Can a guided zeppelin be controlled in the case of wind?

  • Thread starter niko2000
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In summary, Drag suggests building a large balloon-based launch platform to cheaply and efficiently send vehicles into space. He believes that this type of platform is the most effective and cheapest way to get into space. He also suggests a way to fix the windage problem.
  • #1
I study electrical engineering and I was thinking about some projects.
I was thinking about constructing a guided zeppelin.
I would also add a GPS so I could program its course.
I was thinking about the possible problems. I don't know how could it be controlled in the case of wind.
I don't have much experiences with such things, so it would be really helpful if anyone could give any advice, remind me of possible problems or comment this project.
Thank you.
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  • #2
Greetings !

There are often large baloons with surveilence and other equipement
tied to the ground and without propulsion. You can search the web
for future projects on powered airships currently in various stages of development by Lockheed, Israelis and others. These are large
airships which will rize to altitudes of about 20 km where the winds
are minimum, powered by solar panels with accumulators, with their
own propulsion and many possible target payloads. They can be
stationary or cruise to various locations. In many ways, they'll probably
replace settelites.

Live long and prosper.
  • #3
High-altitude floating (re)launch pad

Hi Drag, thanks very much for the valuable info.

I have refined an idea I posted a while ago re a floating launch pad. This large platform might be made for example from linked/tiled (hexagonal?) helium balloons.

It would allow cheap private vehicles to rendezvous and refuel. These vehicles might be be just capable of reaching the platform, but on re-fuelling could perhaps then reach orbital velocity.

Fuel and components could be efficiently floated up in helium dirgibles (as could passengers and craft). Helium/Balloons could perhaps be returned carrying waste products/returning vehicles/passengers.

Also, larger vehicles could maybe be assembled at this (appropriate) height and launched from there.

Hope you like this idea, Drag :)

Anyone, if this idea is any good, if it helps us get out there quicker, can you possibly help achieve critical mass?

Thanks and regards
  • #4
Greetings !

I appologize, since I don't know which thread it was so I don't
quite remember what the highlights were.

Anyway, a floating platform just saves you the air resistance,
it just doesn't seem to be worth it for most applications.
I do however like the ideas about sub-orbital tourists and
micro-settelites launched this way, if it's perfected further.

But, here's the good news - there are many many more ways
to get into space and stay there - so keep trying ! :smile:

Personally, I believe the next generation launch vehicle should
for a short flight. Taking off and climbing at maximum rate it will
achieve a velocity of at least Mach 2+ right along the equator
and an altitude at the least above 50,000 ft and higher. The main
body consisting of a rocket (probably two stages) will then detach
and fire up the rocket engines while the aircraft flies/glides back
to land. Rocket engines with as high Isp as possible must be used
to increase the target payload or alternatively the first stage will have
them new engines which also include an intake for atmospheric oxygen
(not Scramjet). Very advisable for the first stage rockets to be reusable,
coming down with parachutes. :shy:

I believe that currently this approach can be the most effective = cost
the least, aspecialy in the long term, which can really get us a lot
more into space. Of course, if NASA uses the "let's build a super-something
from incredible and unknown stuff that we'll invent on the way and
forget that someone's paying for it" approach instead of the "point A
to point B transfer with maximum safety and lowest price" approach,
then even the best ideas are doomed. :wink:

Live long and prosper.
  • #5
I don't know about your floating platform idea, but I think I know how to fix the windage problem.

Just design your control system such that it has zero steady state tracking errors for constant disturbance forces. I would imagine a well designed PD or PID controller could work. See any good control systems text for specifics.

FAQ: Can a guided zeppelin be controlled in the case of wind?

1. How does satellite guidance work for airships?

Satellite guided airships use a network of satellites to determine their location and navigate through the Earth's atmosphere. The airship receives signals from multiple satellites and uses triangulation to determine its exact position. This information is then used to adjust the airship's flight path and maintain its course.

2. What are the advantages of using satellite guidance for airships?

The main advantage of using satellite guidance for airships is increased accuracy and precision in navigation. Since satellites cover a large area of the Earth's surface, airships can receive signals and guidance even in remote or inaccessible locations. Additionally, satellite guidance allows for real-time tracking and adjustments, making it easier for airships to avoid obstacles and maintain a steady flight path.

3. Can satellite guided airships be affected by weather or other external factors?

Yes, satellite guided airships can be affected by weather conditions such as strong winds or storms. However, unlike traditional airships that rely solely on manual control, satellite guidance allows for real-time adjustments to compensate for these external factors. Additionally, satellite guided airships can also use weather data from satellites to plan their flight paths and avoid unfavorable weather conditions.

4. How do satellite guided airships communicate with the satellites?

Satellite guided airships use radio frequency (RF) communication to communicate with satellites. The airship's onboard antenna receives signals from multiple satellites, and the guidance system uses this information to determine the airship's location. The airship can also transmit data to the satellites, such as its current position and flight path.

5. Are there any limitations to using satellite guidance for airships?

One limitation of using satellite guidance for airships is the potential for signal interference. In areas with tall buildings or dense vegetation, the airship may not receive clear signals from satellites, leading to navigation errors. Additionally, satellite guidance systems may also be affected by solar flares or other instances of electromagnetic interference. However, with advancements in technology, these limitations can be minimized, making satellite guided airships a reliable mode of transportation.

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