Control Systems Types: Tracking System Explained

In summary, tracking control systems are a type of control system that is used to track a specific parameter or trajectory in order to achieve a desired outcome. They utilize sensors, controllers, and actuators to continuously adjust and follow a changing target, making them essential in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing. One industrial application where tracking control systems are used in detail is in the production of computer chips, where they ensure precise and accurate placement of components for optimal functionality.
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Homework Statement

Different control systems can be distinguished by categorising them as regulator control systems, positioning (or servo) control systems or tracking control systems.

components features, diagram?
describe one industrial application in detail?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Had no trouble with regulator or positioning systems but I can't seem to find anything on 'tracking' control systems. Neither Google nor my textbook provide anything useful here.

I think that a tracking control system is probably a control system that literally tracks something - suns position in the sky, line following robot etc. Or possible it may be something to do with error tracking (minimizing?) - not sure.

If someone could point me in the direction of some literature that would be great.

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  • #2

Hello! Your understanding of tracking control systems is correct. These types of control systems are designed to track a specific parameter or trajectory in order to achieve a desired outcome. Unlike regulator control systems, which aim to maintain a specific setpoint, tracking control systems are more dynamic and require continuous adjustment in order to follow a changing target.

Some common features of tracking control systems include sensors to measure the parameter being tracked, a controller to calculate and implement the necessary adjustments, and actuators to physically move or adjust the system. A diagram of a basic tracking control system might look like this:

[Insert diagram here]

Examples of tracking control systems can be found in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing. In aerospace, tracking control systems are used in autopilot systems to maintain a specific altitude or heading, and in missile guidance systems to track and hit a moving target. In the automotive industry, tracking control systems are used in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to track and follow other vehicles on the road, and in self-driving cars to track and follow a predetermined route. In manufacturing, tracking control systems are used in robotic arms to track and follow a specific path for precise and accurate assembly or welding.

One industrial application that utilizes tracking control systems in detail is the production of computer chips. In this process, robotic arms are used to precisely place components onto a silicon wafer in order to create the intricate patterns and connections needed for the chip to function. These robotic arms use tracking control systems to follow a predetermined path and make micro-adjustments in real time to ensure the components are placed accurately and without error. This level of precision is crucial in the production of computer chips, as even the slightest deviation can result in a faulty or non-functioning chip.

In this application, sensors are used to measure the position and orientation of the robotic arms, and the desired trajectory for the components is programmed into the controller. The controller then calculates the necessary adjustments and sends signals to the actuators, which move the robotic arms accordingly. The process is constantly monitored and adjusted in real time to ensure the components are placed correctly, making tracking control systems an essential component in the production of computer chips.

In conclusion, tracking control systems are a crucial aspect of control engineering and are used in various industries to achieve precise and accurate tracking of parameters and trajectories. They require a combination of sensors, controllers, and actuators to continuously adjust and follow a changing target, making them a powerful tool in achieving desired outcomes in

FAQ: Control Systems Types: Tracking System Explained

1. What is a tracking system in control systems?

A tracking system in control systems is a type of control system that is designed to maintain the output of a system at a desired value, despite changes in the input or disturbances. It is used to track a reference signal and minimize any error between the reference and the actual output.

2. What are the two types of tracking systems?

The two main types of tracking systems are open-loop and closed-loop systems. Open-loop systems rely solely on the input signal to control the output, while closed-loop systems use feedback to adjust the output based on the difference between the desired and actual output.

3. How does a tracking system work?

A tracking system works by continuously monitoring the input and output signals of a system. It compares the desired output to the actual output and uses this error signal to adjust the input or the system's parameters to minimize the error and maintain the desired output.

4. What are some examples of tracking systems?

Some common examples of tracking systems include cruise control in cars, autopilot systems in airplanes, and robotic arms in manufacturing. These systems use sensors and feedback mechanisms to continuously adjust the output and maintain a desired value.

5. What are the advantages of using a tracking system in control systems?

Using a tracking system in control systems can help improve the accuracy and precision of the output, reduce the effects of disturbances, and increase the stability and reliability of the system. It also allows for more complex and dynamic control of the system's output.
