Hi all,
Is it 100% sure that students graduated from great universities like UC Berkeley or Stanford are much more qualified than those from normal State Universities? Is it 100% sure that alumni of great universities are much more likely to become famous such as inventors or...
Hi, I'm taking ap physics b this year in high school and i found a site (http://apphysicsb.homestead.com/plo.html" ) w/ a lot of notes from various sites, would anyone know which of these notes provides the best information
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who post on these forums. I've been reading it thoroughly ever since my first post here, and have found a wealth of information. It has helped me a lot. Especially ZapperZ's wonderful "So you want to be a physicist" guide.
My question is...
Guys can u share ur study habits as a student or when u are in college...
my course is engineering and i always work very very hard... and look what failings got
... a 57 / 100 in chem... a 22 / 50 in trigo...
damn... can u just share some tips on how to obtain a flat 1 / perfect ... or
So, what if a student is above 18 years old [I'm not, but may consider EPGY after 18] and wants to do Stanford EPGY? It says that it's only for HS students, but as a college student and high school dropout with a learning disability who is totally dissatisfied with how the courses are taught in...
Does anyone know a good site and/or book on ap physics? I'm taking it next year (senior year high shcool...) and i wanted to see what new material we'd be covering and maybe do a little reading. Thanks in Advance
Are A-levels or AP exam(s) is/are more difficult?
Would someone do a honest comparison A-levels and AP courses.
Is there a differnce in what covered in the Physics, other sciences, Maths, English, Forgein Language, History, Geography,Psychology, and...
Yet again, sensitive personal information vanishes due to massive incompetence.
Of course, when 26.5 million veterans' personal information was stolen, they http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/05/22/vets.data.reut/ . I think one must be very conservative here.
I got accepted to UC Berkeley and Los Angeles. I would like to know what being a physics student at these 2 schools is like. Were the professors enthusiastic? In general, were the students in this major helpful to each other? How about the availability of the professors and/or someone else from...
Most schools in North America need letters of recomendation, do international students need to also submit them?
4 schools I will apply: Canada's UBC (Yeah-- Vanqver -- I like citi libraries, so many, really like it). Michigan State, Sandiego, Berkeley. (I will add or omit some after you...
US Education - Nearly 1/3 of US HS students will dropout!
Hmmmm. I saw the headline in Time Magazine.
Sensational? Yes.
But what to do?
Not enough Blue Collar jobs for all, not even enough WalMart and Home Depot jobs...
Hi! I recently went to a science fair as a judge, and I started talking to a bunch of other judges. We found that there doesn't seem to be any organization dedicated to bringing together people good at certain fields of science with gifted children to encourage them to explore in science. For...
I didn,t know where to put this question hope it fits here :shy: :shy: here is my question...i am a Physics graduate student from Spain (Solid State ) but i have had no luck and in spite of having finished the career about 3 years ago (2003) with no very good qualifications, i have not been...
Im having difficulty thinking about where i can apply that i have half a chance of being accepted! Due to health and safety regs etc i realize this may be difficult. Can anyone give me some ideas of places, or if youve had anything related to physics can you let me know how you applied, what you...
Basically, we found out today that my course coordinator wants to try something new this year; making out class tests open-book.
Predictably, at first everyone seemed to think this can only be a good thing for us, as students. I, however, think that it's a bad thing.
Not only are class...
Im a first year mechanical engineering student, and I think that I would like to do work with particle accelerators (beam physics and technology). Does anyone have any recommendations as to what specific degree(s) I should look into, and which schools have great programs? Thanks!
I am really in need of help. i want to know if high school students can submit papers and if so how do they do?? My aunt was telling anyone can submit parers but i am confused:confused: . I really want to submit papers. i have done some really good work in computer programming and...
Which course is more appropriate as an Introductory Electrcity Circuit Course?
ENGI12578 - Electricity 1
Examine the important concepts of DC electricity as an essential background for further electrical and electronic studies. Integrating laboratory work and problem solving, learn...
Why are there so many good students of asian descent nowadays?
Just take a look at this competition.
I was wondering if there were other people out there that used Tablet PCs, specifically students. I only know of one other person who uses one, but he doesn't use it for class because of battery life. I am considering buying one, but I'd like to hear from other students that have...
There are 10 marbles in a bag, 9 white and 1 black. Each day a teacher goes around the room of 10 students and allows each student to pick one marble. The one who draws the black marble gets candy for the day. The students never change their seats and she always distribute the marbles along...
PHYSICS PROBLEM--should be easy for AP students
1. A football is kicked with an initial speed of 22m/s at some angle above the horizontal. It travels 45 meters horizontally before hitting the ground.
a. At what angle was the ball initially kicked?
b. How long does it stay in the air?
Can u...
any tips on how to improve my practical skills in physics? something seems to always go wrong for me in physics practicals, I am fine in chemistry. even tho i have a whole year (once a week) on pracs i managed to end up with a C in it.
Old and young students!
I have heard that Microsoft always have a World contest for college students every year. And this year's final round will be in Yokohama in March(?) next year in Japan. I forgot the contest's name. They have tests on programming skills, algorithms, handling skills on...
First off, I wanted to know if there are scholarships that can be utilized during high school. My curiosity is dirivitive (excuse my spelling...) from the fact that there are many excellent research programs that are highly attractive to the scientifically inclined youth in high school, BUT (ah...
Engineers and engineering students: what did you get on the ACT?
from what i understand, the ACT is an approximation of how well you will do in your first semester of college.
i know a bunch of people will say, "it doesn't matter what i got...i just worked hard my first year of college."...
I know this isn't of particular interest to most people, but I figured I would help spread the information for those who might find it applicable for friends or loved ones.
Alabama http://uanews.ua.edu/anews2005/sep0...elief090105.htm
Arkansas http://dailyheadlines.uark.edu/5209.htm...
I am a Brazilian student, just leaving the High School at the end of the year.
I am actually at the moment, looking for a good university in the Physics and Mathematics area. I haven't decided yet, if I want to take a course in pure Physics or any Engineering. I would like very much to study in...
I am going to be a sophmore in high school and I've known i wanted to be a physicist for a couple years, but I've heard things about how many people who have/are getting a degree in physics end up in different fields, etc., and have a hard time finding jobs! Is physics a...realiable career...
Hello, I have some students--my part-time job as a teacher--who are know in their first year at high school. They asked me a question about how some sticks drawn in http://www.sodaplay.com were getting well connected and also can move back and forth amazingly. There is no doubt that my students...
Today I went to a tree planting in honor of these students, sponsored by all the other teams in the event. About 20 people from MSU came. A few of them will spend the night with me. The accident happened a few weeks back, there past the state of shock, and...
One of the issuses adresed by the organising committee for the World year of Physics is the decrease in the number of physics students worldwide. (see [PLAIN]www.wyp2005.org/overview.html[/URL])
In my country India, a few people with post graduate degrees in Physics complete their Ph.D 's and...
I'll probably be choosing a topic for my master's thesis next week (maybe something involving the symmetries of the Born-Infeld action...), and I was curious about the work of the current/former master students here.
So, what did you all do for a master's thesis?
Many students pursue Mechanical and Electrical Engineering rather than Aerospace Engineering. Only a few student takes Aerospace Enginerring. Do you know why?
My sister's having kind of a rough time in high school this year. I was talking to her about it and I was really surprised to find out what her school's grade scale is:
Numeric Average | Letter Grade | Description
90-100 | A | Excellent Progress
80-90 | B | Good Progress
"Who's who among american hs students"
hey.. received a letter in the mail today stating that I have been nominated for the "Who's who among american high school students" ( [PLAIN]www.whoswho-high school.com[/URL] ) .. A google search indicated that being nominated for this is not a big deal...
During my standing here, I have seen a lot of repetitive threads. But the most recurrent question of every students who post here is about air resistance and drag coefficient. What happens with it?. Is there any hidden mystery we could not see?. This fact is starting to be very unusual and...
Why do only a few engineering students take Aerospace engineering where as many of those take Mechanical and Electrical engineering at the Universities?
From AP on Yahoo.
By BEN FELLER, AP Education Writer
Rather distressing.
Well, next Friday I'm going to take the GRE (General Record Examination) test. It is almost sure that I'm not going to have a high score, mainly due to the lack of specific american vocabulary. The verbal section is going me mad.
So that I want to know what does the GRE exactly mean:
Dear friends,
I need some counseling that's why I post this question here. I'm a 2nd year spanish undergraduate student and I would like to join the Society of Physics students, which belongs to the American Institute of Physics. However, before I do it I would like to know if it's a good...
a diophantine puzzle for abstract algebra students
A Diophantine Puzzle
We give an application of ring theoretic methods to study a classical problem: which primes p in Z are sums of two squares? Trial and error suggests that the answer is p = 2 = 1^2+1^2, and those p which are congruent to...