Dark Matter in the solar system.

In summary, according to Ethan Siegel and Xiaoying Xu, the commonly predicted amount of Dark Matter and its distribution in our solar system is not expected to have a measurable effect on the orbital speeds of any of the bodies in our solar system.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
Here's a question for the astrophysicists here:

Is the commonly predicted amount of Dark Matter and its distribution in our solar system expected to be such that it has an appreciable effect on the orbital speeds of any of the bodies in our solar system?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
gabbagabbahey said:
Here's a question for the astrophysicists here:

Is the commonly predicted amount of Dark Matter and its distribution in our solar system expected to be such that it has an appreciable effect on the orbital speeds of any of the bodies in our solar system?

I believe not, gabba. It is too diffuse and unreactive to have an appreciable effect on orbits.
I know of a research paper by Magueijo that proposed a very delicate experiment using a spacecraft (LISA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_Interferometer_Space_Antenna) primarily intended to pick up gravitational waves. He proposed the space instrument, LISA or the earlier LISA pathfinder, be put to an alternative purpose--detecting dark matter.

Maybe other people know of other proposed experiments to detect dark matter within the solar system by its gravitational effects. But it would not have a measurable effect on orbits.

I expect you know of other ways of detecting dark matter: either
1. by its decay into ordinary matter (initial results still require confirmation)
2. dark matter outside the solar system seen by weak gravitational lensing (DM in the foreground distorts images of galaxies in the background)
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  • #3

“Planetary orbits, if there were enough dark matter present, would have their perihelia precess faster than if there were no dark matter. The amount of dark matter allowed from these observations is considerably greater than the amount I predict. The errors on the measurements of perihelion precession are in units of hundredths of an arc second per century…Even if you assume the dark matter is at rest with respect to the galaxy that the Solar System moves through (which is the extreme example), the Sun is of order 10^30 kg; capturing a 10^20 kg clump of dark matter will slow you down by about 20 microns/second over the lifetime of the Solar System. So that would be small." – Ethan Siegel in an email interview.”

Yes, it seems that it is pretty negligible.
(Not that I am an astrophysicist)
  • #4
marcus said:
I believe not, gabba. It is too diffuse and unreactive to have an
You mean that dark matter is reactive when needed for the explanation of abnormal phenomena (galaxy rotational curve, micr-lensing) and un-reactive when un-needed for solar movement (Newton law of gravity is enough)?
  • #5
Thanks Marcus and Arch!

I was recently wondering how it is that dark matter has such a significant effect on the orbital speeds of the stars in our galaxy, but no noticeable effect on the orbital speeds of planets in our solar system (as far as I was aware of anyway).

Xu and Siegel's paper (the one quoted in the link Arch posted) seems to be very much along the lines of the explanation I was looking for. Do either of you know of any other papers that deal with this subject?
  • #6

FAQ: Dark Matter in the solar system.

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to telescopes and other traditional methods of detection. Its existence is inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. How much dark matter is in the solar system?

The exact amount of dark matter in the solar system is currently unknown. It is estimated that dark matter makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe, but its distribution within the solar system is still a topic of ongoing research.

3. How does dark matter affect the solar system?

Dark matter has a gravitational influence on the solar system, affecting the orbits and movements of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. It is also thought to play a role in the formation and evolution of galaxies.

4. Can we detect dark matter in the solar system?

No, dark matter cannot be directly detected using traditional methods. Scientists are currently working on developing new technologies and experiments to indirectly detect the presence of dark matter in the solar system.

5. Is dark matter dangerous to the solar system?

No, dark matter does not pose any known danger to the solar system. It is a natural part of the universe and has existed since the beginning of time. However, further research is needed to fully understand its effects on the formation and evolution of the solar system.
