Cyclic Subspaces: Proving Equality of Zero Spaces for Coprime Polynomials

In summary, the conversation is about proving that Z(v,T)=Z(u,T) iff g(T)(u)=v, where g(t) is a polynomial and g(T)(u)=0 iff f(T)(u)=0. The conversation is about two polynomials, one is prime and the other is not, and how they are related. Nullify is a verb which is used to describe what happens when a poly is the minimal poly which nullifies another poly. The conversation is about how to prove this.
  • #1
Gold Member
prove that Z(v,T)=Z(u,T) iff g(T)(u)=v, where g(t) is prime compared to a nullify -T of u. (which means f(t) is the minimal polynomial of u, i.e f(T)(u)=0). (i think that when they mean 'is prime compared to' that f(t)=ag(t) for some 'a' scalar).

i tried proving this way:
suppose, g(T)(u)=v and suppose v belongs to V v doesn't equal 0, so f(T)(u)=0=av
a=0, i need to show that some polynomial function of v belong to V too, but i don't really know how?
and i need help on other way proof (suppose, Z(v,T)=Z(u,T)).
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  • #2
What is Z(v,T), what is T (we can guess from context but shouldn't have to), what is a 'nullify -T of u' (that makes no sense as a sentence, nullify is a verb)?

For what its worth two polynomials f and g are prime if the ideal they span is all of the polynomial ring, or equivalently there exits polys h and k such that fh+gk=1 (or they have no common factors) and does not mean one is a scalar multiple of the other.
  • #3
Z(v,T) is a T cyclic subspace of V which is spanned by v. v is a vector which belongs to V, and T is a linear operator T:V->V.
nullify is a unique polynomial f(t) (f(t)=t^k+...+a1t+t) of lowest rank which its highest degree coefficient is 1 such that: f(T)(v)=0.
  • #4
Z(v,T) is the subspace *generated* by T and v ie the smallest subspace invariant under T and containing v. It is *not* 'spanned' by v, it is spanned by v, Tv, T^2v,.. T^kv (and these are a basis, where k is the k in your expression for f). Span and generation have subtly different meanings, and I think you should keep them separate.

Nullify is still a verb. f(t) is the minimal poly which nullifies v (apparently) but that does not mean you can call it 'the nullify'.
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  • #5
ok, now that matters are cleared any other hints on this question?
  • #6
Yes, as I put in my first post, start with the definition of coprime polynomials too see what is going on.

(note that your assertion that prime meant f(t)=ag(t) can't be what was meant, since f(T)u=0 by definition, hence ag(T)u=0, and Z(0,T)=0 which is not in general Z(u,T)).

FAQ: Cyclic Subspaces: Proving Equality of Zero Spaces for Coprime Polynomials

1. What is a cyclic subspace?

A cyclic subspace is a subset of a vector space that is generated by a single vector. This means that any vector in the subspace can be written as a scalar multiple of the generator vector.

2. How do you determine if a subspace is cyclic?

A subspace is cyclic if there exists a single vector that can generate the entire subspace through linear combinations. This can be determined by checking if all vectors in the subspace can be written as a scalar multiple of the generator vector.

3. What is the basis of a cyclic subspace?

The basis of a cyclic subspace is the generator vector itself. This is because the generator vector can be used to linearly combine with other vectors in the subspace to create all other vectors in the subspace.

4. Can a subspace be cyclic if it has more than one generator vector?

No, a subspace can only be cyclic if it has a single generator vector. If there are multiple generator vectors, then the subspace cannot be generated by a single vector and is therefore not cyclic.

5. How are cyclic subspaces useful in linear algebra?

Cyclic subspaces can be useful in finding the basis and dimension of a subspace, as well as in solving systems of linear equations. They can also help in understanding the structure and properties of vector spaces.
