Advanced Quantum Theory Final: Virtual Challenge on Particle Scattering

In summary, virtual particles play an important role in quantum field theory, and a non-relativistic approach is usually adequate for solving problems involving virtual particles.
  • #1
Science Advisor
There's a lot of talk about "virtual particles" and of energy conservation within a normal perturbative approach to QM. I'm struck by the fact that there are precious little concrete examples or illustrations or gedanken experiments to support all the arguments, which go around and around and around ... (I am, indeed, one of the guilty ones.

So here's a challenge:

Work out the complete solution to particle scattering from a finite square well potential by means of perturbation theory. Use any shape that you want.

Show that any finite subset of the series yields a scattering amplitude that does not obey unitary time development under the complete Hamiltonian; does not obey basic probability conservation. Yet, for a weak potential, the non-unitary Born Approx. does a good job of describing the scattering. How can this be?

Examine in detail the dynamical interplay of the pertubative series at a finite time T, when the system is turned on at T=0, with a particle of momentum P. Show how energy flows back-and-forth among the "free particle states", and how the flow diminishes over time, until all the energy is in the set (single) of the usual final states as T->infinity.

(Extra Credit) Extrapolate, and explain the difficulties of asserting energy conservation in, say, Compton Scattering within a finite approximation scheme.

This concludes the final for Advanced Quantum Theory., 303.

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  • #2
Now that the semester's over I have time to play. But I'm a little confused about something. You talk about virtual particles on the one hand, and then QM on the other. Virtual particles suggests QFT to me. Do you mean for the calculation to be done with ordinary QM? Is a nonrelativistic approach satisfactory?
  • #3
Tom Mattson said:
Now that the semester's over I have time to play. But I'm a little confused about something. You talk about virtual particles on the one hand, and then QM on the other. Virtual particles suggests QFT to me. Do you mean for the calculation to be done with ordinary QM? Is a nonrelativistic approach satisfactory?

At least in my opinion, virtual particles are simply a covariant virtual state -- just like the intermediate states in ordinary nopn-rel perturbation theory. So, what I'm suggesting is a look at the solution to a 1-D scattering prob with a square well potential, and in particular at the solution expressed in plane waves -- free or virtual particles in rel QM-> free or virtual states in non-rel QM. NRQM is the way to go.


FAQ: Advanced Quantum Theory Final: Virtual Challenge on Particle Scattering

1. What is the purpose of the "Advanced Quantum Theory Final: Virtual Challenge on Particle Scattering"?

The purpose of this virtual challenge is to test and evaluate your understanding of advanced quantum theory and its application to particle scattering. It is designed to push your knowledge and critical thinking skills to the limit.

2. Who can participate in the virtual challenge?

The virtual challenge is open to all scientists, researchers, and students with a background in advanced quantum theory and particle physics. It is also open to anyone interested in the topic and willing to learn and challenge themselves.

3. How does the virtual challenge work?

The virtual challenge consists of a series of questions and problems related to advanced quantum theory and particle scattering. Participants will be given a set amount of time to solve each question and submit their answers. The challenge will be conducted online, and participants can access it from anywhere with internet access.

4. What are the benefits of participating in the virtual challenge?

Participating in this virtual challenge can help you improve your understanding of advanced quantum theory and particle scattering. It can also give you an opportunity to test your knowledge and skills against other participants and receive feedback from experts in the field.

5. Is there a prize for the winner of the virtual challenge?

While there may not be a physical prize, the real reward of this virtual challenge is the knowledge and experience gained. Participants will also receive a certificate of completion, which can be a valuable addition to their academic or professional portfolio.

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