Symbol Definition and 377 Threads

  1. P

    What is the Significance of the Lambda Symbol in Transformation Matrices?

    Does the lambda symbol \Lambda_{\nu}^{\mu} refer specifically to the Lorentz transformation matrix or to any transformation matrix? Also, is it essential that it's enclosed in brackets \left(\Lambda_{\nu}^{\mu}\right) to indicate the entire matrix and not a particular component? Does it matter...
  2. L

    LaTeX Symbol \stackrel{\smile}{\frown}: Meaning & LaTeX Command?

    I just was wondering what is the meaning of this symbol \stackrel{\smile}{\frown} . It is used in the terminology of estimation of norms, I do not know if it is a standard notation, since I did not find anymore explanations. Also I do not know if there is a command to write it directly by...
  3. P

    Wigner 3j symbol recursion relation

    Hi all! Homework Statement I have to show: \sqrt{(j \pm m ) (j \mp m+1} <j_1 j_2 m_1 m_2 | j_1 j_2 j m\mp 1 > = \sqrt{(j_1 \mp m_1 ) (j_1 \pm m_1+1} <j_1 j_2 m_1 \pm1, m_2 | j_1 j_2 j m > +\sqrt{(j_2 \mp m_2 ) (j_2 \pm m_2+1} <j_1 j_2 m_1 , m_2 \pm1 | j_1 j_2 j m > Homework...
  4. romsofia

    What is the Meaning of the Symbol in Equation (4) on arXiv? Equation (4), what does the symbol that looks like AND mean? I know it's not AND because it would make absolutely no sense in this case. Thanks for any help!
  5. V

    Prove infinitude of primes of form 4k+1 using properties of Legendre symbol (-1/p)

    Homework Statement Show that there are infinitely many primes 4k+1 using the properties of \left(\frac{-1}{p}\right). Homework Equations \left(\frac{-1}{p}\right) = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if }p\equiv 1\ (mod\ 4), \\ -1, & \text{if }p\equiv 3\ (mod\ 4). \end{cases}...
  6. F

    What is this symbol? ordered field

    It looks like an F, but it also has an e [PLAIN] It means like ordered field Thanks
  7. E

    Lowest energy term symbol for nitrogen

    Homework Statement Lowest energy term symbols for Nitrogen Homework Equations L=l1+l2, l1+l2-1, l1-l2 S=s1+s2, s1-s2 J=S+L, S-L The Attempt at a SolutionSo I think I'm doing this right up until finding the J value. So the configuration of nitrogen is 1s22s22p3, so were working with 3...
  8. P

    What does this symbol even mean?

    Homework Statement Show for any metric space (S,d) and  e> 0 that N(e, S) <=  D(e, S) <= N(e/2, S) Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution Can somebody please tell me what does N(e,S) or D(e,S) even mean so I can at least know what I am asked to prove? I dig...
  9. A

    Short easy question, what does this sort of plus minus symbol mean?

    I'm studying for a quantum exam and there is this symbol that looks like an inverted plus minus but the minus is attached to the plus... kind of like _ + but attached. in context: "x ± vt = constant or x = (-/+) + constant." Thanks for any speedy help!
  10. F

    Not only is the symbol daunting, but the words are too

    Homework Statement Check that \mathbb{F}_2 is a field The Attempt at a Solution The problem set given to us is mixed in notes, so I might have missed something because it's so messy. These are the two properties given. A field F is a set with + and * on it such that (x,y) \to x + y \in...
  11. F

    What is the objective function in optimization? Go to page 8/45 Where it tackles on the case of y being an unrestricted variable. They have the following y_i = y_i^+ - y_i^- WHat do the plus and minus thing mean? It says they are both positive in page 9/45. Thank you
  12. K

    Prove Levi-Civita Symbol is Only 3D Isotropic Tensor

    My fluid mechanics textbook says so but gives no proof, I see why it's isotropic but I can't think of why it's the only isotropic tensor in 3D space.
  13. O

    Quick question - Christoffel Symbol Transformation Law

    Hey everyone, This formula was just provided in a book and I was trying to prove it but I'm having a hard time understanding what it's saying. The formula is attached, along with the definitions given for the Christoffel symbols. In the definitions the i's are the standard basis vectors and...
  14. Z

    Why can we use metric tensors to lower index of Christoffel symbol

    I haven't learned much of advanced mathematics. It seems that we can use metric tensors to lower or raise index of christoffel symbols. But isn't christoffel symbols made of metric tensors and derivatives of metric tensors? How can we contract indices of a derivative directly with metric tensors...
  15. D

    Meaning of a union symbol in front of a set?

    I'm trying to read this book "Automata, Computability, and Complexity" by Elaine Rich and on page 75 it defines this function: \delta'(Q,c) = \cup\{eps(p):\exists q\in Q((q,c,p)\in\Delta)\} I've never seen the union operator used in this way. What does it mean? Apologies if this is in the...
  16. J

    What is the $@ symbol for in a makefile?

    Hi. Can anyone please tell me what purpose $@ serves in the dependency line below? I've tried looking online, and in the make and ifort documentation, but can't find anything. :confused: $(EXECUTABLE) : $(OBJECTS) ifort $(LOADFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(LIBRARIES)...
  17. 8

    Solving Seitz Symbol & E(2) Homework

    Homework Statement Let (A l b) be an element of E(2) (a) Show that (A l b) is a rotation if A is a nontrivial rotation (show that it fixes some point). (b) Show that (A l b) is a glide reflection if A is a reflection (find the line, not necessarily through the origin, that is taken into...
  18. N

    Same symbol, different meanings? Subgroup index & field extension

    Hello, Say we have field (F,+,.) and field extension (E,+,.), then the degree of the field extension (i.e. the dimension of the vector field E across the field F) is given the symbol [E:F] . But we can also see F and E as the groups (F,+) and (E,+), and then the same symbol denotes the...
  19. I

    QFT: Why Kronecker Symbol \delta_j^i is Basis Invariant?

    I'm preparing myself for a QFT course and I have the following question about the Kronecker symbol: Why \delta_j^i is invariant to a change of basis and \delta_{ij} is not?
  20. T

    Bit rate, symbol rate and sampling in LTE

    Hi guys, I have a problem in understanding LTE. LTE is the long term evolution 4G technology. The LTE requirement is 100 Mbps with 1.3, 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz for 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1536 and 2048 subcarriers. Each bandwidth corresponds to each number of subcarriers. My problem here...
  21. T

    Appropriate graphic symbol for log()?

    In the computer world at least, the symbol ^ is often used for exponentiation. I was just wondering if log has had anything in the multitude of languages out there. It would be nice to see an operator such as "1000¬10=3" instead of writing LogBase10(1000)=3 which is more ugly. I'm writing a...
  22. U

    Math.PI comes up with cannot find symbol error

    Math.PI comes up with "cannot find symbol" error class Pi { public static void main (String[] args) { float radius=Float.parseFloat(args[0]); float shortPi=(float) Math.PI; float circ= shortPi *(radius+radius); float area= shortPi *(radius*radius); System.out.print("with Pi commuted...
  23. O

    What is the meaning of the weird symbol in 'Mathematical Logic'?

    What's the symbol in the attached image, that looks like a right pointing arrow, but with a short perpendicular arrow at the base? The book is 'Mathematical Logic' by Cori and Lascar. They don't explain what it is. Maybe it's the symbol for function?
  24. C

    Proving vector calculus identities using the levi-civitia symbol

    Homework Statement Prove \nabla \bullet (\textbf{A} \times \textbf{B}) = \textbf{B} \bullet (\nabla \times \textbf{A}) - \textbf{A} \bullet (\nabla \times \textbf{B}) I'd like to prove this using the levi-civitia symbol: \epsilon_{ijk} and einstein-summation convention as practice and...
  25. N

    What Does the Symbol Pr Mean in Probability Functions?

    hello everyone,I'm from china,and i need your help.there are some words in a paper as follows : The potential functions V_{i} are defined as the negative log posterior of the two segments’ ordinal depths conditioned on the curve cues, weighted by the curve length |Ci| And probably the...
  26. Y

    LaTeX How to type Hamiltonian symbol in latex

    I am having trouble typing the Hamiltonian symbol into latex. I found the symbol in the" , however, I had some difficulties in installing the font and stuff. I am using tex-live. I got the following error...
  27. P

    What is the Meaning of the Symbol G in Specific Heat Capacity Measurements?

    Hi, I am answering a question about Specific Heat Capacity and it asks for the energy in GJ. What does the G stand for? Thanks, Peter G.
  28. B

    A Binary Operator Symbol Identification.

    I am curious what the wikipedia page <> is referring to when it qoutes that symbol " a Little X in a Circle ", It says and I qoute the binary operation a "that symbol" b = sqrt(a^2 + b^2), Pythagoreans Hypotenuse. Much abliged.
  29. B

    What Does B · ∇ Mean in Curl Formula?

    Hello, I would like to ask a question on curl. The wikipedia page" gives formulas of various operations, among which: \nabla \times (A \times B) = A(\nabla \cdot B) - B(\nabla \cdot A) + (\underbrace {B \cdot \nabla...
  30. S

    Is there a symbol for indicating one vector space is a subspace of another?

    Hi all, I was just wondering, is there is a particular symbol to say V is a subspace of W? I suppose V\subsetW works if I describe each (sub)space in set notation first, but I was wondering what I could use if I don't state W or V as a particular set? Thanks
  31. R

    Levi-Civita Symbol multiplied by itself

    Homework Statement evaluate \epsilon_{ijk}\epsilon_{ijk} where \epsilon is is the antisymetric levi-civita symbol in 3D Homework Equations determinant of deltas = product of levi-civita -> would take ages to write out. The Attempt at a Solution...
  32. S

    The symbol beneath the equals sign

    What does the symbol \underbrace{=}_{\wedge} mean? P.S. : The symbol beneath the equals sign is meant to be a triangle.
  33. P

    Angle calculation from Atomic Term Symbol

    Homework Statement Calculate the smallest angle (in degrees) that the total angular momentum of an atom in a 7D term can make with the z-axis. Homework Equations 2S+1LJ The Attempt at a Solution Given that the total angular momentum of the atom is defined by the quantum number J...
  34. Z

    Quick question about infinity symbol

    Homework Statement Is it bad to put something like 0 < x < (inf) ? Since infinity is not a number. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  35. N

    Symbol Meaning: "+" Enclosed in a Circle

    Hi, I am reading this paper and it has a symbol that I don't know what it's called. So for an x enclosed in a circle, it represents an analog multiplier. What does a "+" enclosed in a circle mean? I know it's add the analog signal, but what is it called?
  36. D

    Comp Sci Troubleshooting "Cannot find symbol" JAVA Error

    Homework Statement Why am I getting an error message "Cannot find symbol" Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  37. M

    Identifying an Unknown Symbol in a Passage

    Homework Statement I am reading this passage and I came across a symbol that I am unfamiliar with... it is the highlighted portion of the paragraph. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  38. G

    Mathematica [Mathematica] Redefining a built-in symbol

    Hello all :) I would like to redefine the built-in square root function. I have written this : mySqrt[z_]:=√z; Unprotect[Sqrt]; Sqrt[z_]:=If[Re[mySqrt[z]]+Im[mySqrt[z]]>0,mySqrt[z],-mySqrt[z]]; Protect[Sqrt] This works fine and redefine Sqrt[] as I want it to be. But, the symbol √ (by typing...
  39. S

    The probability that symbol j is sent and symbol k is received

    Homework Statement A Communication system transmits signals labeled 1, 2, and 3. The probability that symbol j is sent and symbol k is received is listed in the table for each pair (j,k) of sent and received symbols. For example, the probability is 0.12 that a 1 is sent and, owning to...
  40. S

    Vector Symbol Meaning - Explained by stampede247

    So I am working on verlet integration using" algorithm. What I wanted to know was what do the symbols above the letters mean. N R and R0 are all 2d Vectors. Anybody know? Thanks, stampede247
  41. R

    Is There an Error in My Christoffel Symbol Calculations?

    I'm learning about the Christoffel symbol and playing around with it, so I'm curious... Does the math work below, or have I done something wrong? \Gamma^{j}_{cd}=\Gamma^{j}_{cd} g^{cd}\Gamma^{j}_{cd}=g^{cd}\Gamma^{j}_{cd}...
  42. M

    Finding Components of the Christoffel Symbol

    I'm finding it hard to understand this, does anyone know where I can find worked examples of how to find the components of the christoffel symbols of a metric? Please don't give me one to try, I really need a worked example. Thanks :S
  43. T

    Some books will mention that dy/dx is a symbol

    Some books will mention that dy/dx is a symbol some say its a fraction,wht the truth? please help
  44. N

    Identifying Unknown Maths Symbol

    Hello! I was hoping someone could identify a symbol for me. It looks like the Hebrew letter 'peh', but rotated 'around the y-axis' (I don't know how else to describe its rotation!); or perhaps like a 'fancy' G. Does anyone know what the symbol could be? Many thanks.
  45. B

    Easy Question, What does this symbol mean?

    What does the upside down hat mean in vector notation. I stumbled across this symbol in my fluid mechanics book compressible flow, Munson seems to like use lots of non standard notations to begin with but I figure this symbol is still commonly used somewhere. Hat usually implies a unit vector...
  46. fluidistic

    Understanding the Properties of Levi-Civita Symbol in Tensor Calculus

    Homework Statement If \epsilon _{ijjk} is the Levi-Civita symbol: 1)Demonstrate that \sum _{i} \epsilon _{ijk} \epsilon _{ilm}=\delta _{jl} \delta _{km} -\delta _{jm} \delta _{kl}. 2)Calculate \sum _{ij} \epsilon _{ijk} \epsilon _{ijl}. 3)Given the matrix M, calculate \sum _{ijk} \sum...
  47. S

    Symbol for Removing an Element from a Set: What Is It?

    My lecturer used a symbol in class that represents an element being removed from a set to form a new set. Does anyone know what this symbol is?
  48. B

    What Does \bar{\in} Symbol Mean?

    What does this symbol mean \bar{\in}? I know what \in is but I never saw it with a line on top. edit. I figured it out I think It was used because they can't print \notin
  49. E

    Xcode, Duplicate symbol error during compilation? (C)

    I'm following a tutorial off of the internet -" one to be exact - and whenever I try and compile I get this error: [PLAIN] I've tried going over my code again and again...
  50. D

    Fortran How to Fix 'Undefined Symbol: G77_date_and_time_0' Error in Fortran Subroutine?

    27 Jul 10 2:35 Hello, I have an error when I try to execute my python program which uses a fortran subroutine (which call date_and_time function) : "undefined symbol: G77_date_and_time_0" Do you know how can I fix this issue? Thank you very much!