Coulomb barrier in alpha decay

In summary, according to this expert, the Coulomb barrier is a region where the nuclear forces are stronger than the Coulomb force and it prevents an alpha from escaping a nucleus.
  • #1
Can you gurus help me understand in a qualitative way the nature of the Coulomb barrier as it applies to alpha decay? I can intuitively appreciate the Coulomb barrier as it applies to an incoming charged particle, but resources I have been reading apply the same term to the barrier felt by alphas, within the nucleus, inhibiting emission. I would have thought that any barrier that must be overcome by an alpha trying to escape would derive from the dominance of the strong force, binding the alpha to the nucleus, over the Coulomb force of the protons trying to push the alpha out. So, what am I missing here?
By the way, thanks for a great forum.
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  • #2
  • #3
Yeah, that's what I was hoping for. Thanks for the reply.
  • #4
seerongo said:
Can you gurus help me understand in a qualitative way the nature of the Coulomb barrier as it applies to alpha decay? I can intuitively appreciate the Coulomb barrier as it applies to an incoming charged particle, but resources I have been reading apply the same term to the barrier felt by alphas, within the nucleus, inhibiting emission. I would have thought that any barrier that must be overcome by an alpha trying to escape would derive from the dominance of the strong force, binding the alpha to the nucleus, over the Coulomb force of the protons trying to push the alpha out. So, what am I missing here?
By the way, thanks for a great forum.

i have the same question,and still cannot understand the concept, what is coulomb barrier? just like what seerongo said, "any barrier that must be overcome by an alpha trying to escape would derive from the dominance of the strong force, binding the alpha to the nucleus, over the Coulomb force of the protons trying to push the alpha out."
thank you .
  • #5
seerongo said:
Can you gurus help me understand in a qualitative way the nature of the Coulomb barrier as it applies to alpha decay? I can intuitively appreciate the Coulomb barrier as it applies to an incoming charged particle, but resources I have been reading apply the same term to the barrier felt by alphas, within the nucleus, inhibiting emission. I would have thought that any barrier that must be overcome by an alpha trying to escape would derive from the dominance of the strong force, binding the alpha to the nucleus, over the Coulomb force of the protons trying to push the alpha out. So, what am I missing here?
By the way, thanks for a great forum.

nobody help me ?
  • #6
One is more or less correct. The potential energy is a balance between the nuclear potential energy and the Coulomb potential energy. The nuclear forces act over a shorter distance than the Coulombic force.

With respect to the Coulomb barrier, if the alpha particle, or a pair of (n,p) get beyond a point where the nuclear attraction is exceeded by the Coulomb repulsion, then an alpha particle is released - putting it rather crudely.

Now if one is looking at alpha (Rutherford) scattering, scattering is much more probably than say an absorption (fusion) of an alpha particle by a nucleus. One such reaction is [itex]\alpha[/itex] + 9Be => 12C + n. There are others, and one can look at the absorption (reaction) cross-section as compared to the scattering cross-section.
  • #7
If you calculate the Q-value for alpha-decay for the nuclei that are known to undergo this type of decay, you get a +ve value. This means that it is energetically favorable for the alpha particle to get out of these nuclei. In fact most of this +ve Q value can be regarded as kinetic energy for the alpha particle inside the nucleus.

Now imagine that the alpha particle pre-exists in the nucleus with kinetic energy enough to escape the potential well of the nuclear forces. Once it exceeds the nucleat radius , all of sudden it finds itself in a (+ve) pure coulombic barrier (Recall that nuclear forces are short ranged and they do not exist beyond the nuclear radius). Classically this region (i.e. the one just beyond the nuclear radius) is forbidden , because all of a sudden the alpha particle gained extremely large +ve potential energy (the coulmbic one) which violates energy conservation. This region forms the barrier. It is a reion prohibited classically but can be penetrated quantum mechanically.

If you look at the first link that Astronuc posted, you will notice that this is the region in dark gray.

FAQ: Coulomb barrier in alpha decay

1. What is the Coulomb barrier in alpha decay?

The Coulomb barrier in alpha decay is a concept in nuclear physics that refers to the electrostatic repulsion between the positively charged alpha particle and the positively charged nucleus. This barrier must be overcome in order for the alpha particle to escape from the nucleus and undergo radioactive decay.

2. How does the Coulomb barrier affect the rate of alpha decay?

The strength of the Coulomb barrier has a direct impact on the rate of alpha decay. The higher the barrier, the lower the probability that an alpha particle will have enough energy to overcome it and escape from the nucleus. As a result, a higher Coulomb barrier leads to a slower rate of alpha decay.

3. What factors influence the height of the Coulomb barrier?

The height of the Coulomb barrier is influenced by several factors, including the charge and mass of the parent nucleus, the charge and mass of the alpha particle, and the distance between them. A higher charge or mass difference between the parent nucleus and alpha particle results in a higher Coulomb barrier, while a shorter distance between them decreases the barrier.

4. Can the Coulomb barrier be overcome?

Yes, the Coulomb barrier can be overcome through a process called quantum tunneling. This occurs when the alpha particle has a small probability of tunneling through the barrier, even if it does not have enough energy to overcome it based on classical physics. The probability of tunneling increases with decreasing barrier height and increasing nuclear size.

5. How does the Coulomb barrier affect the stability of a nucleus?

The Coulomb barrier is a major factor in determining the stability of a nucleus. If the barrier is too high, the nucleus may undergo alpha decay to become more stable. On the other hand, if the barrier is too low, the nucleus may be unstable and undergo spontaneous fission. Therefore, the Coulomb barrier plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of a nucleus.

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