Can the tanker avoid hitting the reef with its engines back on?

In summary, an oil tanker's engines have broken down and the wind is blowing it towards a reef at a constant speed of 1.5 m/s. The mass of the tanker and cargo is 3.6*10^7 kg and the engines produce a net horizontal force of 8*10^4 N. At 500 m from the reef, the wind dies down and the engineer gets the engines going again, but the rudder is stuck. The only option is to try to accelerate straight backward away from the reef. Using the formula a=Σ F/m, the acceleration is calculated to be -2.22e-3. To calculate the time it takes for the tanker to come to a stop, the
  • #1
An oil tanker's engines have broken down, and the wind is blowing the tanker straight toward a reef at a constant speed of 1.5 m/s. When the tanker is 500 m from the reef, the wind dies down just as the engineer gets the engines going again. The rudder is stuck, so the only choice is to try to accelerate straight backward away from the reef. The mass of the tanker and cargo is 3.6*10^7 kg, and the engines produce a net horizontal force of 8*10^4 N on the tanker.

Will the ship hit the reef? You can ignore the retarding force of the water on the tanker's hull.

Here is a diagram of the problem"
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  • #2
I know the acceleration would be -.0033333333 by the formula: a=Σ F/m
= 8*10^4 / 3.6*10^7.
Where do I go from here?
  • #3
I reposted the question with a picture.
  • #4
At what time does the tanker come to a stop?

Use that time to see how far it went.
  • #5
I didn't know it came to a stop?
  • #6
No, assume the reef isn't there when you calculate how long it takes the tanker to stop.

Then see how far it goes using the time you calculated. If D > 500 then it hits...
  • #7
how do i do that?
  • #8
The equation is V = a*t. You said a= -.0033. Also, you know you're traveling at 1.5m/s. So you want to know when your acceleration will get you to -1.5 m/s (so it will cancel out with the foward motion and you will stop).
  • #9
the answer is YES, it will hit the reef
  • #10
I found this thread while googling this same question, so I just wanted to add a few notes I found:

ledhead86 said:
I know the acceleration would be -.0033333333 by the formula: a=Σ F/m
= 8*10^4 / 3.6*10^7.
Where do I go from here?

The acceleration is -2.22e-3, not sure how you got -3.33...

Skippy said:
The equation is V = a*t. You said a= -.0033. Also, you know you're traveling at 1.5m/s. So you want to know when your acceleration will get you to -1.5 m/s (so it will cancel out with the foward motion and you will stop).

0 should be your final velocity, not -1.5. A negative acceleration, not velocity, will result in the boat eventually stopping. I got 506.7m for the total distance to stop, and my version of the problem asks what speed the boat hits at too: .17m/s for the velocity at which the boat hits the reef, which satisfies the hull's limit of .2m/s to maintain integrity.

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FAQ: Can the tanker avoid hitting the reef with its engines back on?

1. What are Newton's three laws of motion?

Newton's three laws of motion are:
1) An object will remain at rest or in motion in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.
2) The force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration (F=ma).
3) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

2. How do these laws apply to everyday life?

Newton's laws of motion apply to everyday life in many ways, such as:
1) The first law explains why objects tend to stay at rest unless a force is applied, like a book sitting on a table.
2) The second law can be seen when pushing a shopping cart - the harder you push, the faster it accelerates.
3) The third law can be observed when rowing a boat - the oar exerts a force on the water, and the water pushes back, propelling the boat forward.

3. What is the relationship between mass and acceleration according to Newton's second law?

According to Newton's second law, the force acting on an object is directly proportional to its mass and acceleration. This means that the greater the mass of an object, the more force is required to accelerate it, and the greater the acceleration, the more force is being applied.

4. Can Newton's laws be applied to non-inertial reference frames?

Yes, Newton's laws can be applied to non-inertial reference frames, but they may require additional forces or factors to be taken into account. For example, the Coriolis force must be considered when applying Newton's laws to objects moving in a rotating reference frame.

5. How do Newton's laws relate to the concept of momentum?

Newton's laws are closely related to the concept of momentum, which is the product of an object's mass and velocity. The first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by a force, which means it has no momentum. The second law shows how an object's momentum can change when a force is applied, and the third law demonstrates the conservation of momentum in a closed system.

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