Infinite potential well Definition and 63 Threads

  1. V

    Infinite potential well and linear superposition

    Homework Statement Consider a particle in a potential ; V(x)=0\ for\ 0<=x<=L and V(x)=\infty\ otherwise . Its wave function is a linear superposition of the lowest two stationary states and given by \psi(x,t)=\frac{1}{2}*(\sqrt{3}...
  2. T

    Quantum Mechanics - Infinite Potential Well

    Homework Statement A particle is trapped in an infinite potential well, with the infinite walls at ±a. At time t=0, the wavefunction of the particle is \psi = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2a}} between -a and a, and 0 otherwise. Find the probability that the Energy of the particle is \frac{9...
  3. E

    Does an Infinite Potential Well Have a Box in the Middle?

    Homework Statement An infinite potential well with a box in the middle V = 100, the walls of the box go from -L/2 to L/2. Homework Equations Schrodinger's equation. The Attempt at a Solution Please help.
  4. S

    Electron In An Infinite Potential Well

    Homework Statement An electron is in a Infinite potential well (1-dimensional box with infinite wall boundary conditions) at the second energy level. The width of the box is L. What is the electron density n(x) as a function of the position x? Homework Equations time-independent Schrödinger...
  5. S

    Particle in an infinite potential well, showing the uncertainty in x

    I've got this question and I'm absolutely clueless, any help will be greatly appreciated: The nth energy level for a particle of mass m confined in an infinite potential well is : E = h^2n^2/8ml^2 where L is the width of the well and h is Planck’s constant. Assuming that the uncertainty...
  6. K

    One dimensional infinite potential well problem

    hi, I am not getting idea to solve below problem A particle of mass m is in a one-dimensional ,rectangular potential well for which V(x)=0 for 0<x< L and V(x)=infinite elsewhere. The particle is intially prepared in the ground state ψ1 with eigen energy E1. Then , at time t=0, the potential...
  7. V

    Can Classical Physics Explain the Infinite Potential Well in Quantum Mechanics?

    I've been told about the infinite potential well using quantum-mechanics, with mathematical proof. Is there any websites I can look at to understand this theory with less math, but instead, with a theoratical approach? Would classical-physics be able to describe this result? thanks
  8. N

    How to Find Psi(x,t) in an Infinite Potential Well?

    Homework Statement Hi, Particle of mass m is found in one-dimensional infinite potential well with walls 0<=x<=a. In t=0 the normalized wave function is: \psi(x,t=0)=A[1+Cos(\frac{\pi x}{a})]Sin(\frac{2 \pi x}{a}) find psi(x,t) Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution...
  9. T

    What is an Infinite Potential Well?

    Hi I am just found this forum and I was wondering if anyone could help me find out what exactly is a Infinite Potential Well. I am just trying to understand what exactly a Infinite Potential Well is as well as what all the equations are really solving for. Sorry if this has been posted before I...
  10. G

    1D infinite potential well with origin shift

    Hi guys, I am solving the 1D infinite potential well for a particle, but in this case instead of the potential being 0 from -a to a, its shifted to 0 to 2a. I have calculated that the even parity solution is zero. My question is, I have calculated that k=n*Pi/(2*a) by applying the boundary...
  11. J

    Particle in an infinite potential well

    Hi all, I have an exam tomorrow and this problem concerns me greatly. An electron is located in an infinitely deep one-dimensional square potential well. The width of the well is 1.00 nm. (e) Light is shone on the electron causing it to jump from the ground state to the n = 3 state...
  12. C

    How Does a Perturbation Affect Energy Levels in an Infinite Potential Well?

    Sorry for all the questions - I tend to save them till I'm done with assignments: Here's the question: Consider a particle of mass 'm' in a one-dimensional infinite potential well of width 'a' V (x) = \left\{\begin{array}{c} 0 \ \ \ if \ \ \ 0 \leq x \leq a \\ \infty \ \ \ otherwise...
  13. F

    What is the uncertainty of an electron's momentum in an infinite potential well?

    At t=0 an electron in an infinite potential well has a wave function corresponding to the lowest level of energy. The wave function is equal to the eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian where n=1. I am asked to calculate the uncertainty of the electron's momentum. I don't really know where to...