Entangled particles Definition and 62 Threads

  1. Y

    Entangled particles - Correlations

    Let us say we have a EPR type experiment using entangled electrons. If the two observers have their detectors orientated so that they make correlating detections, then as I understand it, if one observer makes positive detections of electrons with "up spin" then the other observer has to make...
  2. F

    Exploring Quantum Mechanics: Interference Experiments with Entangled Particles

    Hi, This is my first post here. I have done some reading on quantum mechanics and am curious to know more. I know about the double slit experiment and the interference pattern produced. I have also read of entangled pairs. My main question is: If you have a pair of entangled...
  3. M

    Simultaneity for entangled particles

    Whenever you read about entangled particles, and how measuring one of them "immediately" changes the other, the problem of faster than light travel is usually dismissed with "o, but you can't use it to transmit information, so it doesn't contradict relativity". However, I think there's a more...
  4. W

    Question about the experimental behavior of entangled particles.

    I have been reading quite a bit about bell pairs lately and would like to know about the actual experimental behavior of them. Here is a summary of my current understanding: Take two particles A and B entangled in such a way as the spin of each is opposite to the other, or in other words, a...
  5. JK423

    Entangled particles and measurement

    We know that if, for example, two particles are entangled in a state like: |Ψ>=a |0>|0> + b |1>|1>, then measuring an observable on only one of the particles it makes the interference dissapear. But isn't it impossible to measure both particles simultaneously in order to maintain the...
  6. B

    Can quantum entangled particles be used for faster-than-light communication?

    I am a Combat Medic in the US Army and have a few questions to ask. I am not a physicist nor would I pretend to be. I am just a curious mind. I am very new to this so these questions may be very simple. 1. Is it possible to capture an entangled particle? 2. If so can these particles be...
  7. G

    Why would entangled particles light years away need to be able to cancel?

    Ok, here's my problem... In the EPR experiment it is described that if entangled particles are required to be able to cancel each others spin's then no mater how far apart these particles are, if one is measured you can instantly infer the state of the other particle. Why would the other...
  8. Talisman

    Can Basis Ambiguity be Preserved for Entangled Particles?

    I asked this question over in the QM forum, but it fizzled out there. I think it's more appropriate here anyway so I'll post it. If this is against forum rules, I apologize! I'm reading a paper on decoherence (preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0105127" ), and am afraid I don't grasp one...
  9. H

    Exploring the Possibility of FTL Communication with Entangled Particles

    I am puzzled with the following gedankenexperiment. Consider a pair of particles that are sent from x = 0 on different directions +x and -x with entangled position on the y axis. Parallel to the y-axis we locate two double slit plates A and B. They plate A is located at x = -L and the plate B...
  10. C

    Entanglement: What is it and how is it measured?

    I've been doing more reading so forgive me. I read all the time where testing is being done with entangled particles to test their spin but no real explanation of how you entangle them. The best I can surmise is that they are two particles that have been run into each other and bounce off...
  11. K

    Entangled particles and black holes

    Two photons are emitted from the same point in a crystal and they travel in opposite directions.I find the direction one photon is moving in and this means I instantly know the direction of the other photon.But the other photon had passed an event horizon into a black hole when I made my...
  12. M

    Entangled Particles Allow for absolutely crazy things?

    "Entangled Particles" Allow for absolutely crazy things? I was reading a little bit about entangled particles... I can't be sure how much of it I grasped, but as I understand it for every particle in the universe spinning in direction X, there is another particle spinning in the exact opposite...