BABAR CP Violation: Explore B and Anti-B Mesons Physics

  • Thread starter Olias
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In summary, the BaBar experiment has discovered direct CP violation for B mesons. This may not be 100% clear, so let me explain. The neutral kaon system is a messy thing, because kaons are usually produced by strong interactions, in quark eigenstates, eg d\bar{s} . But the weak interaction is not diagonal wrt quark flavors, so a higher order process can convert d\bar{s} to s\bar{d} . Hence the free particle states are not K and K-bar, but combinations thereof. (I know, I know. Only in QM!)Now, you can build CP eigenstates like this: K_1 = \
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  • #2
SLAC said:
BaBar has now discovered direct CP violation for B mesons. said:
By sifting through the decays of more than 200 million pairs of B and anti-B mesons, experimenters have discovered striking matter-antimatter asymmetry. "We found 910 examples of the B meson decaying to a kaon and a pion, but only 696 examples for the anti-B", explained Giorgi.

hep-ex/0407057 said:
\frac {N_{K^-\pi\+}-N_{K^+\pi^-}} {N_{K^-\pi^+}+N_{K^+\pi^-}} =
-0.133 \pm 0.030 (stat) \pm 0.009 (syst)

Is this kind of direct CP violation easily accountable for in the Standard Model ? :confused:
Maybe one will have to add a new angle for the [tex]B\bar{B}[/tex] system proper states, analogous to the Cabibbo angle ? :rolleyes:
  • #3
Could someone explain the difference between ordinary CP violation and direct CP violation. I guess I am not the only one to be confused here. :rolleyes: :confused:
  • #4
Two modes of possible CP violation:
1) Indirect: particles exist that are not CP eigenstates. For example, the neutral K mesons.
2) Direct: CP is violated during a decay process.
This may not be 100% clear, so let me explain. The neutral kaon system is a messy thing, because kaons are usually produced by strong interactions, in quark eigenstates, eg [itex] d\bar{s} [/itex]. But the weak interaction is not diagonal wrt quark flavors, so a higher order process can convert [itex] d\bar{s} [/itex] to [itex] s\bar{d} [/itex]. Hence the free particle states are not K and K-bar, but combinations thereof. (I know, I know. Only in QM!)
Now, you can build CP eigenstates like this:

[tex]K_1 = \frac{1}{ \sqrt{2} }(K^0 + \bar{K^0}) [/tex]

[tex]K_2 = \frac{1}{ \sqrt{2} }(K^0 - \bar{K^0}) [/tex]

Direct CP violation would imply that one of these states would decay to a final state that has the opposite CP number. This usually means the number of pions it decays into. This is also easy to experiment on, because an even(?) CP state decays to two
pions, and an odd(?) state to three pions. The three pion decay takes longer so one state is longer lived.

Indirect CP violation means that the particles observed in the lab are something like:

[tex]K_S = \frac{K_1 + \epsilon K_2}{ \sqrt{1 + \epsilon^2 } } [/tex]

[tex]K_L = \frac{\epsilon K_1 + K_2}{ \sqrt{1 + \epsilon^2 } } [/tex]
These states are not pure CP states. The notation means S(hort-lived) and L(ong-lived); the idea is that the long-lived particle will largely prefer a three pion decay but on occasion will go to two pions. (The mixing parameter is small, a few parts per thousand). The source of the violation is the fact that the states are mixes of the CP eigenstates - we could see further CP violation (the direct type) if the separate components were allowed to violate CP in their decays.

There are other interesting questions raised by this system. For example, what should we call a particle? The strong interaction states do not have a definite mass and lifetime, yet without a doubt they're what get produced. The L and S states do have definite masses and lifetimes. It's sort of like passing a linearly polarized photon beam through a medium that preferrentially absorbs a circular polarization; only this time the medium is the vacuum!

Anyway, I know for a fact that is possible to distinguish experimentally between the two kinds of CP violation. See and the links therein for a more detailed explanation; the second one from the top is most relevant.
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  • #5
thank you zefram_c ! It is much clearer to me now. :smile:

FAQ: BABAR CP Violation: Explore B and Anti-B Mesons Physics

1. What is BABAR CP violation and why is it important in physics?

BABAR CP violation is a phenomenon in which the symmetry between matter and antimatter is broken in certain subatomic particles called B and anti-B mesons. It is important in physics because it provides a way to understand why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe, which is a fundamental question in cosmology.

2. How does the BABAR experiment explore B and anti-B mesons physics?

The BABAR experiment is a particle physics experiment conducted at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California. It uses a high-energy electron-positron collider to produce large numbers of B and anti-B mesons, which are then studied to understand their properties and interactions. This allows scientists to investigate the phenomenon of CP violation in these particles.

3. What is the significance of CP violation in the study of the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Standard Model is a theory that describes the fundamental particles and their interactions. CP violation is a key aspect of this model, and its study provides insights into the nature of the universe and the fundamental forces that govern it. Understanding CP violation is crucial to furthering our understanding of the Standard Model and potentially discovering new physics beyond it.

4. What are some potential implications of BABAR's findings on CP violation?

The findings from the BABAR experiment have confirmed the existence of CP violation in B and anti-B mesons, which was predicted by the Standard Model. However, there are still unanswered questions and discrepancies in the data that could lead to new discoveries and insights. These findings also have implications for understanding the origin of matter in the universe and could potentially lead to new technologies and applications in the future.

5. How is BABAR's research on CP violation relevant to other areas of physics and science?

The study of CP violation has implications beyond just particle physics. It also has connections to other areas such as cosmology, where understanding the imbalance between matter and antimatter is crucial. Additionally, the techniques and technology used in the BABAR experiment have applications in other fields, such as medical imaging and materials science. The research on CP violation has the potential to impact a wide range of scientific disciplines.

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