Challenge Accepted: 3 Hard Physics Problems for You to Solve!

In summary, three people requested one hard physics problem each for Daniel to solve. The problems requested were: a rigorous derivation of the Yang-Mills equations, a proof that the Navier-Stokes equations will not blow up in finite time under smooth initial conditions, and determining the range of initial conditions for three bodies solely attracted by mutual gravity to exhibit periodic motion. One person also requested a problem of deriving the effective action of QED in the first order of perturbation theory. Another person requested a derivation of the Poisseuille-Hagen formula from the Navier-Stokes equations. A third person requested a proof that the Abraham-Lorentz equations violate the principle of causality. Finally, one person requested a problem involving a 53.
  • #1
Can three people here post one hard physics problem for me to solve??!
(That's one person per problem)
Physics news on
  • #2
1) Give a rigourous derivation of the Yang-Mills equations
2) Prove, that under smooth initial conditions, the Navier-Stokes equations will not blow up in finite time.
3) Determine the range of initial conditions three bodies solely attacted by mutual gravity can have in order to exhibit periodic motion.

Good luck! :wink:
  • #3
That's not fair,Arildno,you took all three of them... :smile:

Here are my three:
1.Derive the effective action of QED in the first order of perturbation theory (i had this problem at the QFT exam,last year).
2.Derive the Poisseuille-Hagen formula (1839) starting from the Navier-Stokes equations.
3.Prove that Abraham-Lorentz equations are violating the principle of causality.

  • #4
He only wanted one problem per person, arildno.
  • #5
rachmaninoff said:
He only wanted one problem per person, arildno.
Well, but I gave him CHOICES, didn't I?
He can pick the easiest one if he likes.
  • #6
arildno and dextercioby, pick one problem that you want me to solve.
  • #7
A bit more serious, I'll pick Daniel's 2.
(It's at least doable, and not too difficult)
  • #8
Stargate said:
arildno and dextercioby, pick one problem that you want me to solve.

The first in the most interesting.Pick the first.Pay attention with your calculation,though.

  • #9
I need one more problem from a different person and I'll get back to you by next monday. Ok?
  • #10
You guys,this is a K-12 forum! You can't assume graduate level knowledge here.

Here's my one, HS-level problem:

1) A 53.0kg spherical projectile, 27.0cm in radius, is fired at an angle 38.5 degrees to the horizontal at 12,350 m/s. Find the maximum height by Euler's method approximation (h = 0.0005) without using electronic aids (you'll need a bit of paper for this). Keep in mind the gravitational force will not be constant. Include air resistance.
  • #11
Hey,man,this is K-12.Air resistance is usually proportional with velocity,somtimes even with its square.Nonhomogenous gravity field+air resistance:that's a horrible diff.eq.he'll be getting.Without air-resistance,maybe he'll have a chance.

  • #12
I'm a 9th grader by the way so I would like 9th grade problems please.
  • #13
I apologize, this whole thread is being quite inconsiderate, myself included.

A solvable problem: What is the altitude of a satellite in geostationary orbit, given that there are 86,400 seconds in a day, and [tex]r_{earth{[/tex] = 6,370km? (fun problem, really)
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  • #14
Dextercioby: Actually I sidestepped the D.E. part when I asked him to use Euler's method.
  • #15
A very short and interesting problem:
Compute the atmosphere's mass.Assume all constants are given (u may use tables of constants and calculators for the numbers).


FAQ: Challenge Accepted: 3 Hard Physics Problems for You to Solve!

1. What is the purpose of "Challenge Accepted: 3 Hard Physics Problems for You to Solve!"?

The purpose of this challenge is to test your knowledge and problem-solving skills in the field of physics. It is designed to challenge you and help you improve your understanding of complex physics concepts.

2. Who can participate in this challenge?

Anyone with a basic understanding of physics can participate in this challenge. It is open to students, professionals, and anyone who enjoys solving challenging problems.

3. How difficult are the physics problems in this challenge?

The problems in this challenge are considered to be hard and will require a good understanding of physics concepts, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills. However, they are not impossible and can be solved with the right approach.

4. Are there any prizes for completing the challenge successfully?

No, there are no prizes for completing the challenge. The main goal is to challenge yourself and improve your understanding of physics. However, you will gain a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction upon successfully solving the problems.

5. Can I get help or collaborate with others while solving the problems?

While this challenge is intended to be completed individually, you are free to seek help or collaborate with others. However, it is important to understand and solve the problems on your own to truly test your knowledge and skills.
