Calculating Force and Energy Requirements for a Reactionless Drive in Space

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of a reactionless drive that would allow for movement in space without the need for outside contact or an equal and opposite force. The topic then shifts to the amount of force and energy needed to move a 40 billion ton rock at a speed of one mile an hour. The concept of impulse and its relation to energy is explained, and the conversation ends with a discussion on the feasibility of a reactionless drive.
  • #1
If I have a drive that works in space without the need of any out side contact.
In other words there is no equal and opposite force. How many pounds of force would I need to move a 40 billion ton rock to a speed of one mile an hour? If there is a program to work it out that would be great as well.
Also what would be the best high temp and high strain insulators? I would like something what would work with molten copper or aluminum.
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  • #2
If I have a drive that works in space without the need of any out side contact.
In other words there is no equal and opposite force.
Oh really?
How many pounds of force would I need to move a 40 billion ton rock to a speed of one mile an hour?
Newton's 2nd law will tell you the net force needed to produce a given acceleration.
  • #3
I'm not sure how your hypothetical drive is supposed to work so I won't address that.

Use as much or as little force as you want. The more force you use, the less time it will take to achieve your desired change in velocity.

What's important is the amount of energy needed, or impulse- which is more convenient in this case.

An impulse (I), which is Force • time, will result in an equivalent change in momentum (mass • velocity). Both are measured in units of Newton seconds:

[tex]Ft = m\Delta v[/tex]​

The total change in velocity is 0.447 m/s. Multiply that by the mass of your 40 billion ton rock (3.629×10^13 kg) to get the change in momentum:

[tex]Ft = 1.622×10^{13} N s[/tex]​

From here, you can either pick the amount of force to use and solve for t, or choose an arbitrary time in seconds and solve for F which is measured in Newtons.

In terms of energy, you'll need 3.624×10^12 Joules to change the velocity by .447 m/s (1 mile/hour).

[tex]E = \frac{I^2}{2m}[/tex]​
  • #4
Thank You
I did a bit of fast math and that would come out about a 150000 pounds of h and the o2 to burn it minus boiler and electrical loss for each mile an hour of change sound right?
  • #5
Thank You
I did a bit of fast math and that would come out about a 150000 pounds of h and the o2 to burn it minus boiler and electrical loss for each mile an hour of change sound right?

How did you come up with that figure?

You have postulated a reactionless drive. A reactionless drive need not require any energy at all. The figure of 3.624×10^12 Joules would imply that the reaction mass is infinitely large and is at rest in your chosen reference frame.

Choose a different referrence frame and the energy delta changes. That's one reason why reactionless drives do not fit well with Newton's laws.

FAQ: Calculating Force and Energy Requirements for a Reactionless Drive in Space

What is force?

Force is a physical quantity that refers to the push or pull on an object that causes it to accelerate or change its motion.

How do we measure force?

The standard unit of force is the Newton (N), which is equivalent to 1 kilogram-meter per second squared (kgm/s^2). Force can be measured using instruments such as spring scales, dynamometers, or force sensors.

What is mass?

Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter in an object. It is often measured in kilograms (kg) in the metric system.

How does mass affect the force needed to move an object in space?

The greater the mass of an object, the more force is needed to move it in space. This is because mass is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its motion, and more force is required to overcome this resistance.

What factors affect the force needed to move a mass in space?

The two main factors that affect the force needed to move a mass in space are the mass of the object and the distance it needs to be moved. Other factors such as gravity, friction, and the object's shape and size may also have an impact.

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