Hey guys,
I've never studied this subject before (except basic thermal physics in high school), and I have a course on it this semester. I'm in a semi international program, and this course isn't taught in English (but the tutorials are, thankfully), so I will need to study on my own.
I know physics, I graduated from physics. Currently doing masters in Theoretical Physics. But on the other hand my knowledge of biology is next to zero. How should I proceed? A suggested list of book with ordering will be helpful.
I'm a physics major freshman. And I want to know about Quantum physics and relativity
But It takes to long to learn this subject in my college.
I read book "Feynman Lectures on Physics" and I was fascinated .
So I want to know about this kinds of Books. But I don't know about many physics...
Hello guys. I am fortunate that I have found this website and I have created an account just to ask one question. I asked this on yahoo answers as well but no luck. So here goes.
I'm 14 years old and I love astrophysics. I have learn most of the basic stuff and I've also read A brief history...
Hi, I am currently taking a course on Atomic and Molecular Physics, and the book for the course is https://www.amazon.com/dp/3642102972/?tag=pfamazon01-20. The course is based on this book. The Amazon link will allow one to preview the table of contents.
The school library only has copies of...
I want a book on particle physics which contains lots of theoretical calculations.All books recommended in my class contain lots of experimental techniques and very little about
theory.I like "Introduction to Elementary Particles" by D Griffiths.Is there any book like
It came out in January 2014.
I looked today on Amazon.it (Italian Amazon) and the book was not only #1 in the category Physics, but was actually #141 in the ALL BOOKS category. For a physics book that is remarkable.
I sampled the reviews, all were 5...
I'm a 19 year old boy who's never been in a maths or physics high school class for a number of reasons.
I learned to swim by myself when I was 7, after failing to attend courses because I would panic every time. So I saw no reason I could not learn my country's high school math, then...
Hey, I'm new here but I was hoping you guys could help me out. I am currently studying Waves mainly using MIT's course 8.03 - Vibrations & Waves.
I am now at a point where I have almost finished reading AP French and entering EM Waves. Unfortunately French decided (for whatever reason) to not...
Hi all,
So I'm a first year undergrad and I really don't like the book I'm currently using at uni; Matter and Interactions by Chabay. I have been searching PF a lot and found out that the best book is Halliday/Resnick/Walker or Krane but I'm not sure which one to get?
There are the books...
Homework Statement
A train moves from rest to a speed of 25 m/s in 30.0 seconds. What is the magnitude of its acceleration?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I don't know how to find the magnitude
I've finished physics but I'd like to have a certain kind of book. I have
this book about math (click the link.) It's written in a very causal style and covers very many topics in a terse way. It's just enough to remind me of concepts when I forget, and it's fun to read.
Is there a book...
Somebody threw a few books away and I found some Gems. From Tolstoy to Nahuatl philosophy and even a copy of Apostol!
The one that interested me the most was Serwey Physics for Scientist and Engineers. I have never read or took a physics a class. Is Serwey a good starting point to learn physics?
There is a book that I would like to read "Electronics for scientists" but it has physics as a prerequisite and I will not be able to take a physics course till next year (I would just take the one at my high school but the teacher is not very good and I would rather start with a calculus based...
I'm looking for a book on elementary physics,(like The Feynman lectures but conciser),not the for exams or something like that but just for the fun of it,that's mathematical too(again like the Feynman lectures,something like an appetizerfor the feynman lectures),does anybody know any?
Hey everyone, I just started College Physics(algebra/trig based) a couple weeks ago, and I'm quickly realizing that my textbook is horrible. It barely even really explains any of the concepts, and the ways that equations are being derived are completely different from the way that my professor...
I'm looking for a book to explain Physics at an absolute beginner level.
This is not something I'm trying to study or memorize, so I'd rather it not be a textbook, but rather a book that tells of different parts of physics (gravity, electricity, mechanics) in simple terms that the "average"...
I am a beginner at computational physics. I have knowledge on C programming only and some knowledge on numerical analysis. please suggest me books which I can follow to learn Comp.physics. The book must be based on C programming. I do not have knowledge on python, java or fortran. please help.
I have already written a thread about a conceptual physics books, which didn't go so well. Instead, I am just looking for one of the best book to accompany me in Physics Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism. I am in high school and will take Calc BC alongside Physics (pre-calc this year), so...
I am not sure if this belongs here (My first post), and please move it or delete if need be.
I am only a high schooler, with basic algebra/precalc knowledge moving to Calc BC next year along with Physics C. I do not want any of the prep book mumbo jumbo. I just want a physics books that...
I want to begin studying physics at university this summer, and I'd like to know. What is a good Physics basics books that will give me a good intuition and solid understanding of subjects such as gravitation, electricity, magnetism etc.? It's been a while since i studied physics in high...
I have been reading the textbook recommendations and they help me greatly already, but I need to ask for little guidance. My question is this: If you were to replace the introductory physics book ("Fundamentals of Physics", "University Physics", "Physics for Scientists and...
Author: Brian Martin
Title: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0470742747/?tag=pfamazon01-20
Table of Contents
Preface to Second Edition.
1. Basic Concepts.
1.1 History.
1.2 Relativity and Antiparticles...
I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a good physics book. Every one has multiple problems with it. The only book which approaches the level of mathematical rigor necessary for learning the general principles of physics is Alonso-Finn. The rest are just plug-and-chug...
Hi all, I just got mary boas math methods in physics book as a supplement because I'm a physics major and I'm browsing thru the vector calculus sections and came across the del operator identity:
nambla (V dot U) = stuff
nambla is the del operator and "dot" is dot product...
I'm trying...
Ok so I've got fundamentals of physics by halliday and Physics for scientists and engineers.
I'd like to choose one of these books to study from as I believe studying from both would not be a good idea .. Which one of these books should i use? and why? I am learning Calculus alongside and I am...
I am a first year physics graduate student. I double majored in math and physics, so I wasn't required to take a math methods in physics course. Looking at the course that was offered at my undergraduate institution, the only topics it covered that I am only deficient in are complex analysis and...
Just wondering if anyone knows about a physics book that isn't too advanced for a 13 year old to understand? I want it to include things like particles, neutrinos and the weak nuclear force but to be explained in ways that make sense to beginners. Please don't think I am stupid and won't be able...
Homework Statement
Imagine that a block of mass m2 is on top of block m1, which is on top a horizontal floor. m1>m2. A force F is applied to block 1 to the right. Both block1 and block2 are connected to the same pulley. In other words, one end of the pulley is connected to block1, and the...
Does anyone know of a Physics textbook that covers a very broad range of topics from basic to graduate level, contains detailed explanations, and perhaps exercises (although this latter is not necessary)? Hence, a complete Physics textbook, like what "Engineering Mathematics" is to...
Hi, I'm taking an introductory course on solid state physics next semester, and the book the Professor has chosen is the 8th edition of Kittel.
I have heard MANY bad things about this book, so I'm wondering if I should just use an earlier edition or another book entirely.
Unfortunately i have no profound knoledge of particle physics but got much enthusiasm and interest in this matter (its years that i am fascinated of this matter so i don't think its somethink temporary). Can someone advise me some books to start with?
Hi everyone,
Let me just give you some background on my physics knowledge/experience. I am a rising sophomore in high school and my freshman year I self-studied AP Physics C and am almost 100% sure I scored a 5. Right now I'm studying for the USAPhO. I have the book Introduction to Mechanics by...
im in 9th grade going into tenth and i have read very briefly of some physics and have found it to be very interesting. i want to find an easy to comprehend physics book that in not going to break the bank.
Hi guys,
I am going to major in physics in the fall,but I will be studying a lot this summer. I just finished AP physics,AP calculus AB,chemistry it was good but I think the AP calculus AB isn't really rigorous or challenging. I currently have in my mind those reading list for books...
I bought physics for game programmers today to study ballistic impact, but I'm confused as to where a few numbers are coming from. I'm basically looking to understand what the values represent since the book does a bad job at telling me.
I get that Ek = .5mv.
In talking about the...
Hi everyone I'm having a little trouble in my class and part of the reason is because my book is very confusing to me. The book is:
Quantum Physics: A Fundamental Approach to Modern Physics by John S. Townsend
What sidebook would anyone recommend for me so I can get a better grasp of the...
I am studying electromagnetism and I can't skip a topic and go to the next unless I learn it. Can anyone please suggest a physics book and a calculus book on multivariables as rigorous as spivak's calculus?
Hi everyone, this question may be asked alot, but I haven't been satisfied yet.. I am actually a biology student, but I know that physics is the fundamental science, and i want to have a picture of the universe. I want to give an example of what I am looking for: In Biology Ernst Mayr is was a...
Hello, I am looking for advice on which version of Halliday and Resnick Physics to get. I am currently wondering if it would be wise to go for an early version of the text. I ask this because I've been self learning calculus from Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas (Alternate ed, basically...
Can someone suggest a good introduction to the history of physics, possibly not a tome but even not too simple. About 300 pages, with some formula, with intro to the basic concepts.
To cut a long story short, I'm looking for physics books starting from Classical mechanics and going on to relativity and quantum mechanics. But the types I'm looking for are the intuitive ones. I want a book which will improve my knowledge and not just care about solving problems. A...
I am currently in Calc II and am curious if anyone has any recommendations for a physics book that is less trig based and would allow me to utilize the skills I have gained with Calculus.
Anyone know of one online? A PDF would be awesome. Also, if it delves into magnets, magnetism and magnetic forces in-depth (nothing too crazy, no new whacky theories), that would hit gold, gold I tell ya!