new member Definition and 111 Threads

  1. L

    From Physics to Engineering: The Career Journey of Leslie Rhorer

    My name is Les and in 1977 I began studying Physics at Texas A&M university, After four years, I decided a career in Physics was not for me. Since then Ihave been working as an Engineer.
  2. Twellmann

    Exploring the Physics of Denmark: A Scientist's Perspective

    Hi Physics Forum. Greetings from Denmark. Best Daniel Twellmann
  3. A

    What is PF and how can it help me learn about physics and human sciences?

    Hi, My name is Albert, and I'm here to learn and share knowledge and experiences throughout my journey in physics and human sciences.
  4. K

    Is It Love at First Sight or Just a Casual Chat?

    HEllO please I love you
  5. C

    How can I become an astrophysicist? Welcome to PF!

    I want to become an astrophysicist and hope to learn a lot about physics from this forum.
  6. Oscar Benavides

    What is the YCombinator Chat Board and Its Connection to Hacking?

    Hello, I don't have much to say at the moment, I just signed up on a recommendation from HN and thought I'd give it a try. I'm probably mostly here to lurk and read older stuff, but I figured it was worth making an account and introducing myself.
  7. T

    Vasundhaievkutumbakam: Exploring the Concept of Global Family

    Hi, hope all are happy souls! cheers!
  8. abayerle

    How Does Alex Contribute to X-Ray Mirror Research in Physics?

    Hi everyone, looking forward to meeting people how like to think about physics and discuss, solve problems!
  9. A

    Can Applied Physics Undergraduates Pursue a Masters in EE?

    Was a member in my applied physics undergrad, now back while I save up and study up for a masters in EE.
  10. J

    What are the PF Rules for Scientists?

    Hi there, good to meet you all, looking forward to our discussions!
  11. C