From Abel–Ruffini theorem, we know that, there is no general algebraic solution to polynomial equations of degree five or higher. So there are general solutions for degrees n={1,2,3,4}. Does degree have to be an integer? What about the fractional degrees? Are there general solutions for example...
I'm trying to improve my standing for grad school. I graduated with a terrible gpa (2.6) and I'm hoping that maybe work experience combined with good GRE scores and letters of recommendation could make up for it. And if that doesn't work at least I'd have something to put on my resume.
Hi all, I have been curious about this for a while. I know that some schools do not accept a bachelors in engineering technology for into a Master's Program of Engineering. I was wondering if anybody could tell me if there are schools that do?
Homework Statement
hi guys this is my first post, and it relates to classical mechanics. the problems asks that if there is a planet, planet x, with the same mass as that of the Earth and orbiting the same orbit as that of the Earth but 180 degres off from earth, so that the if the Earth is at...
Homework Statement
Find the number of degrees of freedom for:
1. A diatomic gas molecule in an enclosure with constant interatomic distance.
2. Two particles constrained to move on a plane connected by a massless spring.
Homework Equations
Where n=no. of dimensions.
N=no.of particles...
Homework Statement
An airplane is ascending at an angle of 10 degrees is detected 2000m directly above an observer after 20 seconds the angle of elevation to the plane is 48 degrees. How fast is the plane going?Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I just don't know what to do next, I've...
I was talking to my cousin about how some engineers study MBA after finish their undergrad. She herself is did BBA and told me that MBA is relatively easy as it mainly is common sense.
However, I was reading about people who studied Economics, Engineering, etc. in undergrad and then studied...
Homework Statement
i have a homework set to determine the degrees of freedom for certain objects. the professor never explained how to go about figuring these out and the book doesn't quite explain it well. two problems from the set are 1. a linear spring in 3space and 2. a bead constrained to...
I am a new user on Physics Forums and I just want to know which Colleges or Universities offer Physics or Biology degrees that are completely online? The reason I ask is that I cannot afford to go out of state (or out of my own county for that matter) to get a science degree. My interests...
hi all
My question is: In a pressurized (close to 1.1 atm; B.P. 109 degrees), closed system of water mixed (in a ratio of 1000 lts to 20lts) with Boron Nitrite (yes I am talking about cooling water system for automobiles) where the temp of the mixture does not exceed 96 degrees Celsius; will...
please explain to me how can I utilize this conversion factor to convert degrees to grades
the book says,
$\therefore$ $1^{\circ}=\frac{10^g}{9}$ and $1^g=\frac{9^{\circ}}{10}$ - I don't know how to use this in actual convertion please help.
For a school project I need to be able to shift the phase of a 100 kHz sine wave by 90 degrees (either positive or negative). I have tried several passive integrators and differentiators, both with poor results. I have also tried using an op-amp integrator and differentiator, but in both cases...
Is it possible to attain an online undergraduate physics degree in the United States? My investigations show that the Open University and SUNY (via Empire State) offer a science degree with a concentration in physics. But what does that mean? I’m a math major at Indiana University, but my...
Homework Statement
How does angle DAE equal a/2 + 90 degrees (a refers to the angle at vector A)? Please refer to the picture attached. Triangles ACE and ABD are isosceles. Side h bisects triangle ABC. Segment ED equals the perimeter of triangle ABC
Homework Equations
The Attempt...
I am trying to figure out what kind of material would be best used in order to transport water through a material that would be the same size/shape/diameter of a conventional pipe inside a home running water.
The idea is that the water running through the pipe would be at a temperature of...
When I was a teenager I had a chance at making a life as an athlete, and basically neglected my education because I had bad grades anyways. Eventually I was injured, and had to move on. I tried working a few jobs, but I soon realized I was never going to be happy in those jobs. Anyways, I...
Hey having a bit of trouble with this one. I really don't know how to start. Think I just simply don't have the right equations or I'm using the wrong units. Hopefully you guys can help me.
Homework Statement
Find the molar mass and the number of degrees of freedom of molecules in a gas with...
Hello Everyone,
I am currently re-reading Taylor's Classical Mechanics, in particular, section 4 in chapter 1. He is discussing Newton's Laws, and makes the statement:
"A point mass, or particle, is a convenient fiction, an object with mass, but no size, that can move through space but has...
Question for anyone who has been on a Math professor hiring committee?
When you were applicants, was it positive, negative or neither if the applicant had all three degrees from the same university?
If I honestly really like the University I am currently at, so I was wondering if it is acceptable to get all three degrees in Mathematics from this institution if I want to become a Math professor? Some of the professors in their department got all of their degrees from the same university, but...
I mean Goldstone bosons in the title. Sorry I don't know how to edit the title.
Goldstone's Theorem says that there is a massless Goldstone mode for each breaking symmetry. For instance symmetry of a theory is broken from SU(N) to SU(N-1), the # of Goldstone bosons is (N^2-1)-((N-1)^2-1)=2N-1...
I just want to make sure I am understanding how to define degrees of freedom of an object.
If you have a rolling ball moving strictly in the x-direction, it has two degrees of freedom: one from its rotation, and one from its translation? Or is it just one DoF because its translation...
Hi all
If my model consists of two steps,
e.g, multiple linear regression to get an estimate of an intermediate response variable
followed by a further regression to get the final estimate of response variable
To estimate the degrees of freedom for the total model can I simply sum...
Let's say I have a molecule such as CO2, where there are three atoms and a linear structure. I understand that there are 3 translational degrees of freedom and 2 rotational degrees of freedom (since it's symmetric). However, the number of vibrational degrees of freedom (DoF) confuses me.
Homework Statement
The voltage across a 60μF capacitor is described by the equation vC =(18 V) cos(200t), where t is in seconds.
What is the voltage across the capacitor at t =0.010 s?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
When you use degrees the answer is 18V and...
Wondering about degrees of freedom. So basically let me express my current understanding:
Comparing the statistical errors to the residuals, the former involves taking a subset of observations from a population and comparing them to the population mean, while the latter involves comparing the...
I went through an undergraduate physics program and I've internalized the results of the Stern–Gerlach experiment to the point where it makes more sense to me than the classical version.
However, one thing I somehow missed (or maybe it wasn't taught) is what "must rotate an electron 720...
Hello PF,
I am currently in high school, and I am watching my brother go through the experience of choosing colleges. This started to make me think about my future. I plan to receive degrees in physics hopefully up to a doctorate. To do this I understand that multiple degrees are needed, the...
please, check this ridiculous site out:
and now that math and computer science are at the top FOR THE EASIEST please, let's start ripping this author a new one (i'm obviously not actually angry, but come on, these...
I am trying to understand the degrees of freedom parameter in the Chi_squared distribution and I have found two references from the same source that appear, to me, to contradict one-another. Can anyone explain what is going on ?
In it...
Hello everyone,
Today, in class, I learned about the equipartition, and the degrees of freedom a thing can possess. My professor had said that if you were to consider a gas composed of single atoms, then the atoms couldn't have any degrees of freedom due to rotation, because you wouldn't be...
Homework Statement
I converted 14:34:52.43 into decimal degrees which is 218.71845...
My question is, how do I know how many numbers I should write after the decimal to retain the original precision?
Homework Equations
1 hour = 15 degrees
The Attempt at a Solution
15 (14 +...
Homework Statement
I'm looking for a formula that relates the distance traveled by a 'rolling' rectangle compared to a given amount of degrees it has turned.
And while I have you, another problem I have with the rolling rectangle is that its center point would move up and then down with...
I've been away from the forum for a while working on an interesting project developing an open source visualization system for spatial manifolds that have four dimensions. I have two primary lines of questioning that stem from this work.
1) I know that Gerris is an open source solution for...
Okay, I am no math genius here, so this may sound like a stupid question, but I am curious to know, how do I find how many teeth a gear will need and how big or small it should be to rotate a 34mm dial 28.07 degrees?
Hi everyone- this is my first post on the Forum. I'm a H.S. Mathematics teacher with a reasonable understanding of basic Physics for someone with no degree in the subject (Treat me like a solid H.S. Physics student in terms of my understanding).
So I was in Canada this past week, and I began...
So the number of degrees of freedom of a system is defined as the number of dynamical variables required , where the definition of dynamical variables is to completely descibe the configuration -positions of parts of a mechanical system.
The system I am to consider is a coin balanced on its...
Currently, I am working on Thermal Quantum Field Theory.
In the introduction to that, many authors point out that infinitely many degrees of freedom and infinite volume are special.
In one reference that I am reading said "The famous equivalence between the Heisenberg and the Schro ̈dinger...
I generally know the concept of degrees of freedom based on the commonly used explanation about how using the average of a sample reduces the the avaialble choices by 1. For example, I generally understand what is explained here.
What is not clear to me is how having more choices...
For Cambridge, where you need perfect A levels to get into any subject (except you do extra tests to get into maths), I've read that if you do badly at maths, they make you switch to physics or CS.
Obviously most of the pure autists pick maths, and the fact that an autist picks physics...
I know that d^2<4mk for underdamped, d^2>4mk for overdamped and d^2=4mk for critically damped. This is true if there is only 1 mass and spring and damper. How to use these equations if I have 2 mass, 3 spring and 3 dampers. That is d,m,k are in 2x2 matrices. Please some one help me with this.
What does it mean that the electromagnetic field strength includes six degrees of freedom (three for the electric field strength, three for the magnetic field strength), whereas the four-potential includes only three degrees of freedom (two for the photon, one for the Higgs boson)? What is the...
Hi guys I'm currently in my second year of my physics BSc/Hons degree and just wanted to hear from some people with physics degrees already if it was a worthy degree to choose! In terms of job opportunities etc... I really enjoy physics and that is why I choose the degree but I would like to...
There are something I don't get about the degrees of freedom(dof).
For massive dirac spinor, there are four complex components or 8 dofs. But for electron/position, there are only 4 dofs in total ( electron up &down, position up&down). Does it mean the equation of motion eliminate the other...
Homework Statement
a uniform rod of mass m and length L is free to rotate in the vertical plane about a horizontal axis passing through its end. the rod is released from rest in the position shown by slightly displacing it clockwise. Find the hinge reaction at the axis of rotation at the...
Homework Statement
For distant objects, the angular size in degrees can be approximated as 57° (w/d), where w is the width of the object and d is its distance. What is the angular size of the headlights on a car 13 km away if the headlights are 1.5 m apart?
Homework Equations