Camera Definition and 306 Threads

  1. Andy Resnick

    Insights Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: Tripods - Comments

    Andy Resnick submitted a new PF Insights post Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: Tripods Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  2. Andy Resnick

    Insights Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: DSLR - Comments

    Andy Resnick submitted a new PF Insights post Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: DSLR Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  3. Andy Resnick

    Insights Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: Real Cameras - Comments

    Andy Resnick submitted a new PF Insights post Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: Real Cameras Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  4. Andy Resnick

    Insights Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: Compact Point and Shoot - Comments

    Andy Resnick submitted a new PF Insights post Digital Camera Buyer's Guide: Compact Point and Shoot Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  5. F

    Video Camera Connection to PC -- How to get the fastest frame rate transfer?

    Hello, What is the fastest connection method (i.e. type of cabling) to transfer images from a video camera to a computer, i.e. what type of connection gives the highest frame per minutes? Is a USB connection fast? If not, why not? Should I look at a camera that connects in a different way...
  6. F

    Camera allows video streaming but no recording

    Hello, I am looking at an IR camera that can be connected to a PC. The camera can store pictures and can only do video streaming but no video recording...What is the difference? Does it mean that we can view what is going on the camera screen also on the computer screen but not record it as a...
  7. B

    A See gases with consumer IR camera

    I am trying to do a project to simulate MODIS (NASAS' telescope addon). I have a flir one which helps me replicate the thermal camera but i need also a CO2 camera. I know its possible with a ir camera with a 4um filter but my camera apparently works from de 8-15um range which is out. I though...
  8. Tareq Naushad

    How mirror/camera/tv work without human eye like system?

    Mirror/camera/TV etc. don't have a complex visual cortex system/perception like our eyes. Human eyes use rod,cone,neuron and above all perception of brain to make image. How come these devices create the same clear images/scenes at their surfaces by themselves without having the advance...
  9. G

    Technology behind camera drones with "follow" function

    Hi. Most modern camera quadcopters (drones) have a "follow" function, allowing them to follow and film a person. The DJI Phantom 4 does this by optical tracking, most other brands require that the person carry a smartphone or other wearable. How does this work? I assume the smartphone or...
  10. G

    Why does Lightning create Bright Bands on a Camera?

    I tried taking a photo of lightning with my smart phone. As the lightning flashed across the sky, bright horizontal bands of light flashed across the screen. What's the cause of this?
  11. pBrane

    I Delayed choice - Bohr's experiment with a Camera

    Hi I have some questions and ideas regarding Bohr's double slit experiment which he extended with a Camera as an illustration of delayed choice. I read about it 40 years ago but can't find a reference to it, I'm hoping it wasn't apocryphal but it's consistent with Q-phys as I know it. The...
  12. xortan

    Low Latency IP Camera Solutions: Find 1080p30 Video

    Hello everyone, I am trying to find a solution for a low-latency IP camera with less than 100 ms of latency. Using a GigE camera is not possible and I would like to use 100BaseT if possible. The closest I have gotten with our equipment is 150-200 ms of latency. We would like to get 1080p30...
  13. Swepz

    What Can a Mobile Phone Camera Lens Reveal That the Naked Eye Can't?

    Hey guys I am a first timer on PF, and I am very new to the whole physics area but I am starting to find it very interesting :smile: Ive got a question about the optics of a normal camera lins of a mobile phone that perhaps someone can give me answares about of even point me in a direction...
  14. C

    Camera which measures distance?

    Hi all, I'm having trouble finding something online which isn't a very complicated device, but I don't know if it has a specific name, which would help me in a google search. I have a motor in an MBE which moves the sample, and I need a camera which can read to a computer what the distance is...
  15. B

    Need to build an underwater housing for camera

    will an aluminum tube 127mm in diameter, 3.5mm wall thickness, enclosed on either end by 12mm thick disks with o-rings be able to with stand 15bar of pressure. Its for an underwater camera housing.
  16. mickey25

    Can I Use a PIR Sensor to Enhance My Surveillance System Camera?

    Hello everyone.i need your help to give the advice about my project.i want to make a surveillance system camera that can be monitor in anywhere.i will describe about my project. i am using pir sensor to detect the when pir sensor detect someone , it will be sent the alert message...
  17. R

    Near Point Distance of 25cm, how far should object be?

    Homework Statement A magnifier has a magnification of 9× How far from the lens should an object be held so that its image is seen at the near-point distance of 25 cm? Assume that your eye is immediately behind the lens. Express your answer to two significant figures and include the...
  18. mizieahmad

    Need an idea -- project about surveillance system camera

    hello. i need a idea what can i upgrade in my project fyp. i want to make a project about survillance system camera. so i need to know what type sensor that need to upgrade or what can i improve right now.
  19. R

    What is the speed of sprinter running away from lens?

    Firsts of this is not my problem I don't even take physics but it is my girlfriends. She doesn't know how to get the answer an neither do I. I took some physics but not enough for this. 1. Homework Statement A sports photographer has a 160-mm-focal-length lens on his camera. The photographer...
  20. N

    Auto Focus Camera: Learn How it Works

    Hi everyone, An auto-focus camera emits an infrared pulse and detects the pulse reflected from the target, then it calculates the distance of that target from the camera (i.e. it can focus the target). As far as I know, all objects will emit infrared radiation, so what is the use of the pulse...
  21. Inwicta

    B Understanding Frame Rates and Exposure Time in Video Capture

    So if i take a picture (for example) 30 fps camera. So my question is that: is the time in the picture 1 s \ 30 fps or is it just 0? (May be very stupid question)
  22. Thomas Kundera

    Computing the shape of the Earth as seen by a camera

    AS: If this is not the right place to ask this question, please let me know where I could try. Thanks. AS: I had to validate the fact I used the template to post my assignment, however I didn't (but it wouldn't post otherwise - btw it's not an "assignment"). Hello everyone. I need help with a...
  23. larrybud

    Please help me identify this electronic component in Camera

    I have a Casio FH-20 camera. I tried looking for a schematic to no avail. Everything in the camera works fine except that it will no longer remember the date/time when the batteries are removed. I figured there was a lithium battery in the camera that went dead (it's about 8 years old, I...
  24. N

    Python How can I control FLIR camera (tau 2.4) by using Python?

    Dear Forum, I am trying to use Python to control FLIR camera (tau 2.4) but I do not know there is possible or not? I say that because I see when I connect IR camera to the computer using USB, it shows COM port in the Device Manager and I've seen python possible to work with COM port through...
  25. E

    Automotive Seeking quote for construction of motorized camera car

    I'm looking to find someone who can give me a quote on cost to make tracks and a motorized camera car that can run along the tracks at a specified speed. I can provide more details about the project if anyone is interested in putting together figures to give me an idea what this would cost, so I...
  26. stalin

    Why shadows become dark when light intensity increases?

    I observed following phenomena today: in my room with some lightings, there is a stuff toy placed in front of a wall. The ambient lighting doesn't cause any shadow on the wall currently. Now, I switched ON a torch and pointed it to a stuff toy which was kept in front of a wall and a shadow...
  27. N

    Bullet camera in PVC pipe condensation problems -- Help please

    I had to installed some IP bullet cameras in some PVC pipe on a Hopper dredge to protect it from the salt water spray. They are outdoor cameras but they are made out of aluminum and they will rust if left unprotected. I sealed them in the pvc and used a cgb from the wire as well as sealant on...
  28. wolram

    Best Budget Phone Cameras Under £200

    I am looking for my next phone camera, i have £200 to spend, i want one that can take a good photo, the rest can all be basic, i do not need internet on it, do you have any recommendations..
  29. Serhatee

    How can I deactivate the shutter button?

    Hey guys, as a freshman, I want to deactivate this shutter button. I don't know how it works and its structure. I want to be able to connect two cables so that by giving current, I can take a photo. Which terminals should I use? Or different ways...
  30. GiantSheeps

    Stargazing Remote Controlling Truss Dobsonian Telescope?

    Is it possible to rig a Truss Dobsonian telescope like this one so that you can control it remotely from inside of a building while the telescope itself is on the roof of the building? Then is it possible to attach some sort of adapter to the telescope that would allow you to hook up a camera...
  31. D

    Why Is There a Black Line Moving Across the Screen?

    from a bit of googling, i realize it's because the frame rate of the camera and the projector are different. however, i have tried recording videos with cameras of 60fps, 30fps and 15fps, and the projector is likely 60 fps. That's why I'm curious about this - which frame rate is faster (the...
  32. A

    Thermostatically Controlled Meteor Camera

    Hi all, This is my first post. I am hoping to build an inexpensive housing for a Watec PAL camera that I have with the intended use as a meteor camera. The camera needs to be protected from the environment, rain, snow, fog and ideally in a controlled temperature situation while it runs all...
  33. R

    Camera on Airplane: Extrinsic plus Intrinsic 3D Rotations?

    Apologies up front for the long question … I have tried to be brief. I want to define camera angles for Google Earth (GE) when rotated about an aircraft yaw axis. The input is Latitude, Longitude, Altitude plus Heading, Pitch and Bank angles, actually coming from Flight Simulator. These drive...
  34. W

    Backup Camera with optional power source bypass switch

    I just installed a backup camera on my motor home , which is triggered by the reverse light wire. I would like to add a switch to the circuit so while I'm driving or just to be able to turn on the backup camera (using it as a rear-view mirror) without putting the vehicle in reverse. I probably...
  35. S

    Line Scan Camera for less than £30 ?

    Hi all, I'm looking to get started with a multitouch project using stereovision. Since I'm only interested in 2D for the moment I'm looking for a cheap line scan camera that I could use for the project. Ideally with an Arduino or that I can directly plug in the computer. The idea is to put 2...
  36. R

    Why Do Modern Digital Cameras Flash Twice?

    I've noticed that when somebody takes a photo of me with a modern digital camera, I experience not one flash but two. Are there really two flashes for some reason or is it a perception thing?
  37. K

    B How to compare camera film ISO number to quantum efficiency?

    The efficiency of a scientific camera like is specified by the quantum efficiency vs wavelength. The meaning is simple enough. Assuming a fill factor of 1, it's the fraction of incident photons that generate a charge. But photographer...
  38. F

    Finding lens diameter - German physics task

    Hey everybody, I'm right now trying to solve a question I found in a German physics competition 2006 concerning the diameter of a thin camera lens. I'm not able to find a solution, since there is basically nothing given. Here the task (I underlined phrases which might be important): A ruler...
  39. Tracy Rose

    Can We Create a Visual Radio Camera?

    Radio is usually used as RADAR blips but has anyone tried to make a visual DSLR type camera and producing images? I'm not talking about a waveform showing the frequency placement but a real image of objects the radio bounced off of? We have tons of radio stations as the 'light' source here in...
  40. D

    Question about camera lens taking a picture

    Hey guys, Can someone give a basic explanation of why a camera can take a picture even if half of its lens is covered up? Thanks guys...
  41. E

    Understanding How Camera Detectors Work - CCD vs. CMOS Sensors

    How does a camera detector work? For example inside a room.. how does the equipment tells whether there is a hidden camera with ccd or cmos sensors recording video of you? Does it scan for the ccd/cmos presence or it absorbing the photons or does the detector send laser in every millimeter of...
  42. E

    Fresnel Relations and the Sensitivity of a Camera

    Reflectance, according to the Fresnel Relations, is given by ##R \equiv \frac{I_r}{I_i}##, and Transmittance is ##T = \frac{I_t \cos \theta_t}{I_i \cos \theta_i}##. Do these values depend on the wavelength of light? For example, if I have a beam of white light rather than a monochromatic...
  43. R

    Photons striking a camera sensor?

    I am curious as to roughly how many photons strike a camera sensor (e.g. a DSLR) in dim light, where the camera can form an image? Also how many photons are hitting a photosite for it to be triggered? and... how many photons have to hit a human rod (or cone) cell for it to be triggered and...
  44. M

    Micrometeorite caught on camera in Oklahoma?
  45. shaft

    Global Hawk Camera Performance: Coverage & Resolution

    the global hawk have the raytheon electronic systems ISS with a E-O and IR sensors plus a SYthetic Aperture radar (SAR). this are the Performance E-O/IR field of view : visible 5.1 x 5.2 mrad MWIR 5.4x7.3 mrad...
  46. P

    Will house burn down enclosing camera in foam ball?

    Homework Statement This is not exactly homework, but is homework level so this is probably the best place to ask rather than the more learned sections. However, I'm prepared to defer to your better judgement. I want to put a web camera inside a foam ball. The camera is a retail product so...
  47. A

    AXIS P1355 Camera I/O + relay to turn on light/garage door

    here is the manual see page 61 Notes: i have seen this thread but this camera is a bit different i think as it has digital inputs and...
  48. fluidistic

    Bonsai shaper program, .raw from digital camera

    Hi people, I would like to create a sophisticated program that takes care of a bonsai. For simplicity let's assume that the bonsai is put into a cubic box with white walls, a digital camera able to produce .raw files and is under a compact fluorescent lamp. I want to define what I'd call the...
  49. A

    Understanding EM Spectrum: Emitting vs. Reflecting | IR Camera Examples

    Hello, I was wondering how one would be able to tell the difference between an object emitting a certain wavelength of the EM spectrum, vs. an object reflecting that same wavelength of the EM spectrum. For example: 1) Suppose I have an IR source at 7 microns. I point this source at water, and...
  50. A

    Optics: Working out distance of an object from single digital camera using the captured image

    Hi, I'm working on a project to determine the distance a pedestrian is away from a single digital camera but having never done optics before I'm struggling to find the right equation to use. I'd really appreciate any help! The method I am trying to use assumes you know the height of the camera...