Another q on electron positron collisons

In summary, it is crucial for the electron and positron to have the same spin direction in order to successfully create bottomonium mesons through electron positron collisions.
  • #1
Another q on electron positron collisons :)

I asked earlier about why spin-0 bottomonium mesons aren't created directly with electron positron collisions.
So I found out that when an electron and positron collides, it may make a virtual photon, and the virtual photon turns into a spin-1 bottomonium meson.
Trying to understand this, here's my guesses:

Although a virtual particle can borrow energy and thus temporarily violate energy conservation, virtual particle creation & destruction has to obey spin conservation. So a virtual photon can only be converted into something with spin 1.
And when the electron and positron collide, they'd have to have spin in the same direction, in order to annihilate into a virtual photon. Otherwise something else would happen.
I noticed that if the electron and positron have spin in opposite directions, their magnetic moments would be in the same direction so there'd be a repulsion. I don't know if this is a significant effect here?
So when you're trying to produce bottomonium mesons, would you try to make sure that the electron and positron have spin in the same direction?
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  • #2
Yes, it is important to make sure that the electron and positron have the same spin direction when attempting to create bottomonium mesons. This ensures that the spins of the electron and positron can combine to form a virtual photon with spin 1, which can then decay into the bottomonium meson. If the electron and positron have opposite spin directions, they will not be able to combine to form a virtual photon, and thus no bottomonium meson will be produced. Additionally, having the electron and positron with opposite spins will cause a repulsive force between them, making it more difficult for them to interact and produce the desired bottomonium meson.
  • #3

Hi Laura,

Thank you for following up on your previous question about electron positron collisions and bottomonium mesons. Your guesses are on the right track. When an electron and positron collide, they can create a virtual photon, which can then turn into a spin-1 bottomonium meson. This is because of the conservation of spin in the creation and destruction of virtual particles.

In terms of the spin direction of the electron and positron, it is true that their spins need to be parallel in order for them to annihilate into a virtual photon. This is because the spin of the virtual photon must be the sum of the spins of the electron and positron. If their spins are not aligned, then they will not annihilate and something else will happen.

As for the repulsive effect of opposite spin directions, this is not a significant factor in the creation of bottomonium mesons. The main factor is the conservation of spin and the creation of a virtual photon.

To produce bottomonium mesons, researchers do indeed try to ensure that the electron and positron have the same spin direction. This can be achieved through various methods, such as using polarized beams or selecting only certain spin states of the electron and positron.

I hope this helps clarify things for you. Keep on learning and asking questions!


FAQ: Another q on electron positron collisons

1. What is an electron-positron collision?

An electron-positron collision is a type of particle collision that occurs when an electron and a positron (its antimatter counterpart) collide with each other. This type of collision produces high-energy photons, or gamma rays, as well as other particles.

2. How are electron-positron collisions used in scientific research?

Electron-positron collisions are used in many areas of scientific research, including particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. These collisions provide valuable information about the fundamental properties of particles and the nature of the universe.

3. What is the significance of studying electron-positron collisions?

Studying electron-positron collisions allows scientists to test and refine theories about the fundamental forces and particles that make up the universe. It also helps us better understand the behavior of matter and antimatter, which could have implications for future technologies.

4. How are electron-positron collisions produced?

Electron-positron collisions can be produced in particle accelerators, which use strong electric and magnetic fields to accelerate particles to high speeds. These accelerated particles are then directed towards each other to create collisions.

5. What are some potential applications of electron-positron collisions?

Electron-positron collisions have potential applications in medical imaging, as well as in the development of new technologies such as particle accelerators and gamma-ray lasers. They also play a crucial role in understanding the early universe and the formation of galaxies.

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