Pro-Moscow figure Igor Dodon claims Moldova presidency (BBC News)
When I saw this, I thought immediately of Rimsky-Korsakov's 1907 opera The Golden Cockerel (Le coq d'or) in which Tsar Dodon is pecked to death by the eponymous cockerel.
I am a 12th grade student. I am new to this series and i know that these are great books. i am going to buy 3 books.
the basics , introduction to algebra, introduction to geometry
is it necessary to buy solution manual.
is it ok to buy these three books for the beginners
what about concept...
The following are, at the top, photos of certain artifacts repatriated from a western museum to Iran, originally excavated from Jiroft, Iran. They are said to date from the 3rd millennium BC.
Essentially identical objects are found dating to 12,000 BC at Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, 3rd millennium BC...
Hi folks,
I know the work from Galois showing it is not possible to solve certain equations using only a certain type of numbers. But that was more than 100 years ago, I suppose lots of progress has been made on this topic.
So my question is, What has been discovered to solve polynomial...
Alrighty, here we go. I'm currently a junior in high school (going into my senior year this fall), and my plan was always to become an artist as i thought it the way i could make a change in the world; however, I've begun to think pursuing engineering (particularly electrical) will enable me to...
The goal is to create the most beautiful or interesting equation aesthetically (pleasing to the eye).
This is not about it's significance.
Each member is allowed to post one equation.
The equation can be completely new and made up (doesn't have to be famous).
Be creative!
The equation must be...
hi I am an high school students and currently looking forward to apply for undergrad physics program in US universities but i am bit confused university is asking whether i am applying to college of art and science or engineering college .I am want to be an theoretical physicist /or...
Hi friends,
I have an avid interest on Mathematics and progranming and am working very hard to become a great computer scientist/ engineer. I have been researching books that woukd help me in this goal and by all accounts, TAOCP is one of them.
I am convinced that studying this book wilk...
Hi all!
So here I am, a Frenchman living in China, working on some madcap art projects involving science.
I already posted a question here about one art installation I am working on, which involves stars, light, and (possibly?) optical fibers... Feel free to check it out if you're interested...
I know this may not be a typical question for the Physics board.
I am a MA Design student working on a project to illustrate experiments on speculative/fictional physical events. My final work will consist of strongly simplified staged experiment lab situations and should touch on the imaginary...
Hi Found this by googling Plasma Ball, as I am a keen photographer looking to photograph the unusual , to get special effects, Hope you don't mind me being here as not a scientist or student, Anyone interested can take a look at my work on Flickr...
Homework Statement
There is a circuit diagram which I can't post atm and don't think it's relevant to my question.
Also: R1
=R2=10k and C=.1μF
And: Find V(t)
Homework Equations
We're given the equation V(t)=1/RC ∫t-∞ Vi(t)e-(t-τ)/RCdτ
My problem is I don't recall what tau is here "τ" and...
Hello, and thank you in advance.
My friend is a glassblower, and I am a woodworker. He makes lovely ballerina pendants, and I had thought it would be nice to set one in a display that let the ballerina spin around. (point of contact being her pointed toe) I mulled the idea over long enough...
First of all I want to say that I am not a physicist, but an artist currently doing my master thesis.
I have been trying to build a solar powered slide projector. It works very simple – I reflect sunlight through a slide and enlarge it with a lens.
My problem was that I wanted more...
In my introductory ODE class we have focused mostly on linear differential equations. I know that nonlinear differential equations are much harder to solve, and I am wondering what exactly the "state of the art" methods are for dealing with them, or also what recent developments have been made...
. . . . . Lightning Addition
Give your volunteer a sheet of paper, a pencil and a calculator.
Then give him these instructions.
Number the lines 1 to10.
On the first line, write any one-digit number.
On the second line, write any one-digit number.
On the third line, write the sum of the 1st...
Hi, I've been searching for a way to turn off album art on my lockscreen for a Samsung galaxy note 3. Every time I look for something like this on the playstore, it comes up with a bunch of apps for people who WANT their album art displayed on the lockscreen while playing.
Some of the bands I...
Here is the number for the measured frequency for hydrogen 1s to 2s transition:
2 466 061 413 187 035 Hz
By way of interest, what is our most accurate theoretical calculation of this number? I've tried the ordinary Bohr formula and it is only accurate to about 4 places.
I'm also...
Hello PF,
I am currently in an Analog Electronics course that comes with a lab. We use Art of Electronics (AoE) by Horowitz and Hill as our textbook, but after reading through it, I'm starting to feel that it's not as suited for a Physics course as it is for say, an Electrical Engineering...
How do you classify music? Music is so complex that it seems impossible to categorize it but still there are so many genres.
Here are a few common:-
Some classify based on the instrument used, some based on how you sing but I don't understand...
Hey everyone.. Not sure why I made this but I'm going to post it anyways haha. If you like to graphic design or have seen abstract art similar please post here:) I created this art from scratch.
I attached the image.. created by using GIMP on a linux distro:)
does anyone have any tips on learning how to do proofs. completing a proof isn't something I am good at, at all. I know how to get answers and I can do the math but explaining it to someone step by step, using the right communication. Seems like a foreign language to me. any tips on learning...
Hey everyone!
It's been a while since I've posted here, and I'll make this short 'n sweet. As one or two of you might have been aware, I've been working on my own science fiction/fantasy magazine, and we just launched recently. And yes, we do pay for our stories and art pieces (as we can)...
Homework Statement
The circuits in Figure 4.14 let you invert or amplify without inversion, by flipping a switch. The voltage gain is either +1 or -1, depending on the switch position.
Homework Equations
Gain for the first...
Stated loosely, the geodesic hypothesis says that test particles follow geodesics, where "test particle" means it has to be small in some sense (size, mass, ...), and there is an ambiguity in the word "geodesics" because we want to talk about geodesics of the spacetime that would have existed...
Here's a neat sight I found on Faceplant. Look for the photos of the "Original RAMCHARGERS". These guys were engineers at Chrysler that formed a car club called "The RAMCHARGERS" and changed drag racing history. They were a combination of enthusiastic young hands on engineers and car club...
Spin is the art of presenting facts in such a way as to make yourself look good. The best spin, IMO, utilizes accurate facts (to avoid being shown a liar), but utilizes cherry-picking and carefully worded descriptions to paint a picture much more favorable than another view might present. In...
I keep hearing that logical positivism has been dead since the 1950s, yet it seems that most philosophy conducted nowadays STILL tends to avoid discussion of metaphysics altogether. Is the subject matter simply too difficult? The main new area in analytic philosophy over the last fifty years is...
I'm tutoring some high school kids right now, but I don't actually own any high-school level math books. We've just been working out of the books they use at school. But I'm getting very irritated with their books. One kid has this geometry book that makes me want to pull my hair out. It's...
I've read in an online article that astronomy, the science as we know it, developed from astrology, which many people today consider as a pseudo-science? Do you think it is fair to believe that astronomy had its roots in astrology? And wouldn't be the astronomy facts, as we know it, become null...
Next year I'm doing the one year master program at Perimeter Institute, and I was surprised to realize that there is no grad-level electrodynamics class (level Jackson, I would suppose?). I then checked the Math Tripos III (applied math, aka theoretical physics) course list (where I also...
I attended a class in neural networks and I learned something about ART and SOM.
I learned how to implement the learning algorithm, but then? I wasn't told how to use the trained net! I looked in Google and I didn't find much, everybody talks on how to train a neural net, but nobody says...
Warm greetings from a first time poster,
Thank you for looking. I hope I posted in the correct category and apologize if I did not. My question revolves around a late 19th century painting on wood panel made of cypress with oak strapping (2.6cm thick). I'm having the panel...
Our (Consort) Queen Sonja has for years been known as a patron of the arts.
Of high-bourgeouis origin (her father was just a bulk merchant of clothes fabrics, nobility was abolished in the 1820s Norway),
she has also had the reputation of an insufferably nobility-aspiring b*tch (in particular...
Anyone? Anything? Even if I'm making little smiley faces on graphite? I'd love to make something that's more complex using steel, even if I have to stitch it together atom by atom.
These are by Nick Blinko, formerly lead singer of a punk rock band known as Rudimentary Peni. He's actually know probably more for his art work that he does all while completely off his medications to control his schizophrenia (for which he's been hospitalized for multiple times). I find the...
Hi, I'm an aspiring SF writer, and had a question about holography. Do you think holography can advance to the point where it can accurately reproduce the colors, hues, and brushstrokes of oil paintings? For instance, if the Mona Lisa is scanned, frame and all, it could appear to hang on the...
Ah. I get it. Yes, well, it spread to PF, so...
The standard definition of Conceptual Art back in the day was: art in which the concept of an artwork was, itself, the artwork. This was a subset of Modern Art, one weird branch of it.
One of the best known conceptual artists was a...