Antimatter and bubble chambers?

In summary, antiparticles can be detected in a bubble chamber made of ordinary matter because they ionize atoms in the chamber, emitting photons along their track. Positrons, being charged particles, interact with the chamber gas and slow down rapidly due to their rest mass being that of an electron. This leads to multiple collisions with electrons before annihilation occurs, as the range for coulomb interaction is much greater than the range for annihilation. The range of annihilation depends on parameters such as the impact parameter and momentum, but the overall picture is that positrons need to slow down before they can annihilate.
  • #1
I'm confused now... how can be antiparticles be detected in a bubble chamber which is made of ordinary matter? Why does a positron leave its trace interacting with the chamber gas without annihilating immediately?
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  • #2
Aidyan said:
I'm confused now... how can be antiparticles be detected in a bubble chamber which is made of ordinary matter? Why does a positron leave its trace interacting with the chamber gas without annihilating immediately?
Antimatter is charged, and charged particles ionize atoms in the bubble chamber, which leads to emission of photons along the track.

Positrons (and other charged particles) slow down by collisions, mainly with electrons, and because the positron has the rest mass of an electron, the slowing down is more rapid than for heavier particles.
  • #3
Hmmm... I don't feel this answers the question. Why is there any ionization at all and not an immediate annihilation at the first collision? What is observed are several collisons of a positron with many electrons, and yet no annihilation? That doesen't make sense to me.
  • #4
Why should there be immediate annihilation? Or more quantitatively, how "immediate" do you think it should be, and why? (Remember, if it lasts a microsecond, it will travel 1000 feet)
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
Why should there be immediate annihilation? Or more quantitatively, how "immediate" do you think it should be, and why? (Remember, if it lasts a microsecond, it will travel 1000 feet)

In this context "immediate" would mean "at the first collision".
  • #6
Aidyan said:
Hmmm... I don't feel this answers the question. Why is there any ionization at all and not an immediate annihilation at the first collision? What is observed are several collisons of a positron with many electrons, and yet no annihilation? That doesen't make sense to me.
The range of coulomb interaction - attraction or repulsion - is much greater than the range for annihilation. There is a lot of 'distance' between electrons and atoms.
  • #7
Astronuc said:
The range of coulomb interaction - attraction or repulsion - is much greater than the range for annihilation. There is a lot of 'distance' between electrons and atoms.

Ok, this makes more sense... but 'googled' and couldn't find a document explaining how it is quantified. Does someone have an idea from what parameters the range of annihilation depends and/or a typical quantitative value?
  • #8
You are right this does seem difficult to google. I thought about just writing down the cross section for e+e- to two photons, but actually I am not sure that that captures everything since at low energies the e+e- pair usually form the bound state positronium before they annihilate. I also seem to recall there is a thing called the "impact parameter", b, which gives the cross-section a dependence which I think is something like [itex]e^{-b.k}[/itex], so that it goes down as the impact is less "head on" and as the momentum goes up. That doesn't give any hint of the scale that matters though. Also I think it is for two approximately plane wave initial states, which is probably not very reasonable if the target electrons are bound in atoms.

But the overall picture is that the positrons are not very likely to annihilate while they are fast-moving, they need to slow down first by scattering off things.

FAQ: Antimatter and bubble chambers?

1. What is antimatter and how does it differ from regular matter?

Antimatter is a type of matter that has the same mass as regular matter, but with opposite electrical charges. For example, the antimatter counterpart of an electron is a positron. When matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing large amounts of energy. This is what makes antimatter distinct from regular matter.

2. How is antimatter produced and used in scientific research?

Antimatter is produced in particle accelerators through high-energy collisions between particles. It is used in scientific research to study fundamental particles and their interactions. It can also be used in medical imaging and cancer treatments.

3. What is a bubble chamber and how does it work?

A bubble chamber is a device used to detect and track the paths of subatomic particles produced in high-energy collisions. It consists of a superheated liquid, such as liquid hydrogen, that is placed in a container with a piston at one end. When a charged particle passes through the liquid, it ionizes the molecules, causing them to vaporize and form bubbles along its path, which can be photographed and analyzed.

4. What are the advantages and limitations of using bubble chambers in particle physics research?

The main advantage of using a bubble chamber is its ability to capture and track multiple particles simultaneously, allowing for detailed studies of particle interactions. However, bubble chambers have a limited size and can only capture particles with certain energies, making them less useful for studying high-energy particles.

5. Can antimatter be stored and used as a potential energy source?

While antimatter has the potential to be a highly efficient energy source due to its annihilation with matter, it is currently not feasible to store and use it in this way. The production of antimatter is extremely costly and requires large amounts of energy, making it impractical for use as an energy source at this time.

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