Math suggestions for learning QM

In summary, if you want to learn quantum information theory, you should focus on linear algebra, vector spaces, inner products, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, the spectral theorem, probability, probability spaces, probability distributions, statistical physics, Shannon entropy, Markov process, density matrices, multivariable linear ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, diffusion, Laplacian, group theory, Lie algebras.
  • #1
Someone asked me which math topics to study in order to learn quantum information theory. I thought it was a good question, so here's my answer. Warning: this is off the top of my head, so it probably needs additions and/or corrections.

Most of this advice applies to anyone doing quantum mechanics. If Q Info isn't your subject, you might want to focus more on calculus and PDEs and less on density matrices, entropy, and Markov processes.

I think the biggest problem with quantum mechanics is that almost every statement is either 0) ambiguous or 1) full of math jargon. So it's very important to know how to translate the math jargon. Here are some examples:
  • A finite-dimensional density matrix is a convex combination of rank-1 projection operators, each of which acts on the Hilbert space ##\mathbb{C}^N##.
  • The generator of time evolution is ##-\frac{\imath}{\hbar}\hat{H}(t)##, where the Hamiltonian ##\hat{H}## is a self-adjoint linear operator.
  • The set of all traceless ##N \times N## self-adjoint complex matrices forms a real Lie algebra with the commutator as its Lie bracket. This algebra is isomorphic to ##\mathfrak{su}(N)##.
  • The von Neumann entropy of a density matrix is the Shannon entropy of its eigenvalues.
The first step in QM is figuring out what the hell that stuff says. For example, a Hilbert space is an abstract vector space with a definition of inner product that satisfies certain rules for convergence of infinite series. ##\mathbb{C}^N## is a Hilbert space which can be used to represent state vectors for ##N##-level systems. For most practical purposes, I think of each vector in this space as a column of ##N## complex numbers. (So does MATLAB.)

A good start is to look for books/classes/websites with these words in them:
  • Linear algebra, vector space, inner product
  • Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, the spectral theorem
  • Random variable, probability space, probability distribution
  • Statistical physics, Shannon entropy, Markov process, density matrix
  • Multivariable linear ordinary differential equations (The finite-dimensional Schrödinger equation is a multivariable linear ODE.)
  • Partial differential equations, diffusion, Laplacian (The infinite-dimensional Schrödinger equation is closely related to diffusion PDEs.)
  • Group theory, Lie algebra
A huge amount of QM consists of manipulating matrices and matrix-like things. (Dirac notation suggests treating infinite-dimensional linear operators as if they were matrices, sort of.) So it's good to know lots of matrix tricks. My favorite "matrix cheat sheet" is available here.

If you're already good at matrix algebra, then a little bit of Lie group theory goes a long way in QM. I'm not an expert at it, but I know what Lie meant by "infinitesimal generator." It helps that my advisor is an expert, so he can correct my dumb mistakes before I publish them.

The next steps depend on exactly what topic you're studying. I learned stochastic calculus, which is important for my thesis. Most Q Info people probably don't know much of that, but they often know a lot more than me about logic circuits and binary algorithms. People who actually build qubits need to learn the specific physics of their design, e.g. Josephson junctions or quantum optics or crystal defects.

Good luck! Or, if you think there's no such thing as luck: may the gradient of potential be against you.
Physics news on
  • #2
NegativeDept said:
Good luck! Or, if you think there's no such thing as luck: may the gradient of potential be against you.

But F=-∇ϕ
  • #3
atyy said:
But F=-∇ϕ

So if ##\nabla \Phi## is against you, then The Force must be with you. (rimshot)
  • #4
NegativeDept said:
  • Linear algebra, vector space, inner product
  • Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, the spectral theorem
  • Random variable, probability space, probability distribution
  • Statistical physics, Shannon entropy, Markov process, density matrix
  • Multivariable linear ordinary differential equations (The finite-dimensional Schrödinger equation is a multivariable linear ODE.)
  • Partial differential equations, diffusion, Laplacian (The infinite-dimensional Schrödinger equation is closely related to diffusion PDEs.)
  • Group theory, Lie algebra

Gee mate I have a degree in math and even I didn't do group theory with Lie Algebra's and stuff - had to learn it later after reading some QM books - but did two courses on functional analysis and Hilbert Spaces which was a help.

My view is if you have most of the stuff above you are good to go - you can pick up the rest as you go.

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  • #5
NegativeDept said:
So if ##\nabla \Phi## is against you, then The Force must be with you. (rimshot)


Great intro to QM too.

FAQ: Math suggestions for learning QM

1. What are some effective study techniques for learning quantum mechanics?

There are a few strategies that can help with learning quantum mechanics. First, it's important to have a strong foundation in mathematics, specifically linear algebra and calculus. It's also helpful to break down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable components and to practice solving problems regularly. Additionally, using visual aids, such as diagrams or animations, can aid in understanding abstract concepts. Collaborating with peers and seeking out resources such as textbooks and online lectures can also be beneficial.

2. How can I improve my understanding of mathematical concepts in quantum mechanics?

One way to improve your understanding of mathematical concepts in quantum mechanics is to work on problems that involve applying these concepts. This will not only help you practice using the math, but also reinforce your understanding of how it relates to quantum mechanics. It may also be helpful to seek out additional resources, such as textbooks or online videos, to supplement your learning.

3. What are some common mistakes to avoid when learning quantum mechanics?

One common mistake when learning quantum mechanics is trying to memorize equations and concepts without fully understanding them. It's important to focus on understanding the underlying principles and how they relate to each other. Another mistake is rushing through problems without taking the time to fully grasp the logic behind the solution. It's also important to be aware of mathematical errors, such as incorrect calculations, which can lead to incorrect results.

4. How can I apply my knowledge of quantum mechanics concepts to real-world problems?

One way to apply your knowledge of quantum mechanics to real-world problems is to look for connections between the concepts you have learned and real-life phenomena. For example, quantum mechanics plays a role in technologies such as transistors and lasers. Additionally, there are many research areas that rely on quantum mechanics, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Exploring these applications can help you see the practical relevance of the concepts you are learning.

5. Are there any specific resources or tools that can aid in learning quantum mechanics?

Yes, there are many resources and tools available to aid in learning quantum mechanics. Textbooks, online lectures, and interactive simulations are all helpful resources. There are also software programs and apps that can assist with visualizing and solving problems in quantum mechanics. It may also be helpful to attend seminars or workshops, or to join study groups to discuss and practice concepts with peers.

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