Fun Definition and 428 Threads

  1. I

    Fun Car Physics Problem. I swear it's wicked fun

    You are traveling in your 2000 kg car at 9.2 m/s and wish to accelerate to 17.5 m/s in 3.08 seconds, how much work, to the nearest joule, is required? Okay so i don't even know hwo t ostart this problem. I know I need to find the initial amount of work being done by the car and then...
  2. wolram

    Fun Party Tricks to Impress Your Friends

    Any one know of some good party tricks?
  3. ZapperZ

    VOTE Photo Contest - Fun In The Sun

    A surprisingly small number of photos submitted for a theme that is right smack in the middle of the summer months here in the northern hemisphere. Still, we have a good group of photos. Please choose a photo that best depicts the spirit of having fun in the sun. 1. matthyaouw 2...
  4. P

    Finding the Value of Cos(2θ) from an Infinite Geometric Sequence

    Alright, not really homework or coursework. Sum(from k = 0 to infinity) (cos thetha)^2k = 5 So i subbed in the first value, 0 and took the one out. I have to find the value of cos(2thetha)and then there was a pattern, but i didn't really know what to do. Thanks P.S. Not really familiar with...
  5. ZapperZ

    PF PHOTO CONTEST - Fun in the Sun (7/5-7/11)

    Fun in the Sun This week's theme involves all the fun activities we do during the warm days of summer. Zz. Contest Rules: 1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a gray area, or you're not sure...
  6. mcknia07

    Good Cartoons: Fun and Educational

    Good Cartoons :) Ok, so some of you might think this is a wee bit childish, but there are some good cartoons that are out there, you have to admit :smile:. I love Jimmy Neutron :!) :-p It gets kids to like science, at a young age, I know I started to like science more, after watching it. It...
  7. U

    Product Rule for Derivatives of Theta and Time Functions

    This is a bit weird, both are functions of theta (and time) ... so I assume the operator is on both ... is it a case of applying the product rule? \frac{\delta}{\delta \theta}(\dot{\theta} cos\theta)
  8. A

    Anti-gravity calculation for fun

    Alright, don't take this seriously. This is just a what if situation calculation: So I was thinking. Atoms possesses charges. Particle possesses mass. Charges produce electric field while mass produce gravitational field. A changing electric field produce a magnetic field. What unique...
  9. madmike159

    How Can You Measure the Speed of Light with Chocolate?

    The first one I got from a book by New Scientist. For the first experiment you need a microwave oven, a chocolate bar and a ruler. You can use these to find the speed of light (c\ =\ 2.99792458\ \times\ 10^{8}\ m\ s^{-1}). Take the rotating tray out your microwave oven and place the...
  10. S

    Solve Gravity Fun: Exploring Earth, Moon & Sun

    [SOLVED] gravity fun Homework Statement 1. Calculate the speed of objects on the Earth's surface caused by the Earth's own rotation around its own axis. 2. Find the mass of the Earth using its time period of revolution of the moon around the earth. 3. Find the mass of the sun using the...
  11. J

    Cross Product Fun: Deriving Statement 2 from Statement 1

    Homework Statement 1 (H_1 - H_2) \times \hat n = J_s 2 (H_1t - H_2t) = \hat n \times J_s How does one get from the first statement to the second statement? 3 H_{1t} - H_{2t} = J_s This is causing an interesting problem when I plug in numbers, I would have just left it with statement (3) but...
  12. L

    What activities do you consider 'fun'?

    I'm creating this thread to get some ideas on activities I could possibly do. I love golfing, hitting the batting cages, going to the movies, snowtubing, hiking etc. I'd like to know some other activites that some of you consider fun to do.
  13. ~christina~

    What's the Deal with This Fun Color Test? have fun
  14. C

    Transform y = 5cos3x to y = cos3x + 6

    Describe a sequence of transformations that would transform the graph of y = 5cos3x into y = cos(3x + 6)
  15. S

    Fun Brain Games to Kill Time When You're Bored

    Does anyone know of any good number games or thinking games (i.e. tic-tac-toe) to kill time when you're bored? Something that doesn't even require a pen and paper if possible...
  16. A

    Ready to Up Your Tech Game with Rockwell Automotive?

    You can get one of these spiffy Rockwell automotive" but you'll still have to goto a Rockwell automation dealer.
  17. L

    Tachyon Pistols: A Fun Little Paradox Its stuff like this why I want to study physics.
  18. C

    Solving for Tensions and Mass in a System of Forces

    [SOLVED] Finding Tensions IS SO FUN Homework Statement Find tesnions T1, T2, and T3 and M in figure attached... Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution To start i drew three FBD A) for mass on left Fm= T2-m*g = 0 B)the intersection Fx = T3 cos 37 - T2 cos 63 =...
  19. R

    How fun is particle physics research? (re:computation work)

    Hi, so I am currently an ug, and I've been offered positions to do particle physics research. The thing that is turning me off is that it's mostly computational work in C++. I don't know how much i'll enjoy working at the computer all day, but the idea of studying what makes up matter is...
  20. M

    Complex Analysis Fun: Analytic Antiderivatives in {z:|z|>2}

    Homework Statement Show that \frac{z}{(z-1)(z-2)(z+1)} has an analytic antiderivative in \{z \in \bold{C}:|z|>2\}. Does the same function with z^2 replacing z (EDIT: I mean replacing the z in the numerator, not everywhere) have an analytic antiderivative in that region? Homework...
  21. V

    How Can Astrophysicists Be Rescued from Mars Using Special Relativity?

    I was really bored one day, and I decided to make up this question for fun. It's actually pretty easy and I was able to solve it using nothing but high school algebra, but what makes the question interesting is just the conceptual aspect of the question: A team of astrophysicists are stranded...
  22. Greg Bernhardt

    Exploring Holy Books: A Scientific Perspective

    I don't adhere to any religion nor have I been conviced there is a God. However I have recently decided that in order to better understand human history and current world affairs it would be very benefical to read the major holy books. My GF is currently reading the Bible and I am about 100...
  23. hypatia

    Did you chat today? Did you like it? I thought it was kind of fun.

    Did you chat today? Did you like it? I thought it was kind of fun.
  24. S

    Fun Riddle: Solve the Clues to Discover the Mystery Object Ending in X

    I am hot but I need fire, I am tall but I need to jump, I am long but I need to stretch and I am slimy but I need slime, I am full but I need fuel. I end in X. What am I?
  25. C

    Physics Fun at Home: Share Your Ideas!

    I'm sure everyone here loves to do physics at home. This weekend I made a cheap", but I want to know what other physics related activities people are doing at home.
  26. F

    Conductors and Equipotential Lines - Fun

    Conductors and Equipotential Lines - Fun! Homework Statement Consider the following two conductors. conductor A is grounded so that it has a voltage of 0 V and conductor B is charged up so it has a voltage of +20 V. Draw in the equipotential lines and then draw in the E field lines indicating...
  27. J

    Friedmann Cosmology: Exploring the Fascinating Aspects of the Standard Model

    The purpose of this thread is to describe certain interesting aspects that are explicit or implicit in the “standard model” of cosmology for a flat universe, by reference to the Friedmann equations. I hope to provoke more interest and constructive dialogue about the substance of this topic...
  28. C

    A real life problem, just for fun

    Homework Statement Around one of our buildings we have an "ant channel" of roughly square cross section (say 20 cm x 20 cm) with fish in it to control the mosquito larvae. The surface of the water carries particles giving a good indication of any surface movement. Late one afternoon we...
  29. C

    What kind of fun can I have with an EE degree?

    Would I be able to buy current computer hardware and mod the hell out of it? I.e. overclocking through the BIOS, but if that ain't enough would I be able to tweak the hardware to make it run even faster? Without going insane (no liquid nitrogen!) What other kinds of tinkering can I do with the...
  30. B

    Great Fun: Complex Proof using de Moivre's Theorem

    Homework Statement Show that \int_{0}^{\pi} {\cos}^{2n}\theta d\theta = \frac{(2n)!\pi}{{2}^{2n}{(n!)}^{2}} Homework Equations cos n*theta = (z^n + z^-n)/2 The Attempt at a Solution Ok, this one has kept me busy for a while. I started using de Moivre's theorem to express...
  31. J

    Friiedman Fun Facts to know and tell

    Hi SpaceTiger, Pervect & Hellfire, Here are some follow-up thoughts about the Friedmann equation for expansion. Pervect, thank you for using Noether's Theorem to demonstrate that normal momentum (of movement) is conserved. The next challenge is to demonstrate that the "momentum-like"...
  32. J

    What is the maximum reaction time to avoid hitting a deer on the road?

    a car is moving at 56km/h when a deer jumps onto the road 65m ahead. after a reaction time of t seconds, the driver applies the brakes to produce an acceleration of -3.0m/s^2. what is the maximum reaction time allowed if the car is to avoid hitting the deer?
  33. V

    Solving Fun Ski Area Problem: 3.67x10^7 W

    [SOLVED] Fun ski area problem Homework Statement A T-bar tow is planned in a new ski area. At anyone time, it will be required, to pull a maximum of 82 skiers up a 609-m slope inclined at 14.1° above the horizontal at a speed of 2.37 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the...
  34. J

    At home engineering fun. disc and rod drum driver

    I am driving a drum head with a rod. The rod goes up and down as the radius of a disc changes length (please see attached PDF). There is a gradual raise of the drum head, and then an abrupt drop. But there is a kink that the rod needs to overcome. Any suggestions on how to achieve this...
  35. Greg Bernhardt

    News Which Candidate Aligns With Your Views?

    The following is an interesting exercise... You answer a few questions then click the "find your candidate button" and the program selects the candidate who's position on the issues is most like your own... My top three were: Rudy - 31...
  36. R

    Explore Project Euler: A Fun Challenge for Math & Programming Lovers

    Hi people! Well i don't know if all here know about the Project Euler ( but i think it is very useful because for all of us here know how to program numerical algorithms fine is very important. "Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer...
  37. F

    Solving 1D Motion Problems with Fun: Average Rate and Time Calculations

    FUN 1d motion prob--help Homework Statement The figure ( shows a general situation where a stream of people attempt to escape through a door that is closed. The people move toward the door at a speed of v = 3.50 m/s, are each d = .25 m...
  38. rocomath

    So I checked out Rudin's Analysis book for fun

    ... the book is tiny ... (sure it has lots of advanced material) but wow ... $150 new on Amazon, for something you could lose to your couch? crazy.
  39. N

    What is Jim Goff's hourly wage in Drilling was never too fun?

    Every morning at seven o' clock There's twenty terriers drilling on the rock. The boss comes around and he says, "Keep still And bear down heavy on the cast-iron drill And drill, ye terriers, drill." And drill, ye terriers, drill. It's work all day for sugar in your tea Down beyond the...
  40. mbrmbrg

    Why is nasal congestion worse indoors than outdoors?

    Why is nasal congestion due to a cold so much worse inside than outside? (Or is it just me?)
  41. C

    Fun with counting and modular arithmetic

    So today I was doing a problem out of my book for practice, and I came across some interesting results. Show that among any group of five (not necessarily consecutive) integers, there are two with the same remainder when divided by 4. a set of consecutive integers 1 mod 4 = 1 2 mod 4...
  42. F

    Schools Grad school question - GPA, deadlines, etc LOTS OF FUN STUFF

    Grad school question - GPA, deadlines, etc... LOTS OF FUN STUFF! I have one year left of school. Soon, I will be applying to grad school. My first ~1 year of school I did not do very well. I was at that time a Computer Science student, and I really just hated my classes, the math, physics...
  43. R

    Fun with cryogenics and whip cream

    has anyone heard about dipping a can of shaving cream in liquid nitrogen, stripping away the metal and then placing the remains in a car. The effect is supposed to be that the shaving cream expands to such a great volume that it fills the entire car. If this is possible I was wondering if the...
  44. K

    Can a Sequence of 1's and 0's Be a Multiple of Any Integer?

    Show that for any n>1 we can construct a positive integer consisting of only 1's and 0's such that this integer is a multiple of n.
  45. ZapperZ

    PF PHOTO CONTEST - Now That Looks Like Fun (6/23-6/29)

    Now That Looks Like Fun Your pictures must contain something that would be fun to do. It would help if there are actually people having fun doing it. Contest Rules: 1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In...
  46. Simfish

    How many non-professors read research journals for fun?

    After all, tenure is incredibly hard to get - and most people who strive for it don't earn it. So for those who couldn't get tenure (and a lot other interested people) - do they still read research journals for fun? (or say, read through graduate level textbooks in other fields for fun)...
  47. P

    Distribution Coefficient Fun for all ages

    [a]1. Calculate the distribution coefficient (Concentration of benzoic acid in dichloromethane: Concentration of benzoic acid in aqueous layer[/b] Using: molecular weight of benzoic acid=122 Concentration 2.4g/L Average titre with 0.02M NaOH (39.25 x 0.02)/1000=0.000785 C6H5COOH +...
  48. Pythagorean

    Fun stuff you get to do as a nuclear engineer?

    what kind of fund stuff do you get to do as a nuclear engineer?
  49. F

    Exploring Higher Level Physics: Topic Progression & Resources

    Well my engineering degree only required Physics 211 and 212 (Basically, most of the Halliday/Resnick Textbook) and I've already finished them. All of my remaining courses, if they introduce any new physics will be in the engineering context. But, I'm still am very curious about general...
  50. ZapperZ

    What can you do on a Snow Day besides hang out on PF?

    OK, so who else is having a Snow Day today? Argonne is scheduled to open at Noon the earliest (I have doubts that they will). So I'm taking the day off. This means that I will be bored all day and will hang out even more on PF. This may or may not be good! :biggrin: I'm just glad I'm...