Light through out the home without switch being on for all the time.

In summary, optical fibres are used to transmit light in a more efficient manner by using thousands of strands of fine quality glass or quartz. These strands are coated with a material of lower refractive index and polished and aligned carefully. When light is incident at a small angle, it undergoes total internal reflection and circulates within the fibre. However, using this concept to create a system where light can circulate indefinitely would not be feasible due to losses and scattering of light within the fibre.
  • #1
Optical fibres are used to transmit light from one place to the other along curved path in a more effective manner. The optical fibres consist of thousands of strands of a very fine quality glass or quartz of refractive index about 1.7 or so. The thickness of a strand is about 10-6cm. The strands are coated with a layer of some material of lower refractive index (about 1.5). The ends of the strands are polished and clamped firmly after aligning them carefully. When light is incident at a small angle at one end, it gets refracted into the strands (or fibres) and gets incident on the interface of the fibres and the coating. The angle of incidence being greater than the critical angle, the ray of light undergoes total internal reflections. It suffers internal reflection again and again.


If we consider fibre in circular shape (fibre image is not in circular shape) and incident light at the angle greater than critical angle from one part of that fibre, light undergoes total internal reflections without being absorbed, so we can have the same light circulating all the time.

1.Suppose if we have the planning of home to be made in the same manner of the circle shaped fibre with same material as that of quartz. We can have same light circulating all over once incident. So, if this happens we can have light through out the house without light being switched on for all the time. Is this possible?

2.I know there might be some difficulties which might arise, if so what are they? What can be done in order to over come those?
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  • #2
Meson080 said:
So, if this happens we can have light through out the house without light being switched on for all the time. Is this possible?
Why do you think we don't have to switch on the light source(That LED for example) all the time?

Light travels very fast.So if you switch off the light on one side of the fibre,light would stop reaching the other side immediately.

EDIT: I think I now understand what you are trying to do.
Yes. If the light is reflected perfectly,with no energy loss, it will go through out the fibre for eternity.But that's not possible in real-life.

Again,there will be energy loss if you let the light go out of the fibre(Assuming that the fibre is perfect),which is what you are trying to do!
  • #3
Meson080 said:
1.Suppose if we have the planning of home to be made in the same manner of the circle shaped fibre with same material as that of quartz. We can have same light circulating all over once incident. So, if this happens we can have light through out the house without light being switched on for all the time. Is this possible?

Light scatters, and is absorbed ... so only some of the previous output will reenter the fiber for the next loop.

Meson080 said:
2.I know there might be some difficulties which might arise, if so what are they? What can be done in order to over come those?

Suppose that your system is 99.99% efficient, and that a complete loop about the house takes 200 meters ... since light travels about 200,000,000 meters per second in fiber with an index of 1.5, this means about 1,000,000 round trips for the light each second.

Now calculate (0.9999)^1,000,000 ... this is the amount of light left in the system after 1 second.

The Google calculator says it's 3.7015208e-44; for all practical purposes this is the same as zero!

In reality optical fibers also have losses - that is why they match the wavelength of the signal to the lowest loss of the fiber for optical communications. Even under the best of circumstances the signals must be regenerated every 100 kilometers ... in your case this corresponds to once each 500 loops, or about 2,000 times per second.

Thus from an engineering point of view such a system would not meet your expectations.

FAQ: Light through out the home without switch being on for all the time.

1. How can I have light in my home without leaving the switch on all the time?

One option is to install motion sensor lights that will turn on when they detect movement in the room. This way, the lights will only be on when someone is in the room and will turn off automatically when the room is empty.

2. Are there any alternative methods to having light in my home without using the switch?

Yes, you can also opt for smart lighting systems that can be controlled remotely through a smartphone or voice commands. This allows you to turn on and off the lights as needed without physically flipping a switch.

3. Is it energy-efficient to keep lights on all the time?

No, leaving lights on all the time can waste a significant amount of energy and increase your electricity bill. Using motion sensor lights or smart lighting systems can help conserve energy and save money.

4. Will having light without a switch on all the time affect the lifespan of the lightbulbs?

It depends on the type of lightbulbs you use. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. However, constantly turning the lights on and off can shorten the lifespan of any type of lightbulb.

5. Can I still use traditional switches if I have motion sensor lights or a smart lighting system?

Yes, you can still use traditional switches as a backup option. However, it is recommended to use the motion sensor or smart control feature as the primary method to control the lights for energy efficiency and convenience.
