students Definition and 523 Threads

  1. T

    Calculate the final velocity of the cart and students

    Three Physics 111 AP students, each having a mass of 60kg, climb onto a large flatbed cart that has a mass of 120 kg. Standing at one end and taking turns they run to the opposite end and jump off, one immediately following the other, each with a velocity of 10 m/s with respect to the cart...
  2. M

    Math PROJECTS for elementary students

    Hi, I am looking for some math projects or ideas to my students in the elementary level: Grades 4 and 5. they're using the harcourt textbook. But i want some nice, new and maybe weird ideas such that they can do it with me or by their own. I need to put these math projects in the school's...
  3. D

    A number of n students attend the lecture of probabilities

    Hi guys. ===================================================================== Can you help me with these problems in combinations.I don't know if my solutions are correct. ===================================================================== Problem 1 ========= There are 3 classes,each...
  4. dduardo

    College Students and the Facebook: A Growing Trend

    For those in college, how many of you have posted a profile on ? At my school this network has been getting very popular.
  5. chem_tr

    A question for Graduate students and higher

    Hello. I've enrolled Chemistry Graduation program last year, and I will finish my courses, ready to be "challenged" by PhD proficiency examination. In our country, some instutitions like mine prefer to do this examination by asking EVERY branch, regardless of what subject (or main branch) I'm...
  6. A

    News Kerry to require manditory service for high school students

    I have had this link for a few days now, and it seems valid if the domain can be trusted. Here is the link: Pay attention to the following quotes (they are on the linked page under "National...
  7. J

    Physics Club Year Project Ideas for College Students

    I’m in the physics club at my college. We are looking for ideas for our “year project”. Last year we built a full size trebuchet. Our club is fairly small, 10-15 members. Any suggestions on what we can do this year?
  8. humanino

    Loneliness for PhD Students: Finding Companionship

    PhD students sometimes don't have much company :frown: I know there are some here. Since GD forum is currently invaded by very serious subjects, I thought I ought to share the link : Common guys ! Cheer up. Only a few years remaining...
  9. B

    Attention all graduate math students

    Ok so I've finally decided to pursue obtaining a phd in applied math. Before I go into the questions that I have I should probably talk about my background. I recently graduated with a degree in econ./math. (it wasn't a double major). My overall g.p.a. isn't too bad (3.4) but my math...
  10. Saint

    Did You Know My Students and I BBQ?

  11. N

    Experiments for High School Students

    I am needing to design some experiments for High School Students to explain Osmoregulation without harming the organism or experiments concerning excretory organs or systems. Does anybody have any ideas or references I could turn to? Thanks Nautica
  12. zeronem

    Latest Research Topics in Mathematics for Phd students

    As a student I have grown a curiosity on Research Topics in Mathematics. Anyways I would like to know what are the current Research Topics in Mathematics for Phd students? I just want an idea of what they are researching on, to give me a focus in a particular area of study of the basics...
  13. N

    Can students taking engineering maths cope with the physics maths?

    hi guys, got a problem down here. I am a student majoring in electronics engineering. Will there be any problem if i switch? thanks
  14. K

    Why don't journals give full texts to students?

    Why don't the journals give full texts to students ??
  15. C

    Aero/Mech Engineering students

    I am heading to college this fall. I want to major in engineering, but I don't know which will be better in the long run for me, aerospace or mechanical? Mechanical seems more broad and possibly "easier". What will an aeroE learn that a MechE won't and vice versa? Any suggestions or advice...
  16. P

    College Reg: Surprising Costs for High School Students

    College Reg! Hi, recently I enrolled in 3 college courses. Night time. ... I registered. and now I just found out the tuition is $600... not including texts... They never mentioned anything about money when registering me... I told them I am a high school student... what do I do lol...
  17. M

    M.D., D.O., Pre med, and med students

    M.D., D.O., Pre med, and med students... I don't know if this is the right forum for this, so if the mods have a better suggestion, feel free to move it :) I'm thinking of a vast change in my life. I've always wanted to be a surgeon, but never had the means to do so before. I presently run...
  18. C

    Government Adviser: IQ Tests Best for University Selection

    IQ tests should be used to select students for university, says government's adviser By Richard Garner, Education Editor 10 December 2003 IQ-style tests are more reliable than A-levels in predicting how well a student will do at university, according to research published yesterday...
  19. M

    Computer Engineering Student's Required Chemistry Courses

    Assuming you are not studying Chemical Engineering, or anything closely related.. What chemistry classes are you required to take by your school? I am doing Computer Engineering, and I had to take Chemistry 111. The course was a mixture of Chem 107 and 108, basically a crash course of two...
  20. benzun_1999

    Physics Opinions on what career for physics students

    Hi Everyone, I feel that there are many students just like me in the physics forum who would like to have a good career. I also know that there are many experienced professionals in this forum. In this forum I invite the professionals are students to give their opinion about various career...
  21. P

    Q. How many students are in Sally's class?

    This question is making me angry. I think I know the answer but I have some co-workers that disagree. Q. Sally is the 50th best student in her class and the 50th worst. How many students are in her class? A. 101, 100, 99, 50 I believe the anwser is 99
  22. Adrian Baker

    Medical Students training exercise

    Medical Students training exercise... First-year students at Med School were receiving their first anatomy class with a real dead human body. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet. The professor started the class by telling them, "In...
  23. Bubonic Plague

    Why are students in Singapore celebrating and rejoicing?

    Allow me to apologize in advance for my childishness and inadequate will-power to contain my joy. ThEre WONT BE ANY SCHOOL FOR ME UNTIL 6 APRIL 2003! BECAUSE OF THE SARS OUtBreAk! WOOOOO HOOOOOO! YAY!POAIDGAGDQFLUICT!VI#TCUIGEUQK GFUKTE!ID...