Shape Definition and 638 Threads

  1. J

    Surface area and volume uniquely determine a shape

    Is this so? I cannot think of a counter-example and it is too general a statement to prove.
  2. A

    The effect of aerofoil shape on rubber powered model aircraft

    Model aircraft display a wide range of aerofoil shapes, and many of these models fly despite the shape of the cross section of the wing. Models with flat wings, cambered wings, thick wings, thin wings - all of these fly succesfully. What is the function of aerofoil shape on free flight...
  3. carllacan

    Shape of the magnet in the Stern-Gerlach experiment

    Hi! In the description of the Stern-Gerlach experiment made in Sakurai's book the magnet is shaped to have a pointed edge. What is that for?
  4. BitWiz

    What is the shape of length-contracted space?

    What is the shape of an "isodistance" volume from the point of view of an observer traveling at relativistic speeds? (EDIT: ... compared to that of an outside observer) If it is not spherical, how do the distorted (?) distances of all mass objects surrounding the observer affect the observer's...
  5. S

    Why would a carbanion have a tetrahedral shape?

    In my book they explained that a trigonal planar shape is not good because of the 3 lone pair bond-pair repulsions between the unhybridized p orbitals and the 3 trigonal planar bonds. So it would be more favourable to have the orbitals hybridized into a tetrahedral shape to minimize those 90...
  6. C

    What is the Equilibrium Shape of a String Suspended Between Two Points?

    Homework Statement An inextensible string of length ##\ell##, whose mass per unit length is ##\rho## is hung between two points at the same height a distance ##d## apart (##d < \ell)##. Using the Euler-Lagrange equations and the first integrals, find the shape of the string when it is in...
  7. M

    Why not Rectangular Mesh for Arbitrary Shape Domain?

    Hi all, It is well know that, rectangular or quadrilateral element gives better result over triangular meshes in finite element method. I know, Rectangular meshes has more discretization error, but my question is that, if i refine mesh up to 4 to 6 pixel width of screen, where i am wrong?
  8. J

    Exploring the Shape of Characteristic Curves for a PDE

    Homework Statement suppose u(x,y) satisfies the partial differential equation: -4y\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}=0 Find the characteristic curves for this equation and name the shape they form The Attempt at a Solution \frac{dy}{dt}=1 \Longrightarrow y=t+y_0...
  9. N

    Electric field strength of 4 charges positioned in a square shape

    Homework Statement Four charged particles are at the corners of a square of side a as shown in the figure below. (Let A = 3, B = 5 and C = 6.) (a) Determine the electric field at the location of charge q. (Use the following as necessary: q, a, and ke.) (b) Determine the total...
  10. Entanglement

    Bell shape like of Planck's distribution

    As a high schooler, what I can deduce from Planck's distribution's bell shape is that the majority of the atoms of a body above 0k possesses a certain K.E which is the average K.E which leads to the presence of a peak point in the distribution. While the minority posses higher or lower K.E...
  11. J

    MHB Force Graph A into Graph B with Same Area But Diff Shape

    So here is the problem I am trying to figure out. This is for an Sociology Independent study, so this isn't a homework assignment, but for the greater good of humanity. ;) First a few "rules". -There is Graph A. -The x-axis is 100 units long, 1 being the left end, 100 being the right. -It is...
  12. J

    What is the Definition of the Shape Operator and How is it Calculated?

    In wolframpage there is follows definition for shape operator in a given point by vector v: I think that this equation means: S(\vec{v})=-\frac{d\hat{n}}{d \vec{v}} correct, or not? If yes, of according with the matrix calculus...
  13. E

    Acoustic levitation shape question (Japanese scientists link) I wanted to ask is there a specific reason for the completely horizontal X shape of the levitated particles. If we already have such precise control over the standing waves, couldn't it be possible...
  14. J

    What is the scientifically accepted shape of the universe?

    Someone told me that scientists have made observations which point to the universe being flat within a 0,4% margin of error. I had major doubts, never having heard of this observation. I have always imagined it to be spherical, seems odd that it would be asymmetric.
  15. S

    Shear Pin Stress Concentration V-Notch vs. U shape grooved in bending

    Can someone link a website or attach a picture of a chart distinguishing the differences between the stress risers in a shear pin (round circular shaft) with a V-notch groove versus if it was a rounded groove. I have been looking but can only find charts, tables and graphs for round circular...
  16. C

    An infinite universe with shape?

    Please excuse my ignorance on the topic but I just thought of something which seems to make sense to me but then again I have no experience in cosmology. Just some points I want to clarify. Because the universe had a starting point, can it's size be infinite? If so could the universe be a...
  17. W

    Bending of a long, thin elastic rod or wire (finding shape & height)

    Hi all, I'm trying to do something that might be impossible, but seems to me should have a solution: Finding the height (or displacement) of a long, thin rod or wire under horizontal compression forces at the ends (pinned, not clamped) causing it to bend into a stable arch-like shape given...
  18. marcus

    Hearing a drum's shape as approach to quantum gravity (Kempf)

    "Hearing a drum's shape" as approach to quantum gravity (Kempf) Achim Kempf and his students have coded an ITERATIVE procedure for finding the shape that when struck has a given sound spectrum. He shows brief movie clips of the computer finding the correct shape by successive approximations, as...
  19. KiNGGeexD

    Calculating the Center of Mass for an L-Shaped Object

    Could someone confirm if my method here is correct and if not maybe a few tips :) I have an L shape constructed of three "boxes" of side length a what is the centre of mass?I know that CoM= the sum of moments (m*a)/ the sum of masses So if I split the L into two parts, one box and two boxes...
  20. xaratustra

    What is the name of the shape formed by combining 3 ellipses together?

    What is the geometrical shape called, when combining 3 ellipses together, such that each two share one focal point and together form a kind of 60 degree triangular shape? It will look similar to Reuleaux triangle, but it is not formed out of a triangle, but 3 ellipses, as if you are gluing...
  21. N

    Calculating Earth's Shape as an Ellipsoid

    Homework Statement I'm an engineering student, and my professor of the mechanics course gave a homework to my class last week, we were intended to calculate the real shape of the Earth (as an ellipsoid) by taking the centrifugal force in account, using the equation a' = a -wX(wXr). For that...
  22. E

    Inductance for an arbitrary shape coil composed of single loops

    Dear all, I would like to estimate the inductance of a rather arbitrarily shaped coil composed of multiple single loops. For example, I am wondering about the inductance of sandglass like coil which has many turns at the edge and less in the middle. The inductance of a single loop seems to...
  23. M

    Shaft Shear Stress with strange shape

    Hello, I am having difficulty solving for the Area and wondering if this is correct.
  24. S

    Shape of Universe: What is Its Form?

    what can the shape of universe be? is it sphere or cube or some bubble like shape?
  25. D

    Understanding the Wave Nature of Photons in Double Slit Experiments

    With a double slit measurement a single photon is a wave which goes throught both slits. To extinguish each other at certain places the wave must have the same amplitude at both slits, also at large distance between the slit. The positions also extinguish with 0.5, 1,5, ... periode difference...
  26. M

    How Do You Calculate the Moment of Inertia for a T-Shaped Section?

    ]1. Homework Statement [/b] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution On paper it looks like not much of an attempt has been made, but I have tried a few different ways to find I_y. I thought to take the entire rectangle and subtract the parts on the upper left and right...
  27. G

    Can the shape of the universe be inferred from the CMBR?

    Planck CMBR data COBE, WMAP, Planck compared to each other Methinks the distribution of the CMBR intensity as seen from...
  28. TheFerruccio

    ?Plot a deformed shape given the displacements

    Plot a deformed shape given the displacements Preliminary statement: This class has a different convention. Instead of writing x and y, ##x_1## and ##x_2## are the variables in their respective orthogonal directions. I need to plot how shapes deform, so I am given an equation for the...
  29. Damo ET

    What happens to the shape of particles when exposed to massive gravity?

    Forgive me if this is posted in the wrong section, but it relates to the compact heavies of the universe. Generally, we seem to have the classical idea of what an atom 'looks' like in our minds, a small a spherical body joined with other small spherical bodies which make up the different...
  30. D

    MHB Volume of a triangle type shape with a square bottom

    How do I find the volume of this shape? The bottom is a square in the xy plane where \(0\leq x,y\leq 1\). The object isn't a prism or pyramid so I am not sure what to do.
  31. A

    Fortran Identify explicit shape spec list in the FORTRAN code

    Identify "explicit shape spec list" in the FORTRAN code Hi, I'm trying to do some source code analysis using the ROSE compiler infrastructure on some of the kernels in NAS Parallel benchmark. I get an error while parsing the Embarrassingly Parallel kernel. Digging further, I gathered that...
  32. N

    Shape of mass vs acceleration graph?

    So I know the shape but I forgot what its called. This is what it looks like but what is it called :L, I can't remember.
  33. A

    MHB Classification/terminology for shape of a curve

    I have generated the graph shown below and now would like to describe it at a high-level according to the curved nature of the plotted line. Besides simply stating observations such as the exponential growth at approximately x = 0.19, is there a classification or term for the shape of the curve...
  34. A

    Why Are Nuclear Reactor Cooling Towers Shaped Like Rocket Nozzles?

    I am an aeronautical engineer and I am curious why do NE's design the reactor smokestacks to be shaped like elongated rocket nozzles? In general, the nozzle shape offers less drag and a cleaner exit of the flow upstream and downstream from the nozzle exit. In supersonic flow, the nozzle shape is...
  35. M

    Shape to the data that is showing

    I have a google spreadsheet with a display of numbers from a report that is ordered and the link below is the result of this data. It seems to me that there is a shape to the data that is showing. This shape seams to be constant over time having the same shape with a leading edge on the left...
  36. Y

    Hot Air Balloon Shape and Pressure Gradient Within the Envelope

    I am interested in the math involved to calculate the ideal natural teardrop shape for a hot air balloon. I want to learn the details of what is involved to calculate this accurately. I read this which was a really nice start, but it...
  37. Z

    Any one have a diagram of the idea column shape.

    It ran in Science News after much calculation the idea shape for a column to resist buckling was solved. It is a slight barrel shape.
  38. K

    Finding the Area of an Analytical Geometry Shape

    My friend was doing an analytical geometry problem and a shape appeared that I wanted to find the area of with my new knowledge of integrals. I found the area and I'm now working to find an equation for the nth area as the size of the shape changes for all integers. After doing the math I come...
  39. P

    Does the strength of an electric field in a wire change with shape?

    If I have a charged wire and shape it into a spiral, is the electric field stronger?
  40. L

    How the planets get their spherical shape

    how the planets get in spherical shape if the they are formed by a big explosion ?
  41. B

    Radio waves vs material & shape

    What happens when radio waves of around 1900mhz (cell phone) is confined in an aluminum box. Will the waves be able to pass through the box to the outside. What would be the best way to get the waves to the outside of the box with only modifying the box. If i cut a hole would that improve how...
  42. E

    How to calculate heat loss from a cone shape fin?

    Hi guyss~ I need some help for one of my assignment about heat loss from a cone shape fin as we can see through the picture I've attached with this thread. Looking forward to all of your answers
  43. A

    Mutual inductance between straight line cable & square shape Frame

    Homework Statement Calculate mutual-inductance between straight line cable and square shape frame, as shown on picture. Homework Equations I am not sure which equation will be used here because as far as my knowledge goes , mutual inductance should be concerned with turns in...
  44. B

    What is the shape of a Black Hole?

    I want to know what is the shape of a Black Hole? Is it round like a globe, or is it flat or oval shaped?
  45. K

    Wetness and why materials change shape

    Why is is that certain materials -- like plastic, metal (assuming it doesn't rust), glass -- retain their shape when they get wet, and some materials -- like paper -- don't return to their original shape even after they become dry again? My knowledge of chemistry is pretty limited, but my...
  46. T

    Shape of an Electric Potential?

    Homework Statement Hi. I'm doing some practice problems to prepare for an upcoming exam, and I encountered this question: What is the shape of the electric potential around an isolated electric charge? a. Circular b. Square c. Oval d. No specific shape e. Triangle This is an odd...
  47. D

    What is the shape of the known universe?

    can someone help me - i am new to forum. i do not have a physics background - medical doctor. i have been looking on the net to answer a simple question - what is the accepted shape of the known universe? if the big bang is correct, then is it accepted that the universe is basically is the...
  48. baby_1

    Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical shape

    Hello how can Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical with shape? for clear my question i explain a way to convert my coordinates in different spherical. for example i use this diagram to convert Cartesian coordinates to Cylindrical(with image to axises) for example: now how can i do...
  49. C

    Which diagram below best representsthe shape ofthe rope when both puls

    Homework Statement The diagram shows two pulses, each of length , traveling toward each other at equal speed in a rope Which diagram below best represent sthe shape ofthe rope when both pulses are in region AB? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The answer is the...
  50. D

    Shape memory alloy transformation problem

    A friend of mine is working with shape memory alloys and he's got one that is behaving strangely. At "low" temperatures a "fresh" solution heat treated sample will form martensite upon cooling, and austenite upon heating as expected. Heat and cool all you want and you get the transformation...