Angular frequency of electron in an electric field

In summary, an electron constrained to the central axis of a ring of charge of radius R can oscillate through the center of the ring with an angular frequency ω = \sqrt{\frac{eq}{4π\epsilon_{0}mR^{3}}}. The electrostatic force exerted on the electron is given by the equation F = qE, where E is the electric field at the axis due to the ring of charge. To find the time period, the equation x(t) = x(t+T) can be used, but it may not work for non-simple harmonic motion. If a spherical charged body is used instead of an electron, the motion will not be simple harmonic due to the non-uniformity of the
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Homework Statement

An electron is constrained to the central axis of the ring of charge of radius R , Show that the electrostatic force exerted on the electron can cause it to oscillate through the center of the ring with an angular frequency

ω = [itex]\sqrt{\frac{eq}{4π\epsilon_{0}mR^{3}}}[/itex]

where q is the ring's charge and m is electron's mass.

Homework Equations

Electric field at the axis due to a ring of charge q,
E = [itex]\frac{qz}{4π\epsilon_{0}(z^{2}+R^{2})^{3/2}}[/itex]

where is the distance from the center of the ring

The Attempt at a Solution

Given E, F = qE
[itex]\Rightarrow[/itex] a = F/m
This isn't simply SHM so
ω ≠ [itex]\sqrt{k/m}[/itex]
So that wouldn't work
Then I thought if i could find x(t) , I could easily find the time period
So, x(t) = x(t+T)
But a(x) = [itex]\frac{eqz}{4πm\epsilon_{0}(z^{2}+R^{2})^{3/2}}[/itex]
I couldn't derive anything using the equations of motion , or simple calculus.
So I need some help, not the whole solution but possibly some hints or pointers...
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  • #2
amind said:
But a(x) = [itex]\frac{eqz}{4πm\epsilon_{0}(z^{2}+R^{2})^{3/2}}[/itex]

Take out R from the denominator . Then binomially expand the expression.The condition for small oscillation is z<<R .
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  • #3
Hint: it's a very low order expansion ...
  • #4
Tanya Sharma said:
Take out R from the denominator . Then binomially expand the expression.The condition for small oscillation is z<<R .

Oh ! I just didn't see that , thank you.
But what if instead of the electron we take a spherical charged body and where z is not very small
  • #5
amind said:
But what if instead of the electron we take a spherical charged body

I do not know .May be rude man has the answer .

But if I have to make a guess ,then if the spherical body is uniformly charged ,then we may replace it with a point like particle of equivalent charge.

amind said:
and where z is not very small

Well ,then you will not be able to apply the approximation and the motion will not be simple harmonic.
  • #6
Tanya Sharma said:
I do not know .May be rude man has the answer .

But if I have to make a guess ,then if the spherical body is uniformly charged ,then we may replace it with a point like particle of equivalent charge.

Well ,then you will not be able to apply the approximation and the motion will not be simple harmonic.

I wouldn't want to tackle the case of a finite-size sphere. I wonder about polarization effects, i.e. asymmetric surface charges since the E field is not uniform over the sphere.

And right, if it's still a point mass but z is not << R then you wind up with a nonlinear diff. eq. which again I would not want to tackle.
  • #7
@Tanya and @rude man
I said spherical charged body , so that unlike an electron it is not very small (point size) , okay instead now consider a point charge with charge q' and z is not very small , now what.

I am thinking of making a c++ simulation with unit constants for having a better idea to see what answer it might give
  • #8
amind said:
@Tanya and @rude man
I said spherical charged body , so that unlike an electron it is not very small (point size) , okay instead now consider a point charge with charge q' and z is not very small , now what.

I am thinking of making a c++ simulation with unit constants for having a better idea to see what answer it might give

As tanya and I said, with a point charge but z not << R you get a nonlinear differential equation which is very difficult to solve in closed form. But you will still get oscillations, only they aren't SHM and the z(t) waveform vs. t will look like a horrible distorted sine wave. This is somewhat like a simple pendulum oscillating with a large angle, say pi/4.

Go ahead and simulate - that is a great idea! Use various z/R, starting with z << R and building up.
  • #9
Okay , thanks for your time and help , :)

FAQ: Angular frequency of electron in an electric field

1. What is the angular frequency of an electron in an electric field?

The angular frequency of an electron in an electric field is a measure of how quickly the electron is moving in a circular path due to the influence of the electric field. It is represented by the symbol ω and is measured in radians per second.

2. How is the angular frequency of an electron calculated?

The angular frequency of an electron can be calculated using the formula ω = qE/m, where q is the charge of the electron, E is the strength of the electric field, and m is the mass of the electron.

3. What is the relationship between the angular frequency and the strength of the electric field?

The angular frequency of an electron is directly proportional to the strength of the electric field. This means that as the electric field becomes stronger, the angular frequency of the electron will also increase.

4. How does the angular frequency of an electron change in a uniform electric field?

In a uniform electric field, the angular frequency of an electron remains constant. This is because the strength of the electric field is the same at all points, so the force on the electron remains constant and the electron moves at a constant speed in a circular path.

5. What is the significance of the angular frequency of an electron in an electric field?

The angular frequency of an electron in an electric field is important in understanding the behavior of charged particles in the presence of electric fields. It helps us calculate the speed and trajectory of the electron and can be used to study phenomena such as electromagnetic radiation and particle accelerators.
