Gear Definition and 402 Threads

  1. G

    Effect of Gear Mass on Motor Torque

    I am new here to the forum, so I hope I am posting in the right section. I am working on a school project, planning to design a robotic wing. I am first devising a way to use gears with a servo motor (Hitec MG995 - as the driver...
  2. L

    How to show how speed varies with incline, and with Gear ratio

    Hey guys, I'm having difficulty with my university project which is to build an electric bike. My design is to have a friction wheel attached to the shaft of my 800W 2800rpm electric motor which is rated at 2.8Nm. I have two issues with my spreadsheets at the moment. Can someone please help...
  3. K

    Angular speed ratio and gear teeth ratio Hello, I tried to derive n=N1/N2=omega2/omega1 with using T1=T2 but it is a wrong assumption. I thought they should balance to satisfy Newton's 3rd law, but it is not. Could you explain me why.
  4. E

    Resources on Gear Cutting Machines

    I'm interested in learning about how original gear cutters were made, such as Polhem's manually operated gear-cutting machine or Whitworth's design. So far, I have only been able to find very brief or vague description on how they worked. Any helpful resources that explain the mathematics and...
  5. S

    Fokker 100 Brake Disc Actuator Main Landing Gear

    Dear users, I have a problem with a calculation. I have got an assignment. For this assignment I have to redesign the brake actuators for the brake discs of the main landing gear of th fokker 100. I have forgotten how to calculate a force that goes sideways. The sideway forces are created when...
  6. K

    Automotive Why is an FFT done after a noise signal is captured?

    Presently there is a gear whine noise issue in a vehicle transmission. Our NVH team captured the noise signal using a microphone and then did an FFT of the signal and gave us a frequency plot. What exactly can I take out of it? Can I assume every harmonic belongs to a noise generated by a gear...
  7. I

    Determining the number of gear teeth?

    I have a system that consists of a shaft and two selected gears. I want the shaft to be rotating at 250 RPM and to deliver an input power to the system of 850W. The input torque at the shaft is 71Nm. How can i use this information to determine how large my driving and driven gears will be...
  8. J

    Gear Ideas for High School Lessons on Mechanical Advantage

    Hey guys, I'm looking to do several high school lessons on the mechanical advantage of gears...including rpm calculations and gear ratios. I've searched and searched, but can't seem to find any good gear models/demos for students to use to build and experiment on their own. It seems like...
  9. B

    Rotational force of motor + potential gear reduction

    I'm trying to determine how powerful of a stepper motor I need for a project. I am attempting to take a display that weighs 15lbs and transition it from laying flat to inclined (approximately 45 degrees) using a stepper motor. I had considered a linear actuator since it would have been an easier...
  10. E

    Which Gearbox Ratio is Used to Maintain Speed Up an Incline?

    Hi, I don't get the right answer for this question. I don't see where I'm going wrong. I use this equation to get the engine rpm for each gear ratio: engine speed (rpm) = gear ratio X final drive ratio X vehicle speed X 60 / (2*pi*rolling radius) So for first gear I get an engine rpm of...
  11. G

    Hydraulic gear pump ports and line sizing

    I am between selecting two gear pumps. One with .25 cu in at 2000 RPM or .38 cu in at 2000 RPM. In order for .25 cu into get the right flow, I will need to increase the speed to 3000 RPM. Gotta belt drive it either way. I have sized up a suction line of 7/8" I.D. that will get me a velocity...
  12. MattyAB

    System for turning Rotational into Linear movement

    Hey Everyone, I want to build a Laser cutter for myself from scratch (sort of). I need some way of turning the rotational energy of the servo into a linear movement. I want something fairly cheap, so nothing to pricey. I thought of the classic Lego style thing, with a gear on the servo, with a...
  13. dumbdumNotSmart

    Angular acceleration for one gear to another

    Homework Statement Gear r has angular acceleration of a magnitude of .2 rads^{-2}(counterclockwise) and is resting at t=0s . p is a cylinder welded to R (concentric). r applies torque to R, these do not slip or slide. A mass m hangs from a string which is attached to p. This string is not...
  14. P

    Gear box design against specified engine specifications

    Dear all,i have recently been provided a task of designing a basic gear box for a vehicle having following engine specifications: 127cc, max torque: 7.8N-m Max. RPM: 3200 How do I proceed for this? Please guide me what all additional information is required for this calculation and what all do...
  15. MichaelWReed

    Expandable Gear CVT: Michael Warren Reed's Project

    Hi there, I started working on an idea for an expandable gear CVT about 3 years ago, while out of work for a few months. I had some exciting progress on an idea that I think might be worth pursuing more, but I now have 2 kids, 2 jobs, and no time. I have brought up the project idea with a few...
  16. J

    Gear Ratios and Constant Power/Torque: find max velocity?

    I'm trying to determine how exactly gear ratio limits velocity. I know that a high torque configuration is generally regarded as low speed, but my calculations do not seem to support that. Basically, I've written a small problem where we have an input gear with constant torque and an output...
  17. F.Turner

    Reverted Gear Train Design Problem | Get Help Now

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical engineering forums, so no HH Template is shown > I have a design problem that has two predictions that I must make. The constants that I am given is the amount of teeth each gear has, the diameter of the gears, the input torque, speed in...
  18. deuel18

    Calculating Radius of Driven Gear from Given Info

    I'm currently designing two gears meshed together. I know that the pinion gear must travel at 85 degrees from 0 while the driven gear must travel at 120 degrees from 0 - both gears must travel and stop at the same time. In addition, I do know that the pinion gear must be 1 inche in diameter. Is...
  19. synMehdi

    Automotive Can You Convert a Trike Differential Gear to a Chain Drive for a Kart?

    Hi, I'm a beginner in mechanics so I need some help with a project I started. My project consists of a small kart-like car. The car will be Rear-Wheel-Drive and Rear-Engine too (RR layout). and I am willing to use a small 110cc moped engine. I have a trike Differential Gear for the rear shaft...
  20. andyrk

    Gear Ratio in Bicycles using Rotational Motion

    When we change the gears of the bicycle we are riding, we change the the disc we are currently at (which are located at the place where we pedal) to some other disc. This means the radius of the circular disc we were pedaling/rotating changes. So that means if we were rotating the disc with...
  21. A

    Designing Non-Circular Gears: Tips for Drawing Teeth Profiles

    Hi, How can ı design a non circular gear? How drawing teeth profiles?
  22. S

    Gear Ratio & Voltage/Current Calculation for 24V 1500rpm BLDC Motor on a Tricycle

    I have a 24V, 1500rpm bldc motor.The power output will be around 400W. We are using it to electrically drive a tricycle. How can I calculate the gear ratio to decrease the rpm and increase the torque? The transmission system includes an intermediate shaft with 22 teeth sprocket and 44 teeth...
  23. S

    Calculating Gear Train Efficiency & Input Power | Homework Solution

    Homework Statement a) Determine the input power required at shaft 1. b) Specify the efficiency of the gear train as a percentage. c) Determine an equation for the efficiency of the gear train in terms of the load (torque) on shaft 2 (all other factors remaining constant). Knows: 4 gear train...
  24. A

    Torque & Force required to slide a gate

    Greetings all, I am trying to build a sliding gate operator. I have this wiper motor which says, 24v dc, 64rpm, nominal torque- 4Nm. Max weight of gate to be 400kg, sliding on a steel rail (Not sure how to consider rolling resistance or Co-eff of friction) . Max pull force to be achieved by...
  25. M

    Looking for mechanical clutch solution

    Hi, I made an electronics project but I'm having some mechanical problems. Particularly, I'm having issues finding a good clutch for my problem. What I'm trying to do: A motor is connected to shaft 1, a human can manually rotate shaft 2. I want that when the motor isn't doing anything, a...
  26. P

    How to Calculate Input Power for a Gear Train with Frictional Resistance?

    Calculating the input power required for a drive gear in a train. I have 4 gears, all in line. The driver shaft A rotates at 100 revs/min and the gear has a diameter of 40mm. 20 teeth with a module of 2mm The output is to rotate at 400 revs/min and has a diameter of 160mm with 80 teeth and...
  27. C

    Mechanism that only rotates when driven from one side

    I have a geared DC motor taken from a hand drill. When I manually turn the internal motor, the drill bit rotates. This can be done in both directions. However If I try and turn the drill bit it does not rotate. What is the mechanism called that achieves this? My friend says it is a sprag...
  28. N

    Gear and gearbox design - circular pitch

    Hi everyone! Just joined the fórum after a lot of hours searching the web and Reading some books...I have one question, didn't found na answer to it...but let's give it a try ;) How can you determine the optimal circular pitch and in consequence the optimal diametral pitch of a gear (increasing...
  29. A

    Calculating Worm Gear & Stepper Motor for Single Axis Solar Tracker

    Dear all, I am trying to build single axis solar tracker using worm gear, I need guide line for calculation of worm gear & stepper motor .he are some relation i taken, But i wanted whether its correct & need to explain with example efficiency= (output Power of Worm gear/ Input Power of...
  30. K

    Calculating top speed in each gear given the gear ratios and

    Hello, Can you tell me if there is anyway of calculating the top speed in each gear of a vehicle given its horsepower and gear ratios? Since Power = Force*Velocity Velocity = Power/Force Force = Drag Force + Rolling Resistance --> Velocity = Power / (Drag Force + Rolling Resistance) This...
  31. M

    Gear Ratios to Gear Tooth Count

    Hello Ladies and Gents,I am look for some help with designing the gear trains for an orrery (a mechanical model of the solar system) I am planning. I need some advice on how to go about calculating the specification of the gears in the mechanism which I will machine. I will use cycloidal teeth I...
  32. D

    Does the gear ratio in a differential affect pitching loads

    I'm designing a differential mount and am trying to wrap my head around the pitch loads the mount sees. My question is with a 1000 Ft/lb input torque will the ring and pinion ratio effect the torque that the mount must resolve? The differential is a sub-frame mounted IRS assembly, Nissan R230...
  33. H

    Understanding Bicycle Gear Ratios

    I'm confused as to how gear ratios work in bicycles. I'm given a problem which says that gear ratio = rfront/rear. It then says that the gear ratio changes from 4 to 0.7. Does this mean that the radii of the gears are changing? I'm unfamiliar with gears on a bicycle so I'm not sure if the radius...
  34. D

    Gear ratio requirement (RPM --> km/h)

    Homework Statement A vehicle having wheels with a diameter of 58cm, is powered by motors that have a maximum speed of 6024 rpm. Each motor is coupled to the wheel using a gear mechanism as shown in figure 2-14. Calculate the required gear ratio if the vehicle's maximum speed is 190.2 km/hr...
  35. J

    How to Quantify Energy on a Planet Gear?

    How can I quantify the energy on the planet gear of a planetary gear set? My thoughts are: All the energy that goes through a planetary gear set goes through the planet gear. This energy can be quantified as power with torque and rpm relative to the axis of the planet gear. Thanks John D
  36. J

    Power-split planetary gear set power calculation

    I think we have a problem with this rule. This is my understanding of the existing rule. Am I close? The rule for calculating the power distribution on a power split planetary gear system is based on the equal force rule. To calculate the power on the sun and ring of a planet set with input...
  37. Mingsliced

    Simple Gear Train Efficiency and Torque Help

    Homework Statement I'm on the very last section of a question for the design of a simple gear train. I've managed to design the gear train with all criteria fulfilled and I am confident that it is correct. I just need clarification that my calculations thus far are correct and also a fresh...
  38. C

    3 gears and the torque on the support

    Homework Statement I need to find if there is a torque on the support with 3 gears: The Gear1 is forced to turn at 3w by an external device. Gear2 and Gear3 must follow. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I drawn all forces...
  39. L

    Non-Uniform Gear Moment of Inertia

    I'm working on a project involving analyzing the motion of a reciprocating saw. This saw converts rotational motion from an electric motor to linear motion by means of a slider crank mechanism. The power transmission goes from motor and attached driving gear, to crank, to connecting rod, to...
  40. X

    Can a Gear / Vane pump be used for pumping a gas?

    I have become quite interested in pump physics recently. I do a lot of work on cars, this includes work on automatic transmissions. Two main types of pumps I see inside an automatic transmission are the gear pump and the rotary vane pump. In a transmission these pump fluid (also a cars oil...
  41. J

    Bevel Gear Design: Choosing Between Straight and Spiral Bevel Gears

    So I've been searching up "bevel gear" CAD tutorials, but all I can find is "Spiral bevel gear". It seems like the spiral version of the bevel gear is much more popular in engineering then the normal one one. But drawing a spiral bevel gear, and manufacturing it would be more complex and prone...
  42. G

    Is Enveloping the Worm Gear Necessary for Optimal Tooth Contact with Spur Gears?

    I wanted to exchange some opinions about worm gear enveloping. I am designing a worm gear 3d model and, putting the appropriate amount of thought in it, some interesting points arise. One may either: 1) Envelop (is that right?) the worm gear helix, so that its radius increases from the gear's...
  43. T

    Improving Machine Efficiency through Gear Ratio

    Does altering Gear Ratio improve efficiency (loss of energy as heat while converting EE to ME) of a machine? I also read online that having higher gear contact ratio improves the efficiency, but I really don't understand how.
  44. B

    Relating variables: weight, gear ratio, power/torque to make design estimations

    hey all, I'm stumped so I thought I'd try posting here. I am in the early stages of design of a vehicle where we have a rough approximation of weight, no idea what gear ratios or power/torque to use yet, but have an acceleration requirement. I am trying to graphically model the relationship...
  45. D

    Design of a Gear Reducer for a Tractor

    Hello everyone, I am a junior Mechanical Engineering major tasked with the design of a gear reducer using spur gears. We haven't studied gears in-depth up to this point and I was wondering if anyone has suggestions regarding initial design considerations or a possible starting point. Any...
  46. W

    Normal force on the landing gear when the airplane lands

    Homework Statement An airplane of mass 25,000 kg (approximately the size of a Boeing 737) is coming in for a landing at a speed of 72 m/s. Calculate the normal force on the landing gear when the airplane lands. Hint: You will use 0.92 m as the compression (vertical displacement) of the landing...
  47. Blake Kopachena

    How can I reduce the speed of my lift without changing its displacement?

    I have a little project, I am building a simple lift that is moved with cable by a 3-phase motor which has it's speed controlled by variable frequency drive. I am going to be implementing PID control into the VFD via PLC that will be based off of a distance reading from an ultrasonic sensor for...
  48. R

    Spider Gear Rotation: What Causes It & How Does It Work?

    Whenever the car goes about a differential comes into action.This action generally starts with the spider gear starts to rotate about its axis,this causes increase in speed in one wheel and decrease in other.I want to how this spider gear starts to rotate about its axis what causes it to rotate ?
  49. K

    Centrifugaleffect on lubricant exerted on small or large gear

    Chain lubricant must be applied to two gears connected by a chain. The two gears are of different size. The question is now, if it is better to apply the lubricant at the larger or smaller gear, if we wanted to minimize the amount of lubricant lost due to centrifugal force. The math...
  50. J

    Can a worm gear keep up with the response time needed for drone stabilization?

    Hello, I am an amateur designing a drone. The mechanism which stabilizes it, has a worm gear connected to a gear which moves the motor, i.e in the system we have 1: Servo(with built in gears) 2: worm gear which servo moves 3: gear which worm gear moves 4: another gear which gear number 3...