C++ GUI: Find a Good Website for Help

  • C/C++
  • Thread starter NoobixCube
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In summary, the conversation revolved around various options for GUI programming, including Qt, GTK+, and wxWindows. The participants advised against using the Win32 API, and instead suggested using Qt for its ease of use and compatibility with different operating systems. They also mentioned the benefits of Qt, such as its integration with other libraries and advanced features like 3D rendering and sound infrastructure. They also discouraged the use of MFC, stating that it is outdated and not user-friendly. Overall, Qt was recommended as the preferred option for GUI programming.
  • #1
Hey can anyone direct me to a good website??
Technology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Look into Qt, GTK+, wxWindows, etc.

- Warren
  • #3
Here is a good Tutorial for you
If you already looked around you probably already know about that site.
  • #4
id stay away from that. Win32 API is attrocious at best when you need to do more stuff ( but it is the only way to go sometimes ) . though if youre going to head down that path, the msdn developer center is great.
  • #5
I'd also advise that you do not use the Win32 API if all you need is a basic GUI, or even a fairly complex GUI.

- Warren
  • #6
have a look http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/index.html"
and http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/designer-manual.html"
and http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/object.html"
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  • #7
chroot said:
I'd also advise that you do not use the Win32 API if all you need is a basic GUI, or even a fairly complex GUI.

- Warren

In my experience easiest way is to use Microsoft MFC (layer over Win32). Comparing visual qualities of many Windows and Linux programs windows versions are clearly better for simple and advanced GUI.

I think MAC Gui programming can be also easy, but I didn't work on MAC for few years.

I myself would may be use Java / Swing.
  • #8
MFC sucks. Java / Swing sucks worse. Use Qt, GTK+, or wx.

- Warren
  • #9
QT works great on Windows and ports effortlessly. I think it's what I'd recommend too at this point.

If you MUST stick with Microsoft solutions though I think C#/.net is preferable to MFC. I'm sure MFC works great if you're used to it, it but if someone is looking to learn GUI programming for the first time it is probably not a good place to start, since it is being phased out and all.
  • #10
If it wasn't obvious from previous post - I too recommend Qt.
It uses the native API in each OS, so on windows you can't distinguish it from something programmed in win32API, on mac it uses aqua, on linux and BSD it has a kde look...

apart from the easy meta object way of doing things in Qt (connecting objects with signals to slots makes event handling and threading very easy),
Qt also provides integration with openGL for 3d rendering inside a window,
string manipulation with regular expressions, Unicode and easy conversions between language codecs,
better containers then STL has to offer (list, vector, map etc.),
TCP\UDP client and server base classes, ftp and http clients, the labels and other visual text containers parse html, and in the next version (4.4) there will be some classes which handle very sophisticated sites with code from webkit (mac's safari and KDE's konqueror web engine ).
oh and they will also have sound infrastructure using code from phonon (KDE's sound library) in 4.4...

MFC is really ugly... it's more C then C++, and it's very easy to get lost in your code when using it... I recommend you avoid it.

FAQ: C++ GUI: Find a Good Website for Help

What is C++ GUI?

C++ GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a programming language used for creating visual interfaces for software applications. It allows developers to design and create user-friendly interfaces with buttons, menus, and other graphical elements.

Why is it important to find a good website for help with C++ GUI?

Finding a good website for help with C++ GUI is important because it can provide valuable resources, tutorials, and support for beginners and experienced developers alike. A good website can save time and effort by providing solutions to common problems and offering guidance on best practices.

What makes a website a good resource for C++ GUI help?

A good website for C++ GUI help should have comprehensive and up-to-date information on the language, a user-friendly interface, easy navigation, and a supportive community. It should also offer a variety of resources such as tutorials, forums, and FAQs to cater to different learning styles.

Are there any recommended websites for help with C++ GUI?

Yes, there are many websites that offer help with C++ GUI. Some popular options include Stack Overflow, Cprogramming.com, and C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4. These websites have a wealth of information, active communities, and a good reputation among developers.

How can I effectively use a website for help with C++ GUI?

To effectively use a website for help with C++ GUI, it is important to first understand the basics of the language. Then, you can use the website to search for specific solutions, ask questions in forums, and participate in discussions to learn from other developers. It is also helpful to regularly check for updates and new resources on the website.

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