the conversation involved an expert summarizer who only provides a summary of content and does not respond to questions. The prompt specifically asked for a summary and nothing else.
  • #1
According to the History Channel documentary Comets -- Prophets of Doom (DVD), Earth today accumulates "30 to 40 thousand tons of space dust per year".


We imagine that the accumulation rate of space debris declines exponentially:
[tex]rate = T \times e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}}[/tex]​
We then demand that:
[tex]T \times e^{-\frac{4.5 \, billion}{\tau}} = 40,000 \, tons \, year^{-1}[/tex]​
[tex]\int_{0}^{4.5 \, billion} T \times e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} dt = M_{Earth}[/tex]​
Solving this system of equations numerically yields:
[tex]T \approx 3 \times 10^{13} tons \, year^{-1}[/tex]
[tex]\tau \approx 200 \, million \, years[/tex]​
This suggests, that Earth only reached ~98% of its present mass after 4[tex]\tau[/tex] = 800 million years. Since Earth is ~4.6 billion years old, this suggests, that the early Earth was accumulating considerable mass until ~3.8 billion years ago. Perhaps surprisingly, this agrees w/ Geological evidence, that Earth's Late Heavy Bombardment persisted until ~3.8 billion years ago*. Before this time, Earth was significantly (2-40%) smaller than today, explaining why no prior rocks** have (to date) been found.
* James F. Luhr. (DK) Earth -- the Definitive Visual Guide, pp. 26-29.
** ibid., Zircon crystals have been found from ~4 billion years ago.
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  • #2
This is far too speculative and contains far too many unjustified assumptions. In particular, what makes you think that mass accumulation in the protoplanetary disk is anything like the mass accumulation after the Sun ignited, and that mass accumulation after solar ignition follows a simple exponential decay?

If this is your own pet theory, we have rules against that. If this is something you can justify from peer-reviewed literature, please post a reference.
  • #3
You start with a model with the majority of the accretion occurring at early times. You then use this to show that the majority of the accretion occurs at early times.

OK...I guess.
  • #4
What Widdekind has done here is anything but OK. It flies in the face of extant planetary formation theory. This forum is not the place for personal conjectures.

The standard model indicates that the planets formed fairly quickly. For example, see

That simple exponential decay in the accumulation rate is too simple. It indicates a maximal rate occurred when the Earth's mass was zero. This is simply wrong. Think of a snowball rolling down a hill. A snowball's mass accumulation rate increases as its mass increases (it is roughly proportional to the surface area, or m2/3). While the snowball analogy is just that -- an analogy -- there are good reasons to think that the Earth's mass accumulation rate also increased as the Earth's mass grew.

By Widdekind's simple model, there is nothing special to mark the late heavy bombardment. This, too, flies in the standard models. The late heavy bombardment period represents a distinct spike in mass accumulation. One explanation is the outward migration of Neptune and Uranus toward to Kuiper belt. For example, see

Widdekind appears to have cherry-picked the number 40,000 tons/year. It's a bit hard to track down good numbers; I found estimates on non-crackpot sites ranging from 20,000 tons per year to 200 million tons per year. A higher number is not good for Widdekind's conjecture.

Finally, there is evidence of rocks considerably older than the late heavy bombardment. For example, see These early rocks jibe with the Earth being essentially fully formed 4.6 billion years ago. The late heavy bombardment was simply a period of increased bombardment that did not change the Earth's mass by much. The reason we don't see many very old rocks is because of plate tectonics rather than as a result of burying by continued bombardment.
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  • #5
I guess my point was that all that Widdenkind got out is what he put in. As you point out, that doesn't match any observations.

D H said:
Widdekind appears to have cherry-picked the number 40,000 tons/year.

Well, he does have a" of that.
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  • #7
locking as OP is being over-speculative

FAQ: Earth's formation & Late Heavy Bombardment

1. How old is Earth?

According to scientific evidence, Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old. This age is determined through radiometric dating of rocks and meteorites found on Earth.

2. What is the theory of Earth's formation?

The most widely accepted theory of Earth's formation is the Nebular Hypothesis. It states that our solar system was formed from a large cloud of gas and dust called a nebula, which collapsed under its own gravity and eventually formed the planets, including Earth.

3. What is the Late Heavy Bombardment?

The Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) was a period of intense asteroid and comet impacts on the inner planets of our solar system, including Earth, that occurred approximately 4.1 to 3.8 billion years ago. It is believed that this event was triggered by the migration of the gas giants, which caused a disturbance in the asteroid belt and sent many objects towards the inner planets.

4. How did the LHB affect Earth's surface?

The LHB had a significant impact on Earth's surface, as it caused widespread destruction and reshaping of the planet's surface. The impacts resulted in the formation of large basins, such as the Moon's Mare Imbrium, and the creation of new geological features like craters, mountains, and valleys.

5. Is there any evidence of the LHB on Earth?

Yes, there is evidence of the LHB on Earth in the form of impact craters, geological features, and the presence of certain elements in the Earth's crust. The oldest known impact crater on Earth, the Barberton Greenstone Belt in South Africa, is believed to have formed during the LHB. Additionally, the presence of rare elements, such as iridium, in Earth's crust is also linked to the LHB.

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