Conversion of Electrons into Neutrons

In summary: Hi Members,Can electrons be converted into neutrons? I read it somewhere and not sure about it!No. Absolutely not. This would violate the conservation of electric charge. No. Absolutely not. This would violate the conservation of electric charge.
  • #1
Hi Members,

Can electrons be converted into neutrons? I read it somewhere and not sure about it!
Physics news on
  • #2
Maybe, but we sure don't know how. The standard model of particle physics does not allow for such a conversion. An electron is a fundamental particle; neutrons are composed of other fundamental particles, quarks.

String theory might offer a conceptual approach but nobody knows if particles are REALLY strings, and nobody knows if the vibrational pattern of a string can be modified to "create" another matter particle...
  • #3
EinsteinII said:
Hi Members,

Can electrons be converted into neutrons? I read it somewhere and not sure about it!

  • #4
I got it from Wikipedia while i was reading about Betatron...
  • #5
The closest any reaction gets to converting electrons into neutrons is atomic electron capture by a radioactive nucleus. In this reaction, a proton in the nucleus captures an atomic electron from the atomic K shell, converts to a neutron, and emits an anti-neutrino. See
Bob S
  • #6
Bob S said:
The closest any reaction gets to converting electrons into neutrons is atomic electron capture by a radioactive nucleus. In this reaction, a proton in the nucleus captures an atomic electron from the atomic K shell, converts to a neutron, and emits an anti-neutrino. See
Bob S

Little too complex for me at this time as i studied about shells long back(11 years ago). Please suggest further reading that will help me to understand the very basics of particle behavior.
  • #7
EinsteinII said:
Hi Members,

Can electrons be converted into neutrons? I read it somewhere and not sure about it!

No. Absolutely not. This would violate the conservation of electric charge.
  • #8
Parlyne said:
No. Absolutely not. This would violate the conservation of electric charge.
And violation of barion number.
  • #9
A neutron will naturally decay (~ 10 minute half-life) into a proton and an electron (and some neutrino). Reverse the process and viola!

Or, if you have some electrons with energies > 17 MeV or so, if they hit stainless steel (for example), neutrons will be emitted. It's probably a case where the electron creates a shower of stuff, including gammas, the gamma is absorbed in one of the atoms of SS, and a neutron is emitted. This is why hospitals that do radiation therapy keep the high-voltage on the x-ray machines below 17 MeV.

The neutrons are more dangerous than the x-rays since they cannot be easily shielded and the biological damage from them is higher than for photons.

FAQ: Conversion of Electrons into Neutrons

1. What is the process of converting electrons into neutrons?

The process of converting electrons into neutrons is called beta decay. This occurs when a neutron in an atom decays into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino. The electron is then emitted from the nucleus, leaving behind a neutron.

2. Why would one want to convert electrons into neutrons?

Converting electrons into neutrons can be useful in nuclear reactions and particle physics research. It can also be used in nuclear power plants to control the rate of reactions and produce energy.

3. Is the conversion of electrons into neutrons a natural process?

Yes, the conversion of electrons into neutrons can occur naturally through beta decay. However, it can also be artificially induced through nuclear reactions.

4. How does the conversion of electrons into neutrons affect the stability of atoms?

The conversion of electrons into neutrons can change the number of protons and neutrons in an atom, altering its stability. If the conversion increases the number of neutrons, the atom may become unstable and undergo further radioactive decay.

5. Can all elements be converted from electrons into neutrons?

No, not all elements can be converted from electrons into neutrons. This process is only possible in atoms with a high neutron-to-proton ratio, such as those found in heavier elements. Lighter elements with a lower ratio are typically stable and do not undergo beta decay.

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