Can Poisson's Equation Be Solved Using a Legendre Polynomial?

  • Thread starter H_man
  • Start date
In summary, Harry has a problem understanding how a solution is reached for a poisson's equation with a positive charge debye shielded. He is able to solve the equation though after referencing a standard repository of mathematical knowledge and expanding the equation to include a phi term.
  • #1

I have a problem seeing how a solution is reached??

The expression is poisson's equation for a positive charge which is debye shielded.

[tex]\nabla . \psi = (2 / \lambda^2) \psi [/tex]

The solution of which is..

\psi = (Q / 4\pi\epsilon r )* exp(-2 \sqrt{r}/\lambda)

I was hoping I could express this as a Legendre polynomial but alas, this is only for Laplace's equation it seems.

How can I arrive at this solution?


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  • #2
Does [itex] \psi [/itex] depend upon [itex] \theta [/itex] and [itex]\varphi [/itex] ?
  • #3
No [tex] \theta [/tex] or [tex] \varphi [/tex] dependence.
  • #4
Then the Poisson's eq becomes a second order ODE. Which can be solved.
  • #5
Oh :blushing: , yeah, I see that now...


  • #6
What am I missing here...

The first equation expands out to...

V'' + (2/r)V' - (2/c)V = 0

Where I have replaced psi with V.

My standard repository of all mathematical knowledge (Mary L Boas. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences) only covers ODEs which have constant coefficients.

I'm sure there must be a standard technique out there...
  • #7
Well, first thing's first, you have the wrong equation. You have "divergence of scalar equals scalar".

As for your resulting ODE, expand [tex]\phi = \sum_j a_j r^j[/tex]. That should get you a nice recursion relation for the coefficients, and then you're golden.
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  • #8
As StatMechGuy said, the equation given isn't Poisson (Laplacian of a function equals something that can only depend on position and time)... and it's weird since a scalar function doesn't have a divergence (did you mean gradient?).
  • #9
First of all

[tex] \nabla^2 \psi(r)=\frac{2}{\lambda^2}\psi(r) [/tex]

is not Poisson equation, but a Helmholtz equation.

It can be written

[tex] \frac{1}{r}\frac{d^2}{dr^2}\left[r\psi(r)\right]=\frac{2}{\lambda^2}\psi(r) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{d^2}{dr^2}\left[r\psi(r)\right]=\frac{2}{\lambda^2}\left[r\psi(r)\right] [/tex]

Can you solve it now ?
  • #10
Ok I got it (said I... after a little delay).

Thanks Dextercioby, StatMechGuy and Ahmes, I think that's the first time I've used a series solution in anger.

Oh and yes... I initially wrote the equation down incorrectly.. well done to those who spotted it (sorry).

FAQ: Can Poisson's Equation Be Solved Using a Legendre Polynomial?

What is Poisson's equation?

Poisson's equation is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between the potential of a physical field and the distribution of sources in that field. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to solve problems involving electric and gravitational fields.

What is the significance of solving Poisson's equation?

Solving Poisson's equation allows us to determine the potential of a physical field at any point in space, given the distribution of sources in that field. This can be very useful in understanding and predicting the behavior of physical systems.

What are the main methods for solving Poisson's equation?

The two main methods for solving Poisson's equation are the finite difference method and the finite element method. The finite difference method involves discretizing the equation and solving it numerically, while the finite element method uses a mesh to approximate the solution.

What are some real-world applications of Poisson's equation?

Poisson's equation has many practical applications, including in electrostatics and electromagnetism (e.g. designing electrical circuits and antennas), fluid dynamics (e.g. modeling air flow around an aircraft), and heat transfer (e.g. predicting temperature distribution in a heated object).

Are there any challenges associated with solving Poisson's equation?

Yes, there are several challenges associated with solving Poisson's equation, including choosing an appropriate method for the specific problem at hand, dealing with boundary conditions and singularities, and ensuring accuracy and convergence of the solution.
