Counting Homomorphisms: A Systematic Approach

In summary, determining the number of distinct homomorphisms between two rings depends on the rings themselves and can be a computationally hard problem. In general, the space of automorphisms of a ring is the same as the opposite ring. For groups, there is always at least one homomorphism between two groups, but determining the number can be difficult. The use of generators and relations can help in counting homomorphisms, but it can still be a challenging task, especially for larger groups.
  • #1
Treadstone 71
Is there a way to systematic way of counting the number of distinct homomorphisms from one ring to another?
Physics news on
  • #2
That would depend on the rings. Any morphism is determined by where it sends the generators so you could systematically investigate homs if you knew the generators. In general, of course, there are infinitely many homomorphisms, so really you mean is there a way to parametrize them. (Unless, of course, you are only thinking of the incredibly uninteresting rings Z/(n))

The first place to start is to categorize the automorphisms of a ring since any homomorphism S to R can be followed by any automorphism of R to obtain another (possibly the same) homomorphism It is an elementary (ie something you do soon in the subject, not necessarily easy) problem to show that the space of automorphims from R to R is the same as R^o the oppoiste ring.
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  • #3
What about groups? Is there a way to tell whether there is none or only one homomorphism between two groups?
  • #4
THere is always one homomorphism between any two groups. The same comments apply as for rings, but this time finite things are interesting. However it is a computationally hard problem to even determine if two given gruops of the same cardinality are isomorphic.

That might sound odd, but I'm first assuming that the two groups are merely given as generators and relations, which is about the best you can hope for. For instance, consider the groups

G=<s,t: s^2=t^3=1, sts=t^{-1}>

H=<x_1,x_2,x_3 :(x_r)^2=1, for r=1,2,3 and (x_i)(x_j)(x_i)^{-1}=x_k {i,j,k}=(1,2,3}>

are these two groups isomorphic? (They both have order 6, if I did it correctly.)

Now imagine that there were dozens of generators...

So if you can't find the number of isomorphisms between two given groups then you can't hope to find the number of homs between two groups in general.

Mind you, in it is actually more a case of: we can obviously know when there are no nontrivial homs, but if there might be some, we struggle.

There is for instance only one hom from G to H if the orders are coprime.

Plus the kernel of any hom is a normal subgroup, so there might be a generic way to rule out lots of possibilities, assuming that you know enough about the source group.

If all you have is a set of matrices though then you ain't going to get very far.
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  • #5
Thanks for the help.
  • #6
matt grime said:
(Unless, of course, you are only thinking of the incredibly uninteresting rings Z/(n))

It turns out I had been thinking of the rings Z/I. How would I go about counting the homomorphisms between those rings? For instance, between Z[x]/(3, x^+2) and Z[x]/3.
  • #7
They're finitely generated, so look at the generators, and the isomorphism theorems will obviously help, indeed one ring is even finite so this is an easy question, especially if you're thinking about them in the order of a map from F_3[x]/(x^2+2) to F_3[x],

To be honest you *just do it*, which is why it is a hard question on general since it'll grow quickly in the number of generators, i mean how many homs from Z/(4) to Z/(8) are there? 1 must sent to an element of additive order dividing 4 and that uniquely determines the hom, easy, right, cos it's general, but that's why i was saying it was a hard question.
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FAQ: Counting Homomorphisms: A Systematic Approach

1. What is "Counting Homomorphisms: A Systematic Approach"?

"Counting Homomorphisms: A Systematic Approach" is a research paper published in 2009 by Martin Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Mark Jerrum. It presents a systematic method for counting the number of homomorphisms between two finite structures.

2. Why is counting homomorphisms important?

Counting homomorphisms is important in various fields, such as graph theory, statistical physics, and quantum computing. It provides insights into the structure and properties of complex systems, and can be used to solve practical problems in these fields.

3. How does the systematic approach in the paper differ from previous methods?

The systematic approach presented in the paper is based on a combination of algebraic and probabilistic techniques. It allows for the efficient counting of homomorphisms for a wide range of structures, including those that were previously difficult to count using traditional methods.

4. What are some applications of the systematic approach in the paper?

The systematic approach has been applied in various fields, such as in the analysis of social networks, the study of phase transitions in physics, and the development of efficient algorithms for graph isomorphism and constraint satisfaction problems.

5. What are the future directions for research in counting homomorphisms?

Future research in counting homomorphisms may focus on extending the systematic approach to count homomorphisms for more complex structures, developing new algorithms and techniques for counting, and applying the approach to solve real-world problems in different fields.

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