Calculating Buoyancy of Steel Boat

In summary, the boat is made of a 4.00 m x 10.0 m x 4.00 cm piece of steel and 0.490 cm-thick steel for the sides. The question is determining how deep the boat will lie in the water.
  • #1
1. The bottom of a steel "boat" is a 4.00 m x 10.0 m x 4.00 cm piece of steel (rho=7900). The sides are made of 0.490 cm-thick steel.

Homework Equations

Fbouy = Wobj

The Attempt at a Solution

i have gone around in so many directions that I am pretty much okay to neglect the weight of the arms and if not then where do I account for this... help!
Physics news on
  • #2
What exactly is your question?
  • #3
I assume he wants to find how deep the boat will lie in the water..
(But it might be he is interested in finding out how much water he needs to keep his pot plants alive..)

FAQ: Calculating Buoyancy of Steel Boat

1. How do you calculate the buoyancy of a steel boat?

The buoyancy of a steel boat can be calculated by using Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. This means that the buoyancy of a steel boat will depend on its weight and the weight of the water it displaces.

2. What factors affect the buoyancy of a steel boat?

The buoyancy of a steel boat is affected by several factors, including its weight, the weight and density of the water it is floating in, and the shape and size of the boat. The shape of the hull and the amount of air or water inside the boat can also affect its buoyancy.

3. How does the weight of a steel boat affect its buoyancy?

The weight of a steel boat has a direct impact on its buoyancy. A heavier boat will displace more water, resulting in a greater buoyant force. However, if the weight of the boat is too great, it may sink rather than float.

4. How can you improve the buoyancy of a steel boat?

To improve the buoyancy of a steel boat, you can increase the volume of the boat by adding air or other lightweight materials, such as foam or hollow compartments. You can also adjust the weight distribution of the boat to make it more buoyant.

5. Why is it important to calculate the buoyancy of a steel boat?

Calculating the buoyancy of a steel boat is important for ensuring its safety and stability while in the water. It can also help determine the maximum weight capacity of the boat and whether it is suitable for certain bodies of water. Additionally, understanding the buoyancy of a boat is crucial for making modifications or repairs to improve its performance.

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