CIA had forged the data that the Soviets got and used

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, during the Soviet Union's attempt to copy the United States' shuttle program for their Buran project, they managed to obtain stolen thermal testing data. However, the CIA had deliberately forged the data in order to deceive the Soviets. In another incident, the US had sold printers to Iraq with homing beacons installed, which were later used to guide missiles to critical military operations during the Gulf War. On the other hand, the Soviets successfully planted a secret cavity oscillator in a gift given to the head of NATO, allowing them to eavesdrop on important planning sessions for years undetected. The device was only discovered years later when microwaves were finally detected.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I ran across this in a somewhat private conversation, so I will have to leave out the source but it is almost certainly reliable. It seems that when the Soviet tried to copy our shuttle program for their Buran project...


They managed to steal our thermal testing data for the shuttle. However, the CIA had forged the data that the Soviets got and used. :smile:

Another good one was made public after the Gulf war [Gulf 1]. Some years before the war we had sold a good number of printers to Iraq. Knowing that they might be used for military purposes [perhaps based on a lead] we installed homing beacons in the printers. When the war broke out, all that was needed was a signal to activate the beacons, which then lead our missiles directly to points of critical military operations.

On the flip side, the Soviets got us really good one time. Though I'm not sure of the precise details and titles of those involved, I think it was the head of NATO who received a gift from the Soviets - a large wooden plaque with an eagle carved into the surface. Contained within was a secret cavity oscillator that was powered by a microwave beam, which was transmitted from an apartment across the street. An audio signal was returned via microwave beam, so the KGB could listen to the planning taking place in the office of the head of NATO. This hung in the office for years before it was detected! The fact that it was powered by the beam made it undetectable [at the time] unless it was active.
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  • #2
"The fact that it was powered by the beam made it undetectable [at the time] unless it was active."

If memory serves, they found out about the device when microwaves were finally detected. Years later as you said.
  • #3

I cannot confirm or deny the accuracy of these specific instances mentioned. However, it is well known that during the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in espionage and counter-espionage activities in order to gain an advantage in military and technological developments. It is not uncommon for intelligence agencies to use tactics such as forging data or planting surveillance devices in order to gather information. These tactics can be effective, but they can also be risky and potentially damaging to international relations. As scientists, it is important for us to be aware of these activities and to always question the validity of data and information that we receive.

FAQ: CIA had forged the data that the Soviets got and used

1. What is the significance of the CIA forging data that the Soviets used?

The CIA forging data that the Soviets used is a serious issue as it can potentially lead to false information being used in decision-making processes. This can have far-reaching consequences and impact international relations and national security.

2. Why would the CIA forge data?

The CIA may forge data for various reasons, including trying to manipulate the actions of other countries or to justify their own actions. It could also be due to human error or misinterpretation of information.

3. How did the Soviets discover that the data was forged by the CIA?

The Soviets may have discovered the forged data through their own intelligence gathering and analysis. They may have also received information from other sources or through diplomatic channels.

4. What could be the consequences of the CIA forging data?

The consequences of the CIA forging data can be severe, including damaging the credibility and trust of the CIA and the US government. It can also lead to strained relations with other countries and potentially escalate tensions and conflicts.

5. What measures can be taken to prevent the CIA from forging data in the future?

To prevent the CIA from forging data in the future, there should be strict protocols and procedures in place for gathering and verifying information. There should also be oversight and accountability to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data. Additionally, fostering a culture of transparency and ethical conduct within the CIA can help prevent such incidents from occurring.

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