Inflation Definition and 415 Threads

  1. PhysicoRaj

    Time at which price doubles in inflation.

    anybody knows how to calculate the period which a commodity which faces inflation takes to double it's price, without knowing anything except the rate of inflation? You must give a very shortcut method. Thanks.
  2. P

    Big Bang & Inflation: Exploring Infinite Inflation

    "Infinite" inflation Hello all, I have a series of questions relating to the Big Bang and Inflation! First, a disclaimer: I am a science/astronomy/cosmology enthusiast, but I have no advanced education in the subjects. My knowledge is gleaned from as many books as I can read and shows I can...
  3. I

    Calculation for inflation time of an air bladder?

    Hi, I was curious if you could help me. I am currently working on a project where we are using 12g CO2 cylinders to fill an expanable air bladder to absorb impacts like an air bag. I am having trouble though calculating how long it would take to inflate the bladder with known variables...
  4. N

    The Role of Inflation in the Expansion of the Universe

    Quick question from a newbie, was the inflation of the universe faster than the speed of light ? Having heard about the proposed speed of inflation (on TV) it seemed to be faster than the speed of light, surely never possible, so how fast was this inflation of the universe ? "in a...
  5. J

    Did quantum degeneracy pressure drive inflation?

    Was cosmic inflation partly driven by the quantum degeneracy pressure of the quarks and electrons? Just after the Big Bang they would all be sitting on top of each other - just what fermions don't like to do!
  6. MTd2

    Highest expansion rate during inflation.

    What is the highest expansion rate during inflation?
  7. O

    I have some somewhat detailed questions about inflation, curvature, and entropy

    I posted these on Reddit but some questions weren't answered so I was wondering if people here could help: First Part I was informed that the universe did actually exponentially gain energy during inflation and perhaps other periods of its development. So how does this affect the entropy and...
  8. I

    Looking for an introduction to eternal inflation

    Hi, I currently have to learn about the topic of eternal inflation, at a basic level for now, I am already familiar with the topic of inflation. I don't know what are the good references to this subject. I will try to start in Weinberg's book of cosmology (the one published in 2008), but is...
  9. D

    Does Inflation Affect the Perception of Time in Expanding Space?

    does inflation affect time? my question arises from @ ~7:30min. if space itself can be used as a reference point for speed, is it an omnipresent observer? is it therefore not excepted from SR if space is moving relative to space? I have searched the forums already, I am trying not to...
  10. L

    Inflation and electroweak and GUT vacuum

    Before Higgs symmetry breaking of SU(2)xU(1) electroweak unified force or even before that, when strong and electroweak were unified as GUT theories propose, the vacuum was different from today's universe. What effects had these different vacua on the evolution of the universe? thanks
  11. I

    Unifying GR + EM: Inflation & Gravity Effects

    In GR gravity is seen as a property of space-time , curvature. Now we know that sometime after the plank's time we had the universe dominated by radiation ( recombination) as such the rate of inflation was in the range of ~ 10^30 m/s , which as you can see is considerably larger than the VOL (...
  12. marcus

    Cai Easson avoid eternal inflation , use Higgs to seed structure

    Cai Easson avoid "eternal inflation", use Higgs to seed structure Cai and Easson's paper takes off from the seminal paper of Shaposhnikov and Wetterich that is discussed here at BTSM Shapo-Wetter predicted 126 GeV Higgs in 2009 on the...
  13. H

    How inflation can give rise to irregularities

    I can understand how can inflation give rise to the isotropy of the CMB, but that it can give rise also to the irregularities in the CMB...!? Please, can anyone explain me this? thanks.
  14. L

    How does CMB support the predictions of inflation ?

    How does CMB support the predictions of "inflation"? Could explain to the novice I am, how does the CMB observation support the predictions of "inflation"?
  15. A

    Inflation and accelerated expansion of the universe

    Is it possible to relate the inflation of the universe in its early states with the current accelerated expansion of space-time?
  16. H

    Are Infinite Universes Compatible with M-Theory and Chaotic Inflation?

    Hi, I am not currently studying, have never studied Astrophysics, so will no doubt come across as rather inadequate in trying to clarify, what my question actually is. Please forgive me for not using appropriate terminology, and, if this forum is not for the curious laymen in the general...
  17. T

    How long ago did inflation end in the universe?

    As I understand it, very soon after the big bang, the process of inflation took over and caused the super size of the universe in a very short period of time. At some point, I suppose, the inflation process ceased and the universe settled down to a more 'normal' existence with normal expansion...
  18. D

    String Theory and Eternal Inflation

    I've been hearing that String Theory tied to eternal inflation seems to be providing support for the multiverse. But, I'm missing something with this connection. (1) Eternal inflation seems to "predict" a truly infinite number of other Universes or, at least as time progresses, a limit...
  19. S

    Inflation and expansion of spacetime

    How come a "positive-energy false vacuum would, according to general relativity, generate an exponential expansion of space"?
  20. J

    Special relativity under the inflation of spacetime

    Inflation says that space between objects is expanding. Matter is held together by forces carried by bosons traveling at the speed of light. At the fringes of the universe inflation is warping space faster than the speed of light so it seems that there should be a horizon beyond which matter...
  21. R

    Cosmic inflation and gravitational waves.

    After the big bang, did the cosmic inflation of space occur as a gravitational wave?
  22. T

    Calculating Loan Reduction Strategies Using Inflation and Salary Growth

    Current Salary=$80,000 Current Inflation Rate=3.6% Use this rate to demonstrate that your salary will increase in relation to the inflation rate. Background: This is a question from a home loan assignment where we have to prove how to reduce your loans using various equations to forecast...
  23. T

    Speed of light vs. the universe's inflation

    I understand that the Speed of light is the universal speed limit (I do not believe this is in question). However, I watched Steven Hawking's show this weekend on TV where they stated "10 minutes after the big bang the universe was thousands of light years across." How is this possible if...
  24. M

    Inflation and entropy as information explain past hypotesis?

    Regarding the problem of the low entropy state at the big bang, people like Penrose, Page, Carroll etc. do not think that inflation solves the problem. I recently read and listen to Seth Lloyd and his explanations about the beginning of the universe from the point of view of entropy as...
  25. marcus

    (Im)probability of Inflation (Ashtekar Sloan 1003.2475)

    The likelihood or actually the UNlikelihood of a satisfactory inflation episode---assuming various beyond-standard-model pictures of cosmology---has recently become a major issue. The discussion revolves around the difficulty of putting a MEASURE on the range of possible initial conditions at...
  26. marcus

    Steinhardt's crit of inflation (PIRSA video)

    Paul Steinhardt (Princeton cosmology expert) just gave a cogent talk at Perimeter Institute criticizing inflation. The talk clearly lays out the problems with expansion cosmology that inflation was invented to address and again very clearly explains the ways it is...
  27. Bob3141592

    Inflation, Mach's Principle & the Early Universe

    As I understand it, somewhere close to the beginning of the universe, the universe experienced an inflationary phase when the space 'underneath' object began to expand faster than c, the speed of light. Since it wasn't the objects themselves that were expanding, there was no violation of the...
  28. phinds

    Question about detailed specifics of inflation

    In researching inflation, I have found on various web sites, significantly different numbers regarding when did inflation start? (10E-35, 10E-28, 10E-33, etc) when did inflationi end? (10E-33, 10E-38, etc) what was the change in the diameter of the U during inflation? (10E40, 10E35...
  29. J

    How does inflation drive omega close to 1?

    Hi I have a question, how does inflation drive omega close to 1? I heard Alan Guth say that inflation drives omega close to 1, how is that so? I hope I can get an answer for this question, I've been looking for it for quite a while.
  30. L

    How Does Inflation Solve the Flatness Problem in Cosmology?

    In the attached notes, there is a paragraph on p61 just under the eqn \dot{R}^2=\dots that explains why inflation solves the flatness problem. Can someone explain to me how this works please? I cannot get my head around it...
  31. L

    Inflation & Gravity: Exploring the Mystery

    I say inflation, I might possibly not mean it. I've read that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, and it's a mystery why, but my question is why isn't it expected to appear that way? If the masses of galaxies are spiralling towards the center where gravity is highest, and as more...
  32. C

    What Does the Expansion and Inflation of the Universe Mean for Quantum Physics?

    I doing research on the state of the universe before and after Inflation for a science fiction book I am writing. In the Plank Epoch (0 to 10-43 seconds), Gravity separates. At the end of the Grand Unification Epoch (10-36 seconds), the universe is expanding enough for the universe to cool...
  33. andrewkirk

    What is the difference between inflation and expansion?

    Are inflation and expansion different phenomena and if so what is different about them. Both terms seem to refer to a process of enlargement of the spacetime manifold that increases the distance between objects in a way that is somehow different from "ordinary" relative motion and which is not...
  34. R

    Quantum fluctuations and Inflation

    Wikipedia defines quantum fluctuations as: "In quantum physics, a quantum fluctuation is the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space,[1] arising from Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. According to one formulation of the principle, energy and time can be related by...
  35. F

    Could anti-mass explain the missing anti-matter from the big bang?

    The rubber-sheet model of gravity pictures gravity as the effect of hollows in space-time due to the mass of an object. If the model included bumps in space-time as well, the effect would be to channel all the mass into the valleys between the bumps forming a network of matter across the sheet...
  36. J

    Is the Hubble Deep Field evidence for inflation in the early universe?

    Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question. I'm told the Hubble Deep Field shows galaxies as distant as 13 billion light years away. 13 billion years isn't far off the apparent age of the universe - 13.75 billion years, says Wikipedia, from estimates based on the Hubble constant...
  37. H

    Mass inflation exactly equals time dilation?

    Two spacecraft in inertial motion have relative velocity .5c. The ships have identical "grandfather" clocks very much like earthly grandfather clocks, except that the force of gravity is replaced by Coulomb repulsion. [The clocks have charged plates on either side of a charged pendulum...
  38. O

    Opinions about April SciAm article about inflation inflation by Steinhardt?

    Well, I was impressed, anyway... Anybody?
  39. O

    Falsification of eternal inflation

    Almost all planets in a multiverse with eternal inflation will be much younger than our earth. Almost all conscious creatures in such a multiverse will live on young planets with an exceptionally quick evolution (related to the theoretical expected evolution speed). But we live on an old...
  40. marcus

    Probability of Inflation in Loop Quantum Cosmology (new Ashtekar Sloan paper) Probability of Inflation in Loop Quantum Cosmology Abhay Ashtekar, David Sloan 34 pages, 3 figures (Submitted on 12 Mar 2011) "Inflationary models of the early universe provide a natural mechanism for the formation of large scale structure. This success brings...
  41. S

    Timing of the big bounce in eternal inflation

    In the picture given to us by loop quantum graivty, the big bang is replaced by the big bounce. So 13.7 billion years our universe bounced from a previous one. In the picture given to us by eternal inflation, our big bang is just a local big bang and there is a far greater inflating sea. If the...
  42. I

    What Caused Inflation to Cease in the Early Universe?

    So I'm reading about the inflationary period and something occurred to me that never seems to be addressed in the popular physics books - what caused inflation to stop? So I buy the inflation argument, the evidence seems sound, but why would the universe expand so extraordinarily quickly for a...
  43. S

    What gave rise to cosmic inflation of the early Universe?

    What gave rise to cosmic inflation of the early Universe?
  44. mrspeedybob

    Eternal Inflation: Check Understanding & Ask Qs

    I just read this... Here's my condensed paraphrase, Those of you familiar with this theory tell me if I'm getting it right. As the universe expands All bodies which are not bound together move apart while those that are eventually fall together into...
  45. D

    Could Inflation Create a Universe from a Pre-Existing De-Sitter Vacuum State?

    I really enjoyed Sean Carroll's book "From Eternity to here" and his explanation about the connection of the arrow of time and the low-entropy event which is called big bang. There is something I did not understand though. He stated that inflation is not an explanation for the low-entropy...
  46. T

    How inflation solves the horizon problem

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out how inflation (just deSitter) solves the horizon problem, but I am stuck. I understand the solution in terms of conformal coordinates, allowing for a negative conformal time let's the lightcones of CMB intersect. Fine. But how do I see "physically" what is going on...
  47. D

    How does eternal inflation explain the force behind inflation?

    Hi all, I was reading about eternal inflation however one thing that remains unclear to me is that how does one explain the force behind inflation, the word "force" is perhaps a non-technical term, the more precise term is "inflation field", the chaotic inflation model says that just...
  48. G

    Why would inflation slow down because of gravity?

    This is a basic question. If the expansion of the universe's radius is faster than c, and that speed is increasing or staying constant, how would gravity ever slow the expansion down? Gravitational fields propagate at c, so why would anyone even wonder why it's not slowing down due to gravity...
  49. tom.stoer

    Eternal inflation and topology of the universe

    Hi, I have a question regarding the idea of eternal inflation happening in a multiverse and the topology of our universe. Looking at the current data it seems plausible that our universe is flat or slightly negatively curved, i.e. has a non-compact topology. But the idea of eternal...
  50. K

    Inflation: Definition & Effects on Rates

    What is the definition of 'inflation'? Will an increase in the demand for goods and services cause an increase in the inflation rate?