3 Law on Reynolds momentum transport equation

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between Reynolds Equation of Momentum and the 3rd law of Newton, specifically in relation to action-reaction forces. For an ideal fluid, the equation involves a partial derivative of mass and velocity over time, as well as other variables. The question is posed about whether it is possible for F12 to equal F21, with the response being that it may not make sense to talk about forces between individual particles and the 3rd law applies to the entire flow. The conversation also recommends a tutorial for further understanding.
  • #1
I want to know how Reynolds Equation of Momentum is accord with the 3rd law of Newton, the law of action-reaction forces. For an ideal fluid, we have that

\frac {\partial m \vec {v}} {\partial t} = \vec v [ \frac {\partial {\rho }} {\partial t} + \nabla [ \rho \vec v ] + \rho [\frac {\partial {\vec {v}} {\partial t} + ( \vec {v} \dot \nabla ) \vec v

\frac {\partial m \vec {v}} {\partial t} = \vec v [ \frac {\partial {\rho }} {\partial t} + \nabla [ \rho \vec v ] + \rho [\frac {\partial {\vec {v}} {\partial t} + ( \vec {v} \dot \nabla ) \vec v

Takint 2 points into the flow, I want to know if its posible to make that F12 = F21

Is this posible, or is a nonsense?
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  • #3
Thanks arildno.

I think that has not sense talk about force relative to one particle from another, and third law is about all flow, which every mass point with equilibrium of forces. Is this?

FAQ: 3 Law on Reynolds momentum transport equation

1. What is the 3 Law on Reynolds momentum transport equation?

The 3 Law on Reynolds momentum transport equation, also known as the momentum transport equation or the Navier-Stokes equation, is a fundamental equation in fluid dynamics that describes the motion of a fluid. It is based on the conservation of momentum and is used to predict the flow of fluids in various situations.

2. What are the three terms in the Reynolds momentum transport equation?

The three terms in the Reynolds momentum transport equation are the convection term, the diffusion term, and the external force term. The convection term represents the convective transport of momentum by the flow, the diffusion term represents the transfer of momentum due to molecular diffusion, and the external force term represents any external forces acting on the fluid.

3. How is the Reynolds momentum transport equation derived?

The Reynolds momentum transport equation is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations, which are a set of differential equations that describe the motion of a fluid. The Reynolds transport theorem is applied to the momentum equation, resulting in the Reynolds momentum transport equation.

4. What is the significance of the Reynolds momentum transport equation?

The Reynolds momentum transport equation is significant because it allows us to predict and understand the behavior of fluids in various situations, such as in pipes, around objects, and in different flow regimes. It is also a key equation in the field of fluid dynamics and is used in many engineering applications.

5. What are some applications of the Reynolds momentum transport equation?

The Reynolds momentum transport equation has many applications, including in the design of aircraft wings, the prediction of river flow, and the study of ocean currents. It is also used in the development of wind turbines, the design of car aerodynamics, and the analysis of blood flow in the human body. Essentially, any situation involving the flow of fluids can benefit from the use of the Reynolds momentum transport equation.
