Feynman rules Definition and 106 Threads

  1. Quantum Field Theory by Dr. Prasanta Tripathy (NPTEL):- Lecture - 29: Compton Scattering 3

    Quantum Field Theory by Dr. Prasanta Tripathy (NPTEL):- Lecture - 29: Compton Scattering 3

    Copyright reserved to Prof. Tripathy and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Duplication prohibited. Lectures: http://nptel.ac.in/courses/115106065/ Syllabus: http://nptel.ac.in/syllabus/syllabus.php?subjectId=115106065
  2. MathematicalPhysicist

    A Why Do Feynman Rules Successfully Model Particle Interactions?

    I am reading Peskin and Schroeder and finished a few years ago Srednicki. What I don't understand is why do Feynman rules work? They are supposed to represent the diverging integrals that appear in the calculations, i.e momentum integrals, are they supposed to be regarded as a pictorial...
  3. M

    Feynman Diagrams for Interacting Scalar Fields

    Homework Statement Consider four real massive scalar fields, \phi_1,\phi_2,\phi_3, and \phi_4, with masses M_1,M_2,M_3,M_4. Let these fields be coupled by the interaction lagrangian \mathcal{L}_{int}=\frac{-M_3}{2}\phi_1\phi_{3}^{2}-\frac{M_4}{2}\phi_2\phi_{4}^{2}. Find the scattering amplitude...
  4. M

    How to Deduce Feynman Rules for a Given Lagrangian?

    1. The declaration of the problem, all variables and data given / known Calculate the decay amplitude of ## \pi ^ 0 ## in an electron-positron pair ## \pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^- ##, assuming that the interaction is of the form ## \mathcal {L}_{int} = g \: \partial_{\mu} \phi \: \overline{\psi}...
  5. A

    A Problem with Feynman rules in QCD -- help understanding please

    Hi, I'm trying to compute the cross section of a gluon emission from quarks in a electron-positron annihilation at first order (I attach the diagrams below). Applying the Feynman rules the matrix element should be: My problem is that I have no idea where this minus sign comes from. (I obtain...
  6. C

    I Correct Feynman rules for one loop diagram?

    Consider the diagram attached for the process quark + quark -> photon + quark + quark. I want to check I have the correct expression for the amplitude for this process by using the Feynman rules. ##i,j,m,n,l,p## are colour indices. ##k## is the loop momentum. I don't care about overall factors...
  7. T

    I Metric tensor : raising/lowering indices

    Hi everyone, I'm currently studying Griffith's Intro to Elementary Particles and in chapter 7 about QED, there's one part of an operation on tensors I don't follow in applying Feynman's rules to electron-muon scattering : ## \gamma^\mu g_{\mu\nu} \gamma^\nu = \gamma^\mu \gamma_\mu## My...
  8. S

    Feynman rules for derivative self-interactions

    Homework Statement Consider a real scalar field with a derivative interaction $$\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2}\left((\partial\phi)^{2}-m^{2}\phi^{2}\right)+\frac{g}{2}\phi\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial_{\mu}\phi.$$ What are the momentum-space Feynman rules for this theory? Homework Equations The...
  9. S

    A Feynman rules for a 0-dimensional field theory

    Consider the partition function ##Z(\lambda)## of the ##0##-dimensional scalar ##\phi^{4}## theory ##Z(\lambda)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}d\phi\ \exp\{-\frac{1}{2}\phi^{2}-\frac{\lambda}{4!}\phi^{4}\}.## It can be shown that...
  10. J

    A Srednicki's QFT: Feynman Rules and Feynman Diagrams

    I'm reading Srednicki's Quantum Field Theory. I 'm trying to read Srednicki's presentation of Feynman Diagrams in the chapter Path Integral for the Interacting Field Theory. Link to the book: The path integral for the phi-cubed theory is equation 9.11 in the book. Please read that. I get the...
  11. M

    How to find Lagrangian density from a vertex factor

    Homework Statement This isn't a homework problem, per se, in that it's not part of a specific class. That being said, the question I would like help with is finding a Lagrangian density from the vertex factor, $$-ig_a\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^5.$$ This vertex would be identical to the QED vertex...
  12. andrex904

    Computing Differential Decay of W Boson at Rest

    Hi, I'm trying to compute the differential decay of W boson at rest $$W^+ \rightarrow e^+ \nu_e$$ where the boson has fixed spin along z axis, and so specific cirular polarization. Using Feynman rules i get...
  13. H

    Using Feynman rules to calculate amplitude

    Given a diagram, how is one supposed to apply the feynman rules to calculate the feynman amplitude?
  14. S

    Feynman rules for Lagrangian with derivative Interaction

    Homework Statement The lagrangian is given by: L = \frac{1}{2} \partial_{\mu} \phi \partial^{\mu} \phi + \frac{\alpha}{2} \phi \partial_{\mu} \phi \partial^{\mu} \phi And the question is to find the feynman rules. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I started by using the...
  15. S

    Quantum Functional Integration and Feynman rules

    Hallo Everybody, I am searching for a book (or lecture notes) that details the calculations that lead me from a given Lagrangian to the Feynman rules of the theory. It should not be rigouros, just the main steps to get the Feynman rules. Thanks for your help!
  16. M

    What Are the Feynman Rules for Bremsstrahlung with Vector Particle Production?

    So this isn't a homework problem really, but based on the posting rules for the HEP section this seems to fit better here. My issue is that I'm trying to use a Feynman diagram to represent a Bremsstrahlung process in which a vector particle is produced: $$ Z + e^- \rightarrow Z + e^- + v. $$...
  17. andrex904

    Euclidean Feynman rules for QED

    Hi, i have some trouble with feynman rules after wick's rotation. I don't understand how the propagators transform. In particular if i take the photon's propagator in minkowskian coordinates i don't understand where the factor "-i" goes after the transformation. ## \frac{-i\eta_{\mu\nu}}{p^2}...
  18. H

    Feynman rules for nonlinear sigma models

    Nonlinear sigma models are particular field theories in which the fields take values in some nontrivial manifold. In the simplest cases this is equivalent to saying that the fields appearing in the lagrangian are subject to a number of constraints. Since the lagrangian fields are not independent...
  19. L

    Feynman rules for Yukawa theory

    Hi. Do you know any book/paper/lecture notes where I can find complete derivation of Feynman rules for both scalar and pseudo-scalar Yukawa theory, and maybe an example of application to decay of fermion?
  20. G

    Feynman rules for this real scalar field in 2d

    Homework Statement Consider the following real scalar field in two dimensions: S = \int d^2 x ( \frac{1}{2} \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi - \frac{1}{2} m^2 \phi^2 - g \phi^3) What are the Feynman rules for calculating < \Omega | T(\phi_1 ... \phi_n ) | \Omega > 2. Homework...
  21. G

    Feynman rules - where do the imaginary numbers come from?

    I'm trying to learn how to derive Feynman rules (what else to do during xmas, lol). The book I'm using is QFT 2nd ed by Mandl&Shaw. On p 428 they're trying to show how to derive a Feynman rule for W W^\dagger Z^2 interaction term g^2 \cos^2\theta_W\left[W_\alpha W_\beta^\dagger Z^\alpha Z^\beta...
  22. Xenosum

    How to order Feynman Rules for Fermions

    Homework Statement This is more of a general question-- as the title suggests I'm not too sure how to place the terms given by the Feynman rules for fermions (since they involve operators and spinors, the order does of course matter). I've been reading Peskin & Schroeder and the rules are...
  23. V

    Is there an error in the Feynman rules for QFT in the Mandl & Shaw book?

    I have found an error in the QFT book by Mandl & Shaw, 2nd ed. In eqn (8.53), there is a minus sign in front of e^4. However, this cannot be justified on the basis of how the equation is derived. In the unnumbered eqn below eqn (8.52) there is a minus sign, and the trace in this eqn is to be...
  24. C

    Feynman rules from Yang-Mills lagrangian

    In reading Ryder's book on quantum field theory he advocates reading off the Feynman rules directly from the Lagrangian in the path integral quantization method. I can sort of do this in phi-four theory, but it is not obvious in for example Yang-Mills theory, so I wondered if someone could...
  25. C

    Counterterms Feynman Rules Derivation

    Does anyone have a link or a reference to somewhere where these rules are explicitly derived for phi-four theory?
  26. Einj

    Question on spin-zero Feynman rules

    Hi everyone. I have a very silly question. What is the Feynman rule for external legs of spin-zero boson? Is it just to multply by 1? Thank you
  27. Einj

    Understanding Quark-Gluon Vertex in QCD Feynman Rules

    Hi guys! A serious doubt just passed through my mind. It is probably a silly question. In writing the Feynman rules for QCD, we know that the quark-gluon vertex is given by: $$-ig\gamma_\mu T^a_{ij}$$ where T is the SU(3) generator and i and j are the colors of the incoming and outgoing...
  28. K

    Can Feynman rules be adapted for Grand Unified Theory?

    Hi all, Having learned much about technicalities in Grand Unified Theory, I have known that it's basically pursuing the belief that coupling constants of all interactions converge to the same value. My question is, do Feynman rules still hold in this theory (b/c each type of interaction...
  29. V

    Rules to compute Feynman Diagram with the Feynman rules

    Hello, I am trying to compute feynman diagrams with the feynman rules but I encounter some difficulties... Since the gamma matrices, spinnors, etc do not comute, the ordering of the different factor from feynman diagram has an importance. Is there some rules that say where to begin and in...
  30. maverick280857

    Gluon Scattering - Colored Feynman Rules for Yang Mills Theory

    Hi, I'm reading Appendix 1 of Section N2 (Gluon Scattering) in "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" by Anthony Zee. The generators for SU(N) have the usual algebra [T^a, T^b] = i \epsilon^{a b c}T^c Suppose we adopt the following normalization \text{tr}(T^a T^b) = \frac{1}{2}\delta^{a b}...
  31. J

    What Are the Feynman Rules for Momentum Space Calculations?

    I'm trying to do the following problem: ie. I'm trying to use the Feynman rules for momentum space to write down the mathematical expression that the diagram is supposed to represent. However, I don't feel very confident in what I've managed so far. Now as I understand it, these diagrams...
  32. R

    Feynman rules for electroweak multiplets

    Can someone refer me to Feynman rules for electroweak interactions in the general case of SU(2) multiplets of weak isospin n and weak hypercharge Y interacting with EW gauge bosons? I can only find the standard rules for SU(2) doublet electron - neutrino. Thanks!
  33. C

    Calculating Feynman Rules for Effective Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian

    Hi all, I'm trying to calculate the Feynman Rules for the effective electroweak chiral Lagrangian. For example, this is the first term in the Lagrangian: \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{L}=\frac{v^2}{4}\text{Tr}(D_{\mu}U D^{\mu}U^{\dagger}) \end{eqnarray} where \begin{eqnarray}...
  34. L

    Uncovering Feynman Rules from Paper

    Consider question 1 in this paper: http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/mathiii/pastpapers/2002/Paper65.pdf How do we "read off" the Feynman rules? I can see that the interaction terms give contributions \lambda_3 , \lambda_4 , \lambda_6 to the relevant 3,4 and 6 point vertices respectively...
  35. L

    Why do Feynman rules have minus signs?

    Consider equation 5.46 in these notes: damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qft/qft.pdf (i) why does only one term have the i \epsilon in it? I thought this was because the (p-p')^2-\mu^2 term can never vanish but this doesn't make sense since the \phi particle will have momentum p-p' and since momentum...
  36. Hepth

    An online reference for SM Feynman Rules?

    I'm not always on the same computer, often times I'm using my phone to look for answers when doing physics on the go. Does anyone know a good, correct resource for ALL of the tree level feynman rules for QED+EW+QCD? Feynman gauge would be preferred, or ungauged. I can find most for the...
  37. L

    Feynman Rules for Crossing Lines in Green's Function Diagrams?

    http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qft/qft.pdf Consider the Feynman rules for Green's Functions given at the top of p79 in these notes. Now let us consider the diagram given in the example on p78. Take for example the 2nd diagram in the sum i.e. the cross one where x1 is joined to x4...
  38. E

    Feynman rules of scalar QCD (colour ordered)

    Hey guys, does any of you know where I could find the Feynman rules for scalar QCD? If they where colour ordered, even better! Cheers, earth2
  39. B

    New Feynman Rules in QED from Counterterms

    Hi, I have been looking at the renormalisation of QED and been using Peskin & Schroeder. I understand (I think) what is going on, but I am slightly confused over 2 issues: 1. In the new feynman rules from the counterterms, the feynman diagrams all have a small circle with a cross in...
  40. L

    Feynman rules for Majorana fields (based on Srednicki)

    Hi, So if we have an interaction Lagrangian for a Majorana field: L_1=\tfrac{1}{2} g\phi\Psi^{T}C\Psi Now looking at the path integral, I believe this must go like: Z (\eta^{T},J) ~ \exp{[\tfrac{1}{2} ig \int\,\mathrm{d}^4x (\tfrac{1}{i}\tfrac{\delta}{\delta J(x)...
  41. J

    Feynman rules and decay process

    Hi I need help to understand Feynman rules for decay for exams. In past paper there is the following question as whether the following are allowed. cc decays to tau++tau-. From What I can see this is possible via the strong force is this correct? The next is cc decays to cu and cu. From...
  42. N

    What is the role of the i in the propagator of Feynman rules?

    I'm probably missing something small but I haven't been able to figure this out. In the Feynman rules (for a scalar field that obeys the Klein-Gordon equation), you write a propagator for internal lines as \frac{i}{k^2 - m^2 + i \epsilon}. The propagator integrand is originally...
  43. S

    Feynman rules - where's the physics?

    I have been studying how to apply the Feynman rules for QED to various simple first order process (as prescribed by Griffiths' 'Introduction to Elementary Particles'). So far, all is well. I can follow the rules, and develop the results, and it all looks very clever. My problem is that so...
  44. Hepth

    Feynman Rules : Propagator Question

    I know I should know this, but I have a quick question. Let's say we have a diagram: 1-->----------2 | | <- "q" v | 3--<----------4 Lets assume: 1 = "quark" 3 = "antiquark" 2 = W boson 4 = photon q = same quark flavor as "3" Time...
  45. N

    Feynman rules (vertecies) for graviton

    Hi, Could u advise me please some references where the Feynman rules for graviton are derived I mean graviton-scalar graviton-graviton scattering ... in general graviton vertecies ... Thank you
  46. O

    How Do You Derive Feynman Rules for Scalar QED Using Functional Methods?

    Homework Statement Hello all, thanks for reading... I was assigned to calculate feynman rules for the scalar QED theory via functional methods. The fields are a scalar complex field \phi, \phi^* and gauge field A_\mu, and the lagrangean is \mathfrak{L} = (D_\mu \phi)^* (D^\mu \phi) - m^2...
  47. S

    About Feynman rules for an external field

    Hi everybody, I'm new. I'm approaching to QFT in these months and I have a couple of questions about Feynman rules. The most of the books I have read (or tried to) explain feynman rules telling what you have to do when you have an internal or external line in a graph, and when you have a...
  48. S

    Feynman rules & diagram for phi^3 theory

    I'm reading a course in Introduction to QFT and I'm stuck at a problem. I'm hoping someone here could point me in the right direction or say if my assumptions are incorrect. Homework Statement Derive the Feynman rules and all diagrams at tree-level for \lambda \phi^3 theory using Wick's...
  49. W

    Feynman rules for vector bosons

    I'm learning QFT by reading Lewis Ryder's book, so my question in short is: how he arrives at Eq 7.57 and Eq 7.58? If you don't have the book, the question is: why are there Minkowski metric terms in the Feynman rules for a gauge field coupling to itself? If the answer is complicated, simply...
  50. I

    [QFT] Feynman rules for self-interacting scalar field with source terms

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post a graduate level course material, but I have a question about perturbative expansion of the 2n-point function of a scalar field theory. Homework Statement First, the question: In which space (position or momentum) is the topological distinctness...