Combined linear transformations

In summary, the task is to find the rank and nullity of the linear transformation S o L, which is represented by the product of the matrices B and A. This product results in a 1x3 matrix, and the nullity can be found by solving the equation 15x-7y-3z=0, which represents the kernel of the transformation. The rank is 1, as the transformation does not map all vectors to 0, and the nullity is 2.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Combined linear transformations

Homework Statement

I have a linear transformation L : R^3 -> R^3 represented by a matrix A. I also have another linear transformation S : R^3 -> R represented by a matrix B.

The dimensions of the matrix A must be 3x3 and for B it is 1x3. I have to find the rank and the nullity of the linear transformation S o L.

I don't know if it's necessary, but the linear transformations are:

L(x,y,z) = (6x-3y-2z , 14x-7y-4z , -5x+3y+3z) and

S(x,y,z) = x+y+z.

The Attempt at a Solution

The transformation S o L is linear, because S and L is linear and the matrix C that represents S o L is given by B*A. This product gives me a 1x3 matrix and the rank and nullity of this matrix is what is being asked for. But how (or is it even possible) to find the rank and nullity of C?

Thanks for all your help,

sincerely Niles.
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  • #2
If you were to write the linear transformations as matrices, then C= S o L would be the product of those matrices. You could find the that product matrix just as you say. It certainly is possible to find the rank and nullity of any matrix. The nullity is, by definition, the dimension of the kernel. Here C will be a matrix having 1 row and 3 "columns", 3 numbers in that 1 row. Let <x, y, z> be a column matrix (3 rows, 1 column) and take the product Cx which will, of course, be a single number. If <x, y, z> is in the kernel, then that number must be 0. You have one equation in 3 unknown numbers x, y, z. The nullity is the dimension of the solution space.

You could, instead, write the formula for the compostion. It will be less confusing to change the "labels" for the variables: let (u, v, w)= L(x, y, z) so S(u, v, w)= u+ v+ w= (6x-3y-2z)+ (14x-7y- 4z)- (-5x+ 3y+ 3z)= 15x- 7y- 3z. (That is the one equation in 3 unknown numbers I mentioned above.) The kernel consists of all x, y, z, such that 15x- 7y- 3z= 0. It should be easy to see that you can solve that for one of the variables in terms of the other 2. The kernel has dimension 2 and the nullity is 2.

You should know that the sum of the rank and nullity must be the dimension of the domain space, here 3. The rank is the dimension of the "image" which is a subspace of the range space. Since the range space, here R1, has dimension 1, the rank can only be 0 or 1. If S o L took every vector in R3 to 0, then the rank would be 0 and the nullity 3. Here, that clearly does not happen so the rank is 1 and the nullity 2.

FAQ: Combined linear transformations

What are combined linear transformations?

Combined linear transformations refer to the process of performing multiple linear transformations on a given set of points or vectors. This involves applying one linear transformation after another to the original set of points.

What is the purpose of combined linear transformations?

The purpose of combined linear transformations is to transform a set of points or vectors into a new set of points or vectors that are in a different orientation, size, or position. This is often used in graphics processing, data analysis, and other fields where transformation of data is necessary.

What are the properties of combined linear transformations?

Combined linear transformations have several properties, including associativity, distributivity, and linearity. Associativity means that the order in which the transformations are applied does not affect the end result. Distributivity means that the combined transformation can be broken down into smaller transformations and linearity means that the transformation can be represented by a matrix.

How are combined linear transformations represented?

Combined linear transformations can be represented using matrices. Each individual transformation is represented by a matrix, and the combined transformation is represented by multiplying these matrices together in the correct order.

What are some real-world applications of combined linear transformations?

Combined linear transformations have many real-world applications, such as in computer graphics for creating animations and special effects, in machine learning for feature engineering and data preprocessing, and in engineering for analyzing and optimizing systems and processes. They are also used in physics and chemistry for modeling and simulating physical systems.
